Putting together a "coaching bag"

Maybe should clarify that my idea of a coaching bag is the small bag I carry on my back to use at ringside before, during or just after matches, not a bigger junk bag that sits in the stands...we do carry more as a team. We train our athletes to have the gear they need in their bags, including general and specific supplies they've learned they need such as tape, snacks, drinks, etc. We do keep more involved first aid supplies, but that need is usually met by on-site medical staff.

Fingernail Clippers.

cant tell you how many times i seen peope get turned away to cut their nails... or get a nail bent back and need cut between rounds.

I also keep a bottle of Afrin Nasal spray to help ease breathing freely. Been told it was a bad idea, but it works for me. I dont share it or give it to students, but just a thought to keep an un-opened one in a bag and if you have a competitor fighting who is having trouble breathing with a mouthpiece in because they are congested, it works. I hit a shot before each match.

also a can of athletes foot spray.

Currently in my "Coaches backpack":

Bottle of Alieve
1" & 2" Rolls Tape
Fingernail Clippers
Afrin nasal spray
2 BRAND NEW in package mouthpeices
2 Kicking paddles.
pocket knife
Mini saftey scissors

Missing: Tiger Balm! Instant Ice Pack.
I did forget one. Neosporin. Helps to keep scratches from comeptitors fingernails from getting infected.
Fingernail Clippers.

cant tell you how many times i seen peope get turned away to cut their nails... or get a nail bent back and need cut between rounds.

I also keep a bottle of Afrin Nasal spray to help ease breathing freely. Been told it was a bad idea, but it works for me. I dont share it or give it to students, but just a thought to keep an un-opened one in a bag and if you have a competitor fighting who is having trouble breathing with a mouthpiece in because they are congested, it works. I hit a shot before each match.

nail clippers is a good idea. generally this is handled pretournament, but you never know. afrin is actually very bad for you. If you take in combination with some sort of steroid, like prendisone (sp?) then it is ok, but alone, it leads to permanent problems. prendisone is also kind of bad, and leads to hip and joint degeneration.
nail clippers is a good idea. generally this is handled pretournament, but you never know. afrin is actually very bad for you. If you take in combination with some sort of steroid, like prendisone (sp?) then it is ok, but alone, it leads to permanent problems. prendisone is also kind of bad, and leads to hip and joint degeneration.

yeah, I have been told. But luckily I didnt take it enough that it should have any lasting effects. 1-2 days a month I felt wouldn't be any different than if I had a cold and used it. And never had to take it with Predisone.
Do you also throw in glucose tablets?

I never though of carrying any, but during one band event one of the kids had a blood sugar drop that was reportedly pretty severe...OK, it was extreme, since the girl won the gummiworm eating competition during the pep rally....what goes up must come down....
Do you also throw in glucose tablets?

I never though of carrying any, but during one band event one of the kids had a blood sugar drop that was reportedly pretty severe...OK, it was extreme, since the girl won the gummiworm eating competition during the pep rally....what goes up must come down....

Over the summer one of my students terrified me with a blood sugar drop so yes, actually, I carry glucose. I don't know many other coaches who do though actually

Inhalers, what's the verdict on those? I heard something about them being used almost like the Afrin spray that was mentioned but I have an asthmatic student who forgets his inhaler sometimes; I always have to ask him if he has it before class.
Maybe something to ask your pharmacist or doctor?
I had one lady experience an asthma attack during a sparring match...it was really freaking scary. Though I knew her (she was one of the BB judges for our tests) I had no idea she was asthmatic. She had her inhaler nearby in her bag, but still...

Good idea to consider. (But probably something you would want to give to the person using it after wards?)
Yeah I'm thinking even with just him in mind I should carry some.

Gran have you heard of inhalers being used the way I mentioned? Any merit to it? Would I, as a normal healthy young adult, see a performance gain by using an inhaler of any sort before a fight? I could swear I read this as a topic here but I cannot for the life of me find the thread.
we only had short rounds, and about 3 or 4 of those. So really I have no idea what happens if you use an inhaler off label. I don' think I would recommend it.