Q an A

Why do the extensions start at Clutching Feathers and not with Delayed Sword?

I'm currious why none were put in for the 10 yellow belt techniques.

Maybe no extentions as it was an addition later to the system? There is a large debate regarding the origins of the yellow belt and it's purpose. I've heard a few and most seem to have a similar thread through them.

The one I made up is that most students peed themselves when guys like Dennis came at them the first time on the floor.

It's not true but it's funny.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Thanks Jason, but I took no offense to Kirks question.... that was a long time ago and I learned the lesson..... thank you for watching out for my feelings......... you must feel close to me to feel that way....... lol.... I appreciate it!~ (but you revealed your inner feelings luke)



Your ok...lol

Now I got Kirk thinking I'm a hard*ss when that is the further thing from the truth...

Originally posted by Kirk
What are some of your biggest pet peeves in EPAK today?

I think one of the biggest pep peeves I have is all the mis-information between the guys at the top. I think they all should work together to get to know and understand each other better so they can all work more or less together v.s. who is better or knows more than who.

"Rather than winning arguments ... I would like to see more agreements"!!

Many are trying to rewrite history and teach Kenpo as they want people to see it, rather than how and why it is like it was/is..... and enjoy all the differences and know why different people are the way they are and to acknowledge each others talents as such.

This one, I hope I'm not out of line here, but .... have you
ever seen Mr. Parker in any physical altercations?

No, but very close at the Internationals one year this fighter named "choo choo" was about to get his ........ handed to him. Mr. Parker came flying down the stage and the entire arena was around this one ring with he and Mr. Parker in the middle...... I was right behind Mr. Parker, Man was that exciting!! But it didn't come to pass. Thank goodness......... The guy smartly backed down......:rofl:

Sir I don't understand what was corrected concerning the list. Was it the order? Does that matter? If so why? Thank you very much for answering these questions. Another question I have is your response concering Intellectual departure. I understand that circle of doom, rotating destruction, unfolding the dark, and encounter with danger have been formaulated from this but why is it missing from so many peoples curriculum if it is a master key tech.?
I just found this Thread. This forum/site is like a City! I may never see it all.

I heard last year that there were 9 Master key moves. I have not heard anything else about what or how many Master Key's there are until now.

Are there Master Key moves, or techniques or both?

Is that list with Intellectual Departure, Circle of Doom... a Family Grouping? I have never had Intellectual Departure, but I know Circle of Doom and Rotating Destruction. I was told that Intellectual Departure was removed from the Yellow Belt Curriculum because it was too hard for beginners to get. I was told that Mr. Parker had it in there and he is the one that also took it out.

Truly this is an Excellent Thread.

Can you tell the story of why some techniques have extensions/how they are grouped.

I mean that I have heard that there are no extensions for the Brown Belt Techniques because of the way the original techniques were grouped.

I heard that Mr. Kelly had orginally intended/developed the Brown Belt material for 1st-3rd Black so that the extensions began right after Green but that someone then later re-ordered these charts after Mr. Kelly put them together. I also heard that Mr. Kelly was not pleased with this.

I hope this is a worthy question for this thread.

Is there anyone out there who moves a lot like Mr. Parker so that by seeing them in action we may have a better understanding of how Mr. Parker looked in action?

If Mr. Parker doesn't have a "twin" then who would you say is closest? Or is there no one because Mr. Parker encouraged everyone to tailor the art to themselves?

BTW, you having Mr. Kelly do a technique on you at Mr. Duffy's camp last year was maybe the coolest thing I've ever seen. Those films of the Internationals that we all watched at breakfast were kind of hard to see from my table.
Originally posted by Michael Billings

...I have nothing but envy for the time you had with Mr. Parker...

I had always hoped to study with Mr. Parker myself and this reminds me of a story.

I was told by one of the Black Belts at my studio around 1986 that Mr. Parker did not teach anymore and/or that he only did private lessons (which were undoubtedly prohibitively expensive).

Years later I finally switched to a first generation student of Mr. Parker and began learning EPAK.

I wish I had been able to study/see/visit Mr. Parker more often. The only 2 times I knew he was in Texas, I was there. I found out later from Mr. Duffy that Mr. Parker had been in or near Texas perhaps twice/year from perhaps 1985-1990. :mad: :cuss:

I want to stress that having this type of access to Mr. Conatser whether in person or via the internet is a gift and an opportunity that should not be taken for granted. I am very greatful to have fallen in with the group that I'm with.
as far as I'm concerned will not be able to get enough thank you's from everyone on this website. I am very grateful Mr. C. thinks enough of each individual person that he answers the questions posted here. Well here's 1 more. Thank you Mr. Conatser for sharing your knowledge and time with the rest of us that can't always get to Scottsdale.
Jason Farnsworth
Slow down, give the guy a chance to catch his breath and answer one or two of your questions before you scare him off!!

Yea, like that could happen ... NOT! But seriously, you may want to slow it down. I am 90% sure Mr. Duffy knows it or has seen it, so you may want to ask him. If not, the next time I see you I will teach you Intellectual Departure (or you can read it on my web site.) I know "Inquiring minds, just want to know."

Originally posted by cdhall

I was told that Intellectual Departure was removed from the Yellow Belt Curriculum because it was too hard for beginners to get. I was told that Mr. Parker had it in there and he is the one that also took it out.

It's hard to learn, unless taught well! Ask Huk Planas about it, and he'll give you tons of good info and make it easy to learn (or so it seemed when he covered it in a seminar I was at). Maybe it's just because we did it a thousand times. Then, Mr. Trejo spent the next hour showing us how to use it effectively in sparring. Quite a good day for learning Int Dep!

The problem I see with the tech is that it breaks a rule -- in it you turn your back to the opponent. Granted, you are doing a back kick at the time, but still you go from facing them to looking over your shoulder at them, then back to facing them.

But, once you learn it, you can see how it teaches a number of different concepts well, like one way to deal with a starting arm position that limits your defensive options, why we don't normally turn our backs, maintaining momentum while changing directions, one good way to surprise a sparring partner, and completing one of those _categories_ that so many people get irritated about. And other stuff. I'm sure when I'm a more advanced student I'll be able to pull more lessons to mind when I think of Int Dep.

In all, the tech has good and bad. I'm of a mind to teach it, so people can learn from it, even if it breaks rules as a self-defense tech (after all, it ain't the only one!).
Originally posted by eternalwhitebelt
Sir I don't understand what was corrected concerning the list. Was it the order? Does that matter? If so why? Thank you very much for answering these questions. Another question I have is your response concering Intellectual departure. I understand that circle of doom, rotating destruction, unfolding the dark, and encounter with danger have been formaulated from this but why is it missing from so many peoples curriculum if it is a master key tech.?

I just re-stated the main list.... most I believe were correct.
The Order is not really important.

On a revision of the Yellow Belt Techniques "Intellectual Departure" was taken off of the Yellow belt due to its sophisticated content and the decision was made to insert a simpler technique (Sword and Hammer) in its place for that level. It was never dropped out of the system but not inserted anywhere else in any particular Belt level either, (yes, confusing I know, along with darting leaves, pinning wing, controlled wing and others) Mr. Parker had a plan in mind but we will never know what or where he was eventually going to put or do with them. So we just keep them on our Master List of Techniques and I teach it at Brown or Black as an additional uncharted technique.
Originally posted by Klondike93
Why do the extensions start at Clutching Feathers and not with Delayed Sword?
I'm currious why none were put in for the 10 yellow belt techniques.

The Yellow Belt Techniques were designed to be embryonic and easy to introduce Kenpo to the beginner. As such they were by design classified as "stand alone" techniques for a specific reason.

As Mr. Parker logically re-adjusted the rest of the curriculum he added the extensions to the Orange Belt thru Green and expanded the system up to 3rd Black.

I use the Yellow Belt Techniques as a drill for learning how to create Extensions for my Black Belts. Since there are no prior Extensions for these techniques Everyone can experiment and develop them as an exercise...... fun stuff.

Originally posted by GouRonin
The one I made up is that most students peed themselves when guys like Dennis came at them the first time on the floor. It's not true but it's funny.

Now you are going to give people the wrong impression of me!! You didn't pee the 1st time I came at you (Your friend did and will again If I ever see him again) :rofl:

When I saw you ....... you hugged me!



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Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Well Bob,

Each technique/drill is taught for a reason, and they are only different possibilities that one may use to escape from a given attack. It certainly is not the only technique you could use and can be modified via knowledge of your "kenpo tools", i.e., you could stomp the instep to loosen up the grip so as to make it easier to escape thru the knowledgeable use of the equation formula's prefix.

I don't know exactly how clearly it was explained to you. There are several interpretations ..... here is an idea also...... you don't even need the hands to escape this hold..... you step off to your left and dip your head (as is done in the base explanation) and turn counter clockwise (without the hand grabs) and raise up. That alone can release the grip. From there you can left reverse sword hand to the groin or run.....

There are many, many different understandings of each technique to explore ask your instructor and keep working and studying the system ......... Your questions will lead you to the truth and knowledge.


A little like "Dancer" huh?
First I want to say that your contributions to this forum has been great benefit to many my self included. Your generous nature in sharing your fast knowledge is very refreshing and appreciated.

You've talked about Master Key Techniques.
How about discussing techniques containing Master Key Moves that are not Master Key Techniques.

Cecil Jackson
I notice you nave "Club Set 1" as a black belt requirement. Club set is not in the material I'm studying.

Is this an "official" requirement of the "16" system or is it a requirement of yours?

Is there any documentation, written of video available on it's performance?

Cecil Jackson

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