Q an A

Yesterday I was practicing my orange ext.'s and noticed that during Obscure Wing has the same footwork as form 5 does with Leap Of Death. When executing O.W. you take the opponent down face up and while executing L.O.D. the opponent is face down. Once the attacker is down is where the footwork ext. became the same. Is there a connection between the two with the new material for the next level?? OR does this happen to be a coincodence in material? Thanks.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by C.E.Jackson
I notice you nave "Club Set 1" as a black belt requirement. Club set is not in the material I'm studying.
Is this an "official" requirement of the "16" system or is it a requirement of yours?
Is there any documentation, written of video Available on it's performance?
Cecil Jackson

Yes, it is an official Ed Parker requirement (at least for my studio prior to his passing). I usually don't post optional things that I may require for my students only the basics.

I did post the set on KenpoNet I think they have it stored in "the flame". I also posted it here as well some time ago you'd have to go to the archives.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Yes, it is an official Ed Parker requirement (at least for my studio prior to his passing). I usually don't post optional things that I may require for my students only the basics.

I did post the set on KenpoNet I think they have it stored in "the flame". I also posted it here as well some time ago you'd have to go to the archives.


I could'nt find it in the archives here, but I did find it in kenponet. Thanks.

Also I found in kenponet the lock flows you guys were talking about a few days ago. I knew I'd seen them somewhere!

Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Yesterday I was practicing my orange ext.'s and noticed that during Obscure Wing has the same footwork as form 5 does with Leap Of Death. When executing O.W. you take the opponent down face up and while executing L.O.D. the opponent is face down. Once the attacker is down is where the footwork ext. became the same. Is there a connection between the two with the new material for the next level?? OR does this happen to be a coincidence in material? Thanks.
Jason Farnsworth

Man, you guys must have found the "smart pills" as Mr. Parker would say?!! lol..... keep your eyes open and you will see more of what you found!

Good job

Now, maybe you undusted a bit better the story of the Full Blooded Chinese Man by the name of Tim O'Riley!:rofl:
To me, that's so tough to understand! My instructor says things
like that all the time, "this is just a variation of suchnsuch
technique, see?" as he does them both .. sometimes I got "OHH!"
and other times, I'm still like "huh?". I can never see that stuff
in the techs I learn. It's a bit of a bummer!
Originally posted by Kirk

To me, that's so tough to understand! My instructor says things
like that all the time, "this is just a variation of suchnsuch
technique, see?" as he does them both .. sometimes I got "OHH!"
and other times, I'm still like "huh?". I can never see that stuff
in the techs I learn. It's a bit of a bummer!

Yeah, I feel that way, too. If it helps any, some connections I went "huh?" about as a yellow belt I go "Ohh!" about now. It could be I understand better. Or, it could be that finding connections in Kenpo is like interpreting the Bible -- anything you want to be there is there, but who, if anyone, put it there?

Two conflicting ideas:
1) Ed Parker was a genius, making a thourough martial system with intricate detail and brilliant discoveries, which I will spend a lifetime figuring out, and
2) Humans have infinite capacity for self-deceit.

Can I trust the connections I find, or am I stretching too far to find the info? In the end, the ultimate master key technique, the one that covers them all, is "stop the bad guy". Delayed Sword alone holds most of the system that I've learned so far -- stop the attack, then counter multiple times.

Or maybe the only thing that really counts is that Kenpo gives me a logical way to look for stuff, making my discoveries as valid as anyone else's, whether the information was put there by Mr. Parker or not. If so, any connection I find is valid, providing I found it through logic. After all, that's how Mr. Parker found everything out in the first place, right?
Originally posted by Scott Bonner
Or maybe the only thing that really counts is that Kenpo gives me a logical way to look for stuff, making my discoveries as valid as anyone else's, whether the information was put there by Mr. Parker or not.

If so, any connection I find is valid, providing I found it through logic. After all, that's how Mr. Parker found everything out in the first place, right?

Our Awesome System [EPAK if taught correctly] first teaches us all the basics to motion, then teaches the awareness of your body actions and how to control them, then examines potential attacks and conditions of today's environment and offers a multitude of possible responses to form a knowledge base from which to logically draw from if ever a physical encounter occurs.

All "connections" or discoveries, parallels, tips, unique, interesting points, tweaks, and so on are there to either be taught or ran upon........ You have to ask yourself a question..... was this system this way by ACCIDENT OR DESIGN? My answer is that ....... there is WAYYYYYYYYYY to much stuff that puzzles together for it to be by accident...... no go hunt and find!

From there it's all yours baby!

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Now you are going to give people the wrong impression of me!! You didn't pee the 1st time I came at you (Your friend did and will again If I ever see him again) :rofl:

When I saw you ....... you hugged me!


I never got hugged like that! I got beaten , unmercifully, and was told to like it!:wah:
Originally posted by RCastillo
I never got hugged like that! I got beaten , unmercifully, and was told to like it!:wah:

Now STOP that! He never got picked up in a LIMO like YOU did ........ either!!
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Now STOP that! He never got picked up in a LIMO like YOU did ........ either!!

Hmmmmm, very true, and I'll be forever grateful for getting the "Elvis" treatment, but, was that Limo on the "Hot, Sheet?":eek:
if you keep it up you are going to be on the hot seat....... I have an egg warming up for you................:(


Originally posted by Goldendragon7

if you keep it up you are going to be on the hot seat....... I have an egg warming up for you................:(



Ok, I'll go to the back of the class , and work on Short 1!:(
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Yes, that is the Tracy equivalent technique


Originally posted by RCastillo

Bout time you gave me some credit!:soapbox:

These boards are so great for expanding your horizons. I always thought "Tracy" was used as a Qualifier. Not a compliment!
Originally posted by RCastillo

Bout time you gave me some credit!:soapbox:

Mr. Castillo,

You mentioned on your site that you were introduced to the Tracy's in 1976. How far did you get? I noticed you got your Black in 3 years (1993-1996) from Mr. Tracy in Kentucky, how was that experience?

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

CD....... how could you........

He's our friendly neighborhood Armadillo Man!!!


I am the "Rodney Dangerfield" of Kenpo, no respect!:(

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