Pulp...errr TKD Fiction

Originally posted by RCastillo
Yeah, with the Goldendragon in front!;)

I would venture to make a sure guess; that the goldendragon will make sure you are in the front.

(As Mick Foley said): Have a nice day!
Originally posted by Seig
Your wife will be pissed when you give my wife her diamond....
So, you really think Tess cna be bought off that easily? Besides, who's gonna drive you?

Drive??? I forgot that part...........:o
Go ahead, try and steal my wife

I have a new gun I am just dieing to try out......
Originally posted by Seig
Go ahead, try and steal my wife

I have a new gun I am just dieing to try out......

The "Queen of Pain" is too tough for me. I'll just watch from afar........like Texas!:eek:
Originally posted by Seig
That does it! You two quit posturing and get your posteriors here in September!

He started it, and now he's gonna follow SGM Parkers words of wisdom, and mediate horizontaly when I see him!:boxing:
Originally posted by Seig
That does it! You two quit posturing and get your posteriors here in September!

You know that I will do my best to get there. Everything kind of comes down to this block time at work where we can't take time off.
Originally posted by RCastillo
He started it, and now he's gonna follow SGM Parkers words of wisdom, and mediate horizontaly when I see him!:boxing:

:eek: :shrug: :mad:

Don't matter, and I'll be ready.:p
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
:eek: :shrug: :mad:

Don't matter, and I'll be ready.:p

Good, pick me up on time. I hate to be late to anything. BTW, Your treat:cool:
Originally posted by RCastillo
He started it, and now he's gonna follow SGM Parkers words of wisdom, and mediate horizontaly when I see him!:boxing:
Don't forget your cup. Last time he was here, Jason got the "Super Secret Super Level 16 Boot to the Groin" training.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
You know that I will do my best to get there. Everything kind of comes down to this block time at work where we can't take time off.
I thought you had the flu that time of year.:confused:
Originally posted by RCastillo
Good, pick me up on time. I hate to be late to anything. BTW, Your treat:cool:
More than likely, I will be the oen picking you up. What's he treating you to?