Profile of a Killer

One thing I've noticed that adds to at least my consturnation about the whole thing. Is I have no real idea about muslim culture. So I'm thniking this.
And the more learned of you can enlighten me if you wish.
They have basically 2 main cultures Suni and Sheite but within those are several sub factions as well (Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Queda) . Add to that add in cultural things from their varried countries. Looks like a hard to understand mess to me. Hmm seems like the west has some things similar at least religeously (Catholic, Prod, Evangelical, Lutheran, Agnostic) and at least in the US Regional and such (Yankee, Rebel, Indian, you get the drift).
So it would seem that Some standard deffinitions would help.
Heck I got no answers just a whole bunch of questions.

Might be easiest untill it all gets figured out to STAY OFF EACHOTHERS LAWN.

, etc)))), etc.)etc

confused by these assertions: I think you are, perhaps, just confused about the inclusion of Iran in that grouping, although I'm wondering how that confusion could occur, given attention to recent Iranian events and history. Perhaps an oversight or conflation.

Radical muslim extremism is dangerous because of its state sponsorship, its desire through its state sponsorship to get weapons of mass destruction and use them, and the way they are not percieved as the level of threat they deserve. All muslims are not terrorists but "main stream" muslims aren't the ones we are worried about. If they controlled the governments in Iran, (snipped) there wouldn't be the danger. They don't control those countries and the former dictatorships are falling apart but won't be replaced by "moderate" muslims."

Iran is currently controlled by radical Shia Muslims (as I understand your assertions). The US supported dictator (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah until 1979) was driven out, exhiled himself and died. Certainly, that dictatorship was not "replaced by "moderate" muslims." People may differ on the severity of the threat posed by the current Iranian leadership, both religious/governmental but there can be no confusion regarding the suppresive measures taken within Iran currently.
The only thing holding back the extremists before was the strong man dictators who wanted to oppress the people. [/QUOTE]

Quite successfully, for a time by the Shah, with enormous American (and other) financial and military support tragic consequences. Joint American and British efforts placed him in that position and contributed, regretfully, to the destruction of a valuable 'democratic' strand in an admirable population. When his reign finally was ended, it was a religious led popular up-rising that accomplished it - but bill - that was in 1979/80, 30 years ago. How is it that you include Iran in your observation quoted? I'm confused, but not argumentative?
One thing I've noticed that adds to at least my consturnation about the whole thing. Is I have no real idea about muslim culture. So I'm thniking this.
And the more learned of you can enlighten me if you wish.
They have basically 2 main cultures Suni and Sheite but within those are several sub factions as well (Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Queda) . Add to that add in cultural things from their varried countries. Looks like a hard to understand mess to me. Hmm seems like the west has some things similar at least religeously (Catholic, Prod, Evangelical, Lutheran, Agnostic) and at least in the US Regional and such (Yankee, Rebel, Indian, you get the drift).
So it would seem that Some standard deffinitions would help.
Heck I got no answers just a whole bunch of questions.

Might be easiest untill it all gets figured out to STAY OFF EACHOTHERS LAWN.

, etc)))), etc.)etc

Well, according to one resident expert who I won't name but everyone can guess, the culture is simple: Kill Non Believers. Keep women down.

Here, let our expert tell you:

[h=3]History of Islamic Hostility and an Analysis of Current Threat Potential[/h]
the BOOK preaches violence wether they act on it or not
the book commands violent death to the infidel.
There is this nugget or wisdom
christians are not blowing **** up
pretty much closes that argument down.
TODAY i dont have to worry about christians blowing me up, i DO have to worry about muslims blowing my **** up.
but honor killings are cutural, not religious........despite them all being done by muslims.....
And so forth.
I have a problem with thier religion which is caustic and rotten from top to bottom
founded by a pedophile, a warlord who proclaimed himself a prophet and killed anyone that disagreed
he preached violence, rape torture and muder
forced conversions
world wide conquests
it is a hatefull, evil, violent belief system
i dont care what good things muslims have done, if they follow that book, they are edifying a child molesting murderer
Jesus never killed anyone
Jesus didnt pump a NINE YEAR OLD
even Joe Smith didnt go THERE
islam has produced as much evil as nazism and marxism, and should be included in the lists of great evils of the world.

There you go. Everything you need to know. You can also refer to the thread where a number of posters post facts, figures and historical background.

See also
[h=3]Who "crusaded" first, islam or christianity[/h]
bill et al,

sorry, poorly edited by me. The following was part of my reply, sorry for any mis-understanding.

(reply to billC)
Iran is currently controlled by radical Shia Muslims (as I understand your assertions). The US supported dictator (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah until 1979) was driven out, exhiled himself and died. Certainly, that dictatorship was not "replaced by "moderate" muslims." People may differ on the severity of the threat posed by the current Iranian leadership, both religious/governmental but there can be no confusion regarding the suppresive measures taken within Iran currently.
iran is currently one of the chief exporters of terrorism, and funds and supplies soldiers, training and equiptment to the terrorists and other foriegn fighters killing our soldiers. The radical muslim government in Iran, unlike the Shaw, finances the rocket attacks on Israel, exports terrorists to foreign countries and is trying to achieve nuclear statehood with an eye to threatening our forces in the middle east and Israel. That wasn't happening when the shaw was in control. A dictator, the shaw, was replaced not by moderate muslims, but by muslim extremists bent on spreading the hate. The problems we have had in Iraq are a large part due to Iran. Now imagine Egypt, Libya (which was exporting terrorism until reagan bombed the country, and then gave up its bad behavior after Bush invaded Iraq and Sadaam was hung) Syria, just not content to murder their own and Israelis, but to exponentially increase terrorist activities because radical muslim groups have control of the government.

Even the secular muslim country of Turkey is becoming slowly radicalized. I am all for moderate, democrat governments overthrowing dictators and establishing governments that are good for the people. I just don't see that happening when the radical muslim group, the muslim brotherhood, is put forth as the moderate force in these overthrows. I wonder if you looked at funding for the muslim brother hood if Iran's name would be found in the money trail.
Thanks I like simple (1's and 0's)
So it is real simple. Stay off my lawn. And don't ask for my money.
I think that was sarcasm. Though I like the "Stay off my lawn. And don't ask for my money."
Now if I could just convince Sam to do that. You know Sam right? He's my Uncle, lately down on his luck and begging everyone for cash. Keeps getting caught with his hands in someones pants at the airport. ;)
Here is a BBC article on Iran's support of world wide terrorism...

from the article:

he report charges that Iran's involvement in countries like Lebanon, Iraq,
Afghanistan and in the Palestinian territories threatens efforts to promote
peace, economic stability in the Gulf and democracy.
The report singles out the Quds force, an elite branch of Iran's
Revolutionary Guard as the channel through which Iran supports terrorist
activities and groups abroad.

The report also takes to task Syria, an Iranian ally in the region.

Of equal concern, our correspondent notes, is the advance of al-Qaeda in
Pakistan and Afghanistan where terrorist attacks are sharply on the rise while
the rest of the world, including Iraq, has seen terrorist attacks decrease.
I think if you're going to profile killers, you need to pick a few and start there.

We're obviously focusing on a particular type of killer here, the type that will do wholesale mass slaughter.

Here's a few case's, designated 'terrorist' actions. This omits a lot, Columbine for example.

In recent years, terrorists have performed acts of mass murder to intimidate a society and draw attention to their causes. Examples of major terrorist incidents involving mass murder of more than 100 individuals include:

You may also want to look here and here
I think that was sarcasm. Though I like the "Stay off my lawn. And don't ask for my money."
Now if I could just convince Sam to do that. You know Sam right? He's my Uncle, lately down on his luck and begging everyone for cash. Keeps getting caught with his hands in someones pants at the airport. ;)

Oh yeah I forgot unless your my wife keep your hands outta my pants :) (I was talking about that drug addicted uncle a few of us "Forumites" have)
Crap now it's getting complicated again.
cuz they cant read very well.

i make note of makign sure i say "radicals" when talking about the PEOPLE

the religion says what it says, the good, non dangerous muslims are just not acting on the books instructions

i have said again and again, and i will say ONE LAST TIME SO PAY ATTENTION

i think the religion is well and truely screwed up

the people are by and large ok, depends on how seriously they take thier religion

do i need to be more clear? or do you wnt to pretend you know better than me what i say some more?

I am about tired of the no reading comprehension having see what they want to see people here.

Quick little exercise for you. Go to your profile, click "view all posts", scan through the relevant topics, and see how frequently you type "the muslims". Not Al-Queda, not the Taliban, not "islamic terrorists", not even "Palestinians", but "the muslims". Then reconsider why Tez and so many other forumites (I really love that word) think you have a problem with "the muslims".
can i play?

In recent years, terrorists have performed acts of mass murder to intimidate a society and draw attention to their causes. Examples of major terrorist incidents involving mass murder of more than 100 individuals include:
You may also want to look here and here

ok, how many of the attacks on that list were comitted by muslims versus christians?

and remember, this week in norway doesnt count since there is NO evidence whatsoever that this guy was religious AT ALL...same for Tim McVey, They dont count since they were not motivated by religion.

i'll wait

PS, while you try to warp the facts to TRY and make christianity and islam equally dangerous, dont blame me if i laugh
lets see:

Siks: 1
anti muslim white guy: 1
Islamic terrorists: 12-13
Anti government white guy: 1

yeah, tell me what groups are no threat again?
You left out 2- Organized Crime

Your data on Oklahoma City and Norway are...incomplete.

As to the rest, no, I'm not going to argue with you on this again. Said all I need to in other threads.
Norway-anti muslim white guy, no religious involvment at all

Ok City- anti government white guy, no religious motivation at all


as to the rest? you may not like it, but all of them were done by muslims, sure, not all, not most, but SOME muslims cared enough to do these horrible crimes

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