Q an A

I'm blessed with being ambidextrous, so I change my fighting stance around depending on who I'm fighting. I generally write with my right hand and paint with my left hand. However, when I'm in school and taking a lot of notes, if my writing hand gets tired, i just switch. Drives my teachers batty. I think a lot of it may be growing up in the computer/vid game age. you have to use both hands fairly equally to do well at stuff like that. Also, I think I was probably born left handed, and my mom tried to switch me. I remember her taking things out of my left hand and putting them in my right, but I think she did me a favor. Now I can write with either hand, paint with either hand, play a guitar left or right handed, switch hit in softball, and fight comfortably with either hand lead. I fence left handed because the person who taught me was a lefty, tho. It is very convenient when you do something silly like sprain a wrist, which I do more often than i'd like to admit. I am decidedly right footed though.
Mr. Conatser,

Just a note to let you know how much I am enjoying the Q&A string. I am surprised that more people are not asking about your relationship with Mr. Parker.

How long were you doing Chinese Kenpo before you switched to EPAKK? What rank did you obtain and did you continue the Tracy derivation NCKKA techniques for a while? Following that when did you start with American Kenpo, then end up as Mr. Parker's shadow at seminars? Then doing seminars on your own as an intro to SGM Parker? (I know a lot of this is in The Journey, but I wanted to hear/read more if you feel like sharing.)

By the way, I have a picture up in the school of you, Mr. Parker, and a bunch of Mr. Duffy's senior students at the time. It had to be at one of the early seminars in Austin (it has to be pre-1986, because I was still a Brown Belt.)

Answer as little or as much as you want. I can keep my questions more Applied Kenpo oriented if that is what you intended for this string?

Originally posted by Michael Billings Mr. Conatser,
Just a note to let you know how much I am enjoying the Q&A string. I am surprised that more people are not asking about your relationship with Mr. Parker.

I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the string. I didn't know if anyone was interested in asking questions or not so I thought I'd try it. The feedback is good to determine what is wanted or not.

How long were you doing Chinese Kenpo before you switched to EPAKK? What rank did you obtain and did you continue the Tracy derivation NCKKA techniques for a while?

For 7 1/2 years I was a member of the N.C.K.K.A., and achieved my 1st Black in 4 1/2 years under Lonny Coots, then studied with his instructor for a couple of years and received my 2nd Black (lol was also demoted for one year back to 1st after being very vocal on some issue) oppss..... :( I continued to use the techniques that I had been taught and was in process of "Parkerizing" them when I got the opportunity to study directly with Mr. Parker. Once with Mr. Parker, I dropped the outdated technique curriculum and learned his syllabus completely.

Following that when did you start with American Kenpo, then end up as Mr. Parker's shadow at seminars?

I started with Mr. Parker in 1978. I don't think I was ever his shadow......... but WAS asked on numerous occasions if I were his son (I was with him every chance I could and I always loved to wear Hawaiian shirts of which he gave me one once in a while). I would call him and ask him what his schedule was so I could schedule him into Phoenix and where else he was going to be at and often times I flew to where he was to attend and assist him.

Then doing seminars on your own as an intro to SGM Parker?

Eventually I started doing seminars as well, for my close friends and others like Brian Duffy, who eventually became a student of Mr. Parker as well.

By the way, I have a picture up in the school of you, Mr. Parker, and a bunch of Mr. Duffy's senior students at the time. It had to be at one of the early seminars in Austin (it has to be pre-1986, because I was still a Brown Belt.)

Answer as little or as much as you want. I can keep my questions more Applied Kenpo oriented if that is what you intended for this string? :asian: Oos,-MichaelUKS-Texas

It says Q & A........ so ask what you want. If I can't or don't want to answer a question for whatever reason that is always my option. So fire away!
Originally posted by satans.barber

Why do we have right handed fighters train from a left stance predominantly (dominant hand at the rear) whilst many styles such as Kung Fu seem to have their fighters use stances such that their dominant hand is their lead hand?

Also, I'm right handed and left legged, is this rare/freakish/a problem?


Well you have company, I fight the same way. I'm right handed but kick left legged. I think it's cause I idolized Bill Wallace as a kid.

I like having my right hand back because it's my power hand, like a boxer.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

It says Q & A........ so ask what you want. If I can't or don't want to answer a question for whatever reason that is always my option. So fire away!

I really respect the fact that you mentioned that you were demoted one rank (which you had mentioned to me before). The fact that you hung in there is one thing, but the fact that you don't try to hide it shows a lot about your character. And shows us youngsters that even the best have "things" that occur early in their career.

... and no sarcasm intended. I have nothing but envy for the time you had with Mr. Parker ... but then I am glad there are people like you around to pass on, not only the knowledge, but the humor and intensity that was also his.

PS - you coming to town in late June?
Originally posted by jbkenpo
I really respect the fact that you mentioned that you were demoted one rank (which you had mentioned to me before). The fact that you hung in there is one thing, but the fact that you don't try to hide it shows a lot about your character. And shows us youngsters that even the best have "things" that occur early in their career.

Well thank you Jason...... it was not a "fun" year of my life..... in addition to that I was also "banned" from fighting for 3 months because while competing in the first MONEY tournament in Arizona, (and I was smoken at that time as a competitor) a competitor hit me square in the nose and made my nose immediately bleed! I was so furious (lack of personal control) that I grabbed the guy and started pounding him!!!!

Well they disqualified him for excessive contact....... but Mr. Hot Head got disqualified also for unsportsmanlike conduct. (hangs head):shrug: but I came out of that ......... a forms competitor..... since I couldn't compete in sparring...... I did forms and weapons... and placed nearly every tournament until I was able to fight again!:rofl:

Now I don't advocate you breaking the rules but I do wish everyone to make the best out of the hand you are delt with. What else can I say?!!

Again, thank you for the feedback.
Now I understand why Mr. C laughed at me when I told him about me getting my 1st Black taken away from me and not being allowed to wear a belt at all for a couple of years! (major lack of self-control). I laugh about it now, it wasn't so funny then. About the left hand-right hand issue. I was born left handed, but in the mid-70's in southern Virginia, teachers were still taking pencils out of the left hand and rapping it with a ruler until you learned to write right handed. That continued until I shattered my right hand (another lack of control issue at a young age). I rediscovered my left hand and came to rely on it almost exclusively....until I severed the arm to the bone and almost lost it in 95. I rediscovered my right hand. I still write predominantly right handed but am ambi in most other matters. I fight left hand back, right foot forward. After I had my right knee reconstructed in 96, my right leg wouldn't hold me well when I kicked, so my right leg became my predominant leg, which was a really good thing since I am a front leg kicker.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Well thank you Jason...... it was not a "fun" year of my life..... in addition to that I was also "banned" from fighting for 3 months because while competing in the first MONEY tournament in Arizona, (and I was smoken at that time as a competitor) a competitor hit me square in the nose and made my nose immediately bleed! I was so furious (lack of personal control) that I grabbed the guy and started pounding him!!!!

Well they disqualified him for excessive contact....... but Mr. Hot Head got disqualified also for unsportsmanlike conduct. (hangs head):shrug: but I came out of that ......... a forms competitor..... since I couldn't compete in sparring...... I did forms and weapons... and placed nearly every tournament until I was able to fight again!:rofl:

Now I don't advocate you breaking the rules but I do wish everyone to make the best out of the hand you are delt with. What else can I say?!!

Again, thank you for the feedback.

Okay, so who took away your rank? Mr Parker??? This I gotta
hear! Did he chew you a new one?
Thank you for your stories, and making this an exceptional thread to read and reread. Your wisdom and knowledge is greatly appreciated.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by Kirk
Okay, so who took away your rank? Mr Parker??? This I gotta
hear! Did he chew you a new one?

No, I was studying under Gary L. Swan at the time in Universal City Texas. He demoted me for a year. Then for my good behavior and continued study, it was given back.

Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Thank you for your stories, and making this an exceptional thread to read and reread. Your wisdom and knowledge is greatly appreciated. Salute,Jason Farnsworth

Thank You Jason for the feedback. I'm glad you are enjoying the string.
Keep the good questions coming!

Master key techs.?

1.Thundering hammers

2.5 swords

3. lone kimono

4. shielding hammer

5.locked wing

6. thrusting salute

7. parting wings

8.hooking wings

9. intellectual departure? (this one is sometimes left out of peoples curriculum now but where else does this block occur?)

10.shield and sword or repeating mace.

is this close or way off base? too litte or too many? wrong ones?

2nd question--
in or out of kenpo who are some people you have seen that just made you stop and think dang that person is really good, and what made you think that.


who has hit you the hardest in your life?
Originally posted by Kirk

Okay, so who took away your rank? Mr Parker??? This I gotta
hear! Did he chew you a new one?

It's not my place, but I will say it wasn't Mr. Parker!!!! and "chew you a new one" isnt' really the appropriate way to approach a time which he just said wasn't an easy time for him.

We're here to learn, not just rehash old feelings. That line of questioning does nothing positive. Let's have some courtesy and think about how you would feel if the question was asked of you in the same manner.

Originally posted by jbkenpo

Let's have some courtesy and think about how you would feel if the question was asked of you in the same manner.

I always do that ... but apologies nonetheless.
Thanks Jason, but I took no offense to Kirks question.... that was a long time ago and I learned the lesson..... thank you for watching out for my feelings......... you must feel close to me to feel that way....... lol.... I appreciate it!~ (but you revealed your inner feelings luke)

Originally posted by eternalwhitebelt
Master key techs.?

1.Thundering hammers
2.5 swords
3. lone kimono
4. shielding hammer
5.locked wing
6. thrusting salute
7. parting wings
8.hooking wings
9. intellectual departure? (this one is sometimes left out of peoples curriculum now but where else does this block occur?)
10.shield and sword or repeating mace.

is this close or way off base? too little or too many? wrong ones?

This is the Corrected List..........

1. Thundering hammers
2. 5 swords
3. Lone kimono
4. Shielding hammer
5. Repeating Mace
6. Locked Wing
7. Intellectual Departure*
8. Thrusting salute
9. Parting Wings
10. Hooking Wings

* Intellectual departure? (this one is sometimes left out of peoples curriculum now but where else does this block occur?
"if you mean this block include"... ID is taught in 1st Black for me.

Intellectual Departure
Circle of Doom
Rotating Destruction
Unfolding the Dark
Encounter with Danger

2nd question--
In or out of kenpo who are some people you have seen that just made you stop and think dang that person is really good, and what made you think that.

Man, that is hard, there are so many that I have seen, here is a partial list (I'm sure I will leave of someone).....

Steve LaBounty- total martial artist, Tom Kelly - tough teacher, Skip Hancock - the thinker, John Sepulveda - well rounded, Diane Tanaka - best female in Kenpo, Huk Planas - engineer,
Ralph Castellanos - meanest look and ability to back it up, Bob Liles - tough, Tom Riskas- cerebral giant, Ray Sua- great competitor, Byong Yu- smooth competitor, Joe Lewis-legendary fighter point/full contact, Mike Stone- most focused, Bill Wallace- best with the least (one leg that is difficult to get around, Steve Sanders- the fastest, Eric Lee-forms extraordinaire, Anthony Chan-best wu shu, Cynthia Rothrock- best female competitor (forms), Paulie Zink-flexibility king and lives his art like a monkey, Ark Wong- incredible Kung Fu master, Ted Tabura-most sharing and helpful, Benny Urquidez-king of no-fear attitude, Wally Jay-strongest controller and hand shaker, Robert Trias-great pioneer,
Tom Schlessinger-most logical for a Japanese stylist, Robert Haliberton-largest studio and largest of group of great fighters in one studio, Roy Kurban- king of toppling against all odds, George Chung-most talented competitor, & Ron Marchini- slyest fighter.

3rd Question--
who has hit you the hardest in your life?

This is a much easier question, but only based upon those that I have been around there are several out there that I have not had the opportunity to feel as of yet.... but I know they are out there!!!!!!! .... Ed Parker, Tom Kelly, Steve LaBounty, & Joe Lewis.

I know Elvis and his wife did alot of private lesson training with Ed Parker. Did you at any time get to meet or train with Elvis or his wife. Also to let you know I don't do any of the Parker Styles of Kenpo. My style is more Okinawan Kempo. They seem close in what they do but there are some different things also. I like to compare Kenpo notes / techniques with Kempo notes / techniques. This is the reason for asking about Cross of Destruction.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
I know Elvis and his wife did alot of private lesson training with Ed Parker. Did you at any time get to meet or train with Elvis or his wife. Also to let you know I don't do any of the Parker Styles of Kenpo. My style is more Okinawan Kempo. They seem close in what they do but there are some different things also. I like to compare Kenpo notes / techniques with Kempo notes / techniques. This is the reason for asking about Cross of Destruction.

No, I foolishly declined to go over to the Hilton one time when invited because I said ahhhh not now ....... next time..... and shortly there after there was no next time.

Tom Kelly was the one who taught Priscilla for a short period of time until she walked in with a black uniform...... and he told her to change to a white...... black was only for browns and black belts. She said..."you must not know who I am.... I'm Elvis wife"! Mr. Kelly being of course the most diplomatic person on the planet said I don't care who the hell you are these are the rules..... she walked out and soon found Mike Stone while checking out a Chuck Norris Studio. The rest was history.

I was sitting next to her in Las Vegas at Mike Stones 4 season tournament while at the head table in the early 70's.

Well Keep on a studying ..... were cousins......LOL
What are some of your biggest pet peeves in EPAK today?

This one, I hope I'm not out of line here, but .... have you
ever seen Mr Parker in any physical altercations?

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