I just returned from Grandmaster LangÂ’s Promotion Ceremony and the Colorado State Championships in Westminster, Colorado on March 10th. The Tournament was a great success with over 160 competitors from 5 States competing in 66 divisions including Individual Patterns, Sparring, Breaking, Blindfold Patterns, Hosin-Sul, and Team Patterns.
There were 12 Masters present for Grandmaster LangÂ’s promotion ceremony from the Yom Chi Taekwon-Do Association, the International Taekwon-Do Federation, the International Chang-Hon Taekwon-Do Federation, the United States Taekwon-Do Federation, and the American Taekwon-Do Federation International to commemorate this historic event.
U.S. Congressman Ed Perlmutter (Colorado) sent a personal letter of congratulations to Grandmaster Lang that was read at the ceremony.
Five Taekwon-Do Organizations were represented, all at one event! Including the Masters and the YCTA Board, Officers, and Directors there were a lot of “Dans” participating and all on the floor together…over 120 “Dans” with an excess of 500 years of combined TKD experience.
The cerimony was quite befitting a master who has devoted 41 years to the art and has personaly produced thousands of black belts. It was quite a memorable occasion!
There will be more to follow about these events soon in Taekwon-Do Times and photos will be posted to the YOM CHI web site.I would like to thank all my brothers and sisters in the martial arts for their well-wishes.
Congratulations Grandmaster Lang!
Douglas Arnold
There were 12 Masters present for Grandmaster LangÂ’s promotion ceremony from the Yom Chi Taekwon-Do Association, the International Taekwon-Do Federation, the International Chang-Hon Taekwon-Do Federation, the United States Taekwon-Do Federation, and the American Taekwon-Do Federation International to commemorate this historic event.
U.S. Congressman Ed Perlmutter (Colorado) sent a personal letter of congratulations to Grandmaster Lang that was read at the ceremony.
Five Taekwon-Do Organizations were represented, all at one event! Including the Masters and the YCTA Board, Officers, and Directors there were a lot of “Dans” participating and all on the floor together…over 120 “Dans” with an excess of 500 years of combined TKD experience.
The cerimony was quite befitting a master who has devoted 41 years to the art and has personaly produced thousands of black belts. It was quite a memorable occasion!
There will be more to follow about these events soon in Taekwon-Do Times and photos will be posted to the YOM CHI web site.I would like to thank all my brothers and sisters in the martial arts for their well-wishes.
Congratulations Grandmaster Lang!
Douglas Arnold