Q an A

Originally posted by Klondike93

Deep subject and I'm coming up dry :rofl: :rofl:


Mr. Klondike, don't listen to these boobs. Stick with me, I'll lead you in the right direction!:soapbox:
Originally posted by RCastillo

Mr. Klondike, don't listen to these boobs. Stick with me, I'll lead you in the right direction!:soapbox:

Right. Speaking of "Well" if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Castillo lives near a nearly inexhaustible source of undrinkable water!

Originally posted by RCastillo

Mr. Klondike, don't listen to these boobs. Stick with me, I'll lead you in the right direction!:soapbox:
Now That is a scary proposition!
Originally posted by cdhall

Right. Speaking of "Well" if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Castillo lives near a nearly inexhaustible source of undrinkable water!


Yes, our wonderful members of city government have finally realized that they nedd a de-salinization plant for fresh water!(Idiots):soapbox:
Originally posted by Seig

Now That is a scary proposition!

NO, I 'm not Michael Jackson, so I ain't scary! I am though, just good looking, wise, and a leader!:D
Originally posted by RCastillo

Yes, our wonderful members of city government have finally realized that they nedd a de-salinization plant for fresh water!(Idiots):soapbox:
I was suggesting the same thing when I was living in FLorida because they are always screaming there is a water shortage.
Originally posted by RCastillo

Yes, our wonderful members of city government have finally realized that they nedd a de-salinization plant for fresh water!(Idiots):soapbox:
I knew it, he has been drinking Mezquel instead of water!:rofl:
Boy could I go off on that subject right now. But no one would
read my post, it'd be too long, and wouldn't interest most! :)
Just a note.

Canada has most of the world's supply of fresh water.

Originally posted by GouRonin

Just a note.

Canada has most of the world's supply of fresh water.


well of course it does........everyone knows that crap runs down hill. That's why the water here tastes so bad, its the runoff from canada. hehehehehe

Originally posted by AvPKenpo

well of course it does........everyone knows that crap runs down hill. That's why the water here tastes so bad, its the runoff from canada. hehehehehe


Be nice to us Canadians, or we'll take away your hockey, basket ball and good beer.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

Be nice to us Canadians, or we'll take away your hockey, basket ball and good beer.

K, you can keep the beer :barf: but you have got to leave the hockey:cheers: .

Have you ever deliberately changed anything in a technique or form based on something you've found to be "more" logical. Kicking set is the obvious example, but I wondered if you had done it with any other parts of the material?
