Propaganda Then and Now

Oh, absolutely. If you aren't at least a little cynical about politics, or at least politicians, you are just not paying attention.

I often ask the question, as I'm sure all of my American brothers do, why do we put up with this?

And then Bernays and his slimy little reptile nutriders enter the picture. Big Don, I consider myself a reformed liberal. There are so many places that I bet we agree more then disagree.

Why can't we put our minds together?

Bernays and the whackjob they put on our minds. "They" want us to be this way.

Sorry if you don't beleive this, but this is what I think.
I often ask the question, as I'm sure all of my American brothers do, why do we put up with this?
It is hard not to vote for politicians, they are almost always the only ones running...
We could have elected Perot...
Q Who else are you going to get with the administrative skills?
A Businessmen.
Damn near all American politicians have legal degrees, attorneys are a plague on ALL our houses.
i was being serious, but whatever.

have a nice day bud

So was I....wait, which do you mean, Mencken or Soldier of, wait, doesn't matter-I was being serious about well as not reading any of that stuff you posted, but whatever....

Have a nice day?
I think, regardless of what source it comes from, that the demonization of the opposite side is the biggest propaganda piece in society today. It used to be at one time that you could disagree and still remain cordial, even friendly. But for some reason now, that is not the case. I even saw a special on the differences between the way Congressmen deal with each other now, versus how they treat each other today. One Congressman stated in the past, you could fight on the floor, but then go out and have a good meal with each other that night.

Here are some examples:

If you belive in building the border fence, you must be racists.

If you don't believe we should have gone to Iraq, then you are un-American and un-patriotic.

If you don't believe in welfare, then you must hate the poor.

If you don't believe the government should pay for health care for families, then you must not care about children.

(If my examples seem to point in the direction of "right-leaning", its only because I am more conservative. I am sure there are many examples of the "right" doing the same thing.)

The point is, propaganda uses facts and information to try to elicit an emotional response, rather then a well thought out one.

In my view, a proper definition of the word "propaganda" is not lies. It is selecting and using only those particular facts and information which forces the listener in a certain direction. The propagandist chooses or ignores those facts which disagree with their supposition. In that context, I don't feel that the screen shots shown, in and of themselves, reflect propaganda. They are certainly a perspective based on what those commentaters (not news casters or journalists) believe they know to be true. Now, depending on what they actually say and show, then it may be considered propaganda. But that is mostly based on what they leave out, not what they put into their comments.
I'm still not sure how this got to be an argument about fair and balanced news, and the whole conservative vs. liberal thing.

BOTH SIDES use it! Listen to even the word choices to elicit a different response.

For example:

"Hillary Claims..." vs. "Hillary states..." When you use the word "claim" it implies that it isnt' true or there is some type of falsehood. The use of words and language to manipulate things is very subtle.
I'm still not sure how this got to be an argument about fair and balanced news, and the whole conservative vs. liberal thing.

BOTH SIDES use it! Listen to even the word choices to elicit a different response.

For example:

"Hillary Claims..." vs. "Hillary states..." When you use the word "claim" it implies that it isnt' true or there is some type of falsehood. The use of words and language to manipulate things is very subtle.

It got that way because I used Fox as an example-even called it the most blatant one. I never denied that the "other side" uses propaganda-I even pointed out that I believe that there really is no "other side," that this is a perception that the media (among others) manipulates, and utilizes to manipulate what the public thinks.

Some, of course, want to believe that their source for news is "fair and balanced," and that the commentators they watch and listen to are "telling it like it is." To say otherwise is to offer some sort of insult, though I don't see how-since, as you've rightly pointed out, THEY ARE ALL PROPAGANDIZED.

I'll point out here that WOlf Blitzer is so clearly biased and in favor of Hillary Clinton's candidacy that I'm waiting for his head to explode on CNN when Obama clinches the nomination.....or at least break down and cry when Hillary finally quits...:lol:
What do you think? Are we getting more bull now as compared to before?
Heavens no.

As has been explained ad naseum, the SHIP's Crew's MISSION WAS ACCOMPLISHED.

George W. Bush,USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003
"In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed

Of course, the White House staff made the banner, and the Navy hung it up-and who knows, the Navy might have asked for it after a long deployment......

...and I suppose flying in on a jet in a flight suit wasn't propaganda, either....

George W. Bush, Camp As Sayliya, June 5, 2003
"America sent you on a mission to remove a grave threat and to liberate an oppressed people, and that mission has been accomplished.

As has been explained ad naseum, the SHIP's Crew's MISSION WAS ACCOMPLISHED.

Thank you. Gawd, the willful ignorance regarding this sign is unbelievable. Had they put up a "Welcome Home" sign, people would be sputtering, "but, but, but, there are still troops over there! Ha Ha! Yer dumb!"
Shakespeare was pretty good at propaganda, he has people believing Richard the Third was an evil hunchback. Of course to have written otherwise wouldn't have been politic for him as Queen Elizabeth's grandfather was the one who deposed Richard! As they say - the victor writes the history!
As has been explained ad naseum, the SHIP's Crew's MISSION WAS ACCOMPLISHED.
I know that's what Dana is telling people now. It was supposed to be the "end of major combat operations" for quite a while once it was clear the troops were still getting shot at however.

The Bush administration's famous for staging countless photo ops like that one.
I know that's what Dana is telling people now. It was supposed to be the "end of major combat operations" for quite a while once it was clear the troops were still getting shot at however.

The Bush administration's famous for staging countless photo ops like that one.
Violence against allied troops continued well past V-E day too...
Please, please, please, people, this isn't a partisan issue! For my US audience, I am an American, I have children, I work and try to provide for my family. How different are we? What do we accomplish by squadering our creative ability in fighting each other?

If some of you paid any attention to Bernays and others of his ilk that I posted, then you see what was happening.

We are being turned against each other on purpose.
Violence against allied troops continued well past V-E day too...

Yep. Sure did........not for five years, though.Operation Werwolf never really came together, and mostly faded away after two years-in part because the German people recognized the the U.S. was rebuilding their country. A comparison of Iraq's conquest, occupation, insurgency and "rebuilding" with that of Germany's post-WWII chronology is disingenuous, fatuous, absurd, and cognitively dissonant at's also propaganda, that you might have heard on Fox News...or CNN...or ABC...or NBC...or MSNBC....or CBS....or maybe the BBC....nah, probably not the BBC. :lol:

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