Promotion of Master Walter L. Lang to Grandmaster

Who's Walter Lang?

I've heard of many people in Tae Kwon Do (some I wish I hadn't), but I've never heard of him.

Walter Lang is a Ch'ang H'on stylist, originally with the ITF - which is why you've probably never heard of him; the ITF isn't as widespread - and therefore not as publicized - as the WTF. At one point, he was the Vice President of the USTF, under GM Charles Sereff. For more information, check on our website.
Kacey when the ceremonies are done can you post some pics if you have any?
Kacey when the ceremonies are done can you post some pics if you have any?

I don't have any of the promotion itself, as I was in them - but they'll be up on the webpage as soon as they're processed.

This picture is from the night before, at the restaurant the Board of Directors took GM Lang and the visiting masters who came for the promotion. There were 7 masters (which, in the ITF, means VII Dan or higher), plus the Board... as a IV Dan, I was the 2nd-lowest rank present...


So Kacey, which one is Gm. Lang?

(Great photo... I love group photos in bars; people always look so happy, because in a good bar it's hard not be :) )
So Kacey, which one is Gm. Lang?

The one near the middle, with the glasses and white moustache/goatee.

(Great photo... I love group photos in bars; people always look so happy, because in a good bar it's hard not be :) )

We were actually there for dinner - it's a restaurant called The Melting Pot - but the room we were in wasn't set up for a group photo, and the waitress took that picture from the stairs down from where we ate; it was the only angle she could get all of us in from.
The one near the middle, with the glasses and white moustache/goatee.

Got it—thanks for the ident.

We were actually there for dinner - it's a restaurant called The Melting Pot - but the room we were in wasn't set up for a group photo, and the waitress took that picture from the stairs down from where we ate; it was the only angle she could get all of us in from.

It's a very upbeat photo—this was clearly a really happy group of people!

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