Pulp...errr TKD Fiction

Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Don't you have wild game that has a hard time being controlled in your area? Deer are the worst thing here in ohio. If there's one there's always more and they all run across the road; always. It's pretty much a given at some time or another you are going to hit one. Last month my mom hit 2 of those stupid things. One was hit and killed instantly the other I guess was hit in the back quarter of the heiney. It ran off. However the 1900 dollars of damage to her new blazer made her more angry.

The only wild game in this concrete jungle that needs controlling are the students . For that I need a cattle prod.:mad:
Originally posted by RCastillo
Just IKKO guys who go deer hunting in winter!:eek:
Just for that, I shan't share when you finally drag your butt up here. I will be eating venison while you shall be eating Big Bites from 7-11.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
They have to be thinned out or you find deer in your windshield and stuff around here.:rolleyes:
That would be considered the "Drive" technique while hunting. Now you know why I have such a large truck.
Originally posted by Jill666
The IKKO guys or the deer? :D
That would depend on wether you are talking about my hair, yes, it nees to be thinned on a regular basis, my waist line, it goes throw a constant thinning/thickening process, or the deer popultaion, I do my best to contribute.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Don't you have wild game that has a hard time being controlled in your area? Deer are the worst thing here in ohio. If there's one there's always more and they all run across the road; always. It's pretty much a given at some time or another you are going to hit one. Last month my mom hit 2 of those stupid things. One was hit and killed instantly the other I guess was hit in the back quarter of the heiney. It ran off. However the 1900 dollars of damage to her new blazer made her more angry.
I guess she supports deer hunting then.
Originally posted by RCastillo
The only wild game in this concrete jungle that needs controlling are the students . For that I need a cattle prod.:mad:
I guess the wild armadillos and javelinas are not an issue then?
A buddy of mine who runs a kung fu school related this to me. When tkd was in the Olympics for the first time a student came up tohim and asked, "Sifu, I just saw the taekwondo competition and I don't understand it." My friend said to him, "It's like this: you can't punch the guy in the face, kick him i the balls or hithim when he's down." His student replied, "Well, what the hell kinda fightin' is that?"

Dan Anderson
Originally posted by Seig
I guess the wild armadillos and javelinas are not an issue then?

Hey, my Kenpo don't work against them Javelinas!:eek:
Originally posted by Seig
Just for that, I shan't share when you finally drag your butt up here. I will be eating venison while you shall be eating Big Bites from 7-11.

That's ok, The "Queen of Pain" will take me out to dinner!;)
Originally posted by Seig
Just for that, I shan't share when you finally drag your butt up here. I will be eating venison while you shall be eating Big Bites from 7-11.

He will probably be just as happy.:confused:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
For some reason I doubt it.:rolleyes:

Yeah! All I gotta do is wave that diamond around I'm gonna give her, and we're off to dinner!;)
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Maybe just for sport we'll ask you to be the javalin catcher at Seig's place.:rofl:

Yeah, with the Goldendragon in front!;)
Originally posted by RCastillo
Yeah! All I gotta do is wave that diamond around I'm gonna give her, and we're off to dinner!;)
Your wife will be pissed when you give my wife her diamond....
So, you really think Tess cna be bought off that easily? Besides, who's gonna drive you?