MisterMike said:
But it just ticks me off at what people blame the President for.
I think the problem is, its easier to say "that damn Bush" or "that bastard Clinton", etc. than to seek the real cause of the issue.
People often forget that things usually must go through the proper chanels. Those channels are of course the Senate, and the House, as well as the advisors of the currently sitting President.
The whole Iraq situation is -not- George W. Bush's fault.
It is the fault of those spineless followers in Congress who in a moment of panic, gave him the power to set things in motion that brought us to this point.
It was the removal of certain checks and balances that caused other problems.
Considering the number of things a sitting president must deal with, he can't be expected to watch the news, read the paper, etc. He must rely on the information of his advisors.
There is an saying "Garbage in, Garbage out".
If your data is suspect, so are your conclusions.
I don't believe that W is actively behind alot of the crap. I do however believe there are those within his administration who are. This administration has been refered to in the alternative press as the "scandel of the week club" due to all the problems they are surrounded with. 1 man can't be that much of a dunderhead.
Some discenting stories that are quietly 'not-reported':
- The 15 nation Caribbean Community unanimously decided not to reconize the US-occupation government in Haiti. In Responce, Bush National Security Advisor Rice threatened Jamaican government with action unless they shipped the toppled Haitian president to Africa. This action would place Jamaica on the same list as Thailand, Stria, Somalia and the Philippines.
- Why did the Bush administration ignore signs of impending Al-Qaida attacks despite a request for a cabinet-level meeting in Jan 2001, a July 2001 FBI report and an August 2001 -personal- briefing? Then again, why did they suspend FBI monitoring of Al-Qaida members in the US prior to the 9/11 attacks? AG Reno listed a terroristic threat as the #1 concern. AG Ashcroft however didn't consider it an issue at all.
Stifling discent can take many forms. The mainstreme news sources don't touch this. As a result, many of the problems caused by Bush Administration policies are known only to small groups. Control the information, control the masses.
It's not a new policy. It is just being done at a larger level than ever before.
Anyone besides me wonder why gas prices are so high?
Can it have anything to do with US refineries not able to keep up with demand? The raw oil is here, we just can't process the stuff fast enough.
Could it have something to do with an administration with -heavy- ties to the oil industry? (Personally, I'd rather have a carrier named after me, not a tanker, but hey....)
Just food for thought.