Profile of a Killer

Violence by muslims stats:

From the aricle:

(3,098 killed
by Muslims in America in 67 terror attacks)

Hate crimes in america against americans of the jewish faith:

from the article:

WASHINGTON – Who hates whom in America?
If the latest FBI hate-crime statistics are any indication, of the 1,314 verified offenses motivated by religious bias, 68.5 percent were anti-Jewish.
Only 11.1 percent were anti-Islamic, despite claims of rampant anti-Muslim bigotry in the U.S. by groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations.
Across the board, hate crimes in the U.S. dropped last year by 6 percent, according to the 2005 FBI report release last week, although violence against people based on their race accounted more than half of the reported incidents.
Police nationwide reported 7,163 hate crime incidents in 2005, targeting victims based on their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and disabilities. That was down from 2004, when the FBI reported 7,649 incidents.(Story continues below)

The data was collected from police agencies across the country, representing city, county, state, tribal and federal law enforcement agencies.

Read more: American Jews top hate-crime targets

Read more: American Jews top hate-crime targets

2009 some stats:

From the article:

Of the 1,575 victims of anti-religious hate crimes, 71.9 percent were victims because of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
Last edited: is a hate site run by islamophobes. Only another islamophobe would find them a proper source.
Reading through this, you find the islamohobes are simply wrong.

But we're off topic here. I'm very familiar with that road, haha!

In my topic start, I pointed out the traits of a looney. A dangerous individual, one likely to pick up arms and start blowing things up and killing little kids.
We then had someone wander in and wonder about the Norway gunmans gear and load.
Does he fit the profile for a deranged islamophobic killer?

  1. member of a forum which encourages attacks on government buildings.
  2. extreme right wing views who hated Muslims.
  3. a member of 'Nordisk' which has 22,000 members and focuses on political terrorism.
  4. raving internet posts.
  5. a Christian and a conservative.
  6. expressed extremist Islamophobic views on forums and criticised immigration policies.
  7. argued that the media were not critical enough about Islam
  8. He argued that socialism was breaking down traditions, culture, national identity and other societal structures and that this in turn made society weak and confused.
  9. had right-wing and anti-Muslim views.

There is the check list. How many of these fit I wonder?
1 not that I know
2 yup
3 not that I know
4 yup
5 yes and yes again
6 yes and i don't know
7 yes
8 I think he did
9 yes again.
So, 8 out of 10 matches to a Christian looney who blew up a building and murdered 100 people in cold blood.
I'd hate to match that profile.

If you don't like the reflection in the mirror mate, change your face. Don't get parsnickity with the messenger for pointing out you're a a high risk case for being considered a raving looney. Of course, he'll claim 'personal insult' as disagreement is always an insult and personal affront with these types. It's not an insult when it's true. His argument. I'm just repeating it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go. There are some nice suited men at my door wanting to talk about Jesus and I haven't had breakfast yet. I wonder if they have any children? :roflmao:
Oh before I go.

How To Profile A Terrorist.
[FONT=arial !important]BY ADAM SERWER | POSTED 09/23/2010 AT 03:10 PM
You can't. Or at least, it's very hard to, according to the Congressional Research Service's report on homegrown terrorism:

Scholars and law enforcement officials have noted that no workable general profile of domestic violent jihadists exists. According to theNYPDÂ’s Intelligence Division, there is no effective profile to predict exactly who will radicalize. Another study found only broad trends among domestic jihadist terrorists, specifically that they are overwhelmingly male and about two-thirds of them are younger than 30 years old. As the above discussion may suggest, generalizing about the individuals involved is problematic.

Indeed, there does not appear to be a common thread connecting the U.S. Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan with the Caucasian convert, Daniel Patrick Boyd; the Afghan immigrant Najibullah Zazi with Carlos Bledsoe, an African American of a happy childhood who converted to Islam and renamed himselfAbdulhakim Muhammed; David Headley, who was bornDaood Gilani to a successful Pakistani immigrant father and American mother, with Talib Islam, who was born Michael Fintonand raised in multiple foster homes; or the educated pharmacistTarek Mehanna, with the Somali American from MinneapolisShirwa Ahmed, who traveled to the land of his birth and became the first U.S. citizen suicide bomber. The plots and attacks drew in first-and second-generation Muslim-American immigrants and native-born Americans who converted to the faith. Some included individuals acting alone, while others had multiple co-conspirators. Some plots were aspirational. Others appear to have been pushed along by government informants or undercover agents, and still others were serious and calculating until uncovered by intelligence and/or law enforcement officials​

As the author put it
UPDATE: I'm amused by some of the comments on this thread to the effect of, "the common thread is that these terrorists are all Muslim." Congratulations: You've just narrowed it down to 1.5 billion people.
That just says "phobe". 1.5 billion isn't a sample, it's not a profile, it's a pool. The pool isn't all bad, no pool is, well, except for that one I had that accident in but we wont talk of it any more. No, I insist. That was years ago and it's been disinfected.
Although Bob's asked for civility here, I'm going to take a different route, since some people aren't getting it:


Please keep this discussion civil, and on-topic.

If you have a problem with someone, you're always free to use the "ignore" feature built into the vBulletin forum software.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator

You are a liberal airhead. :lfao:

Dang science questions.
I'm a 3. You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

I also agree with every single thing Last Legionary wrote, and more, I am glad it was said. I believe it needs to be said. Some of the things said here by mostly one person are dangerously extremist... so extremist right-wing at times that I would not be surprised if it's on a watch list somewhere.
I'm a 3. You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

I also agree with every single thing Last Legionary wrote, and more, I am glad it was said. I believe it needs to be said. Some of the things said here by mostly one person are dangerously extremist... so extremist right-wing at times that I would not be surprised if it's on a watch list somewhere.

I believe Steve is correct, Last Legionary could have written it more politely to make it 'nicer' to read but it is the truth. The extreme right wing views are worrying, if these were expresed in my workplace for example there would be serious questions asked.
the extreem left wing views expressed here are just as worrying, and they have the added pain in the *** of being pure fantasy, just like steve's and LL's posts, and yours too.

YOU have been advocating silencing a certain poster around here, THATS worrying.
Who's extreme left wing views? there are no left wing views here. And who's been advocating silencing anyone, I've just said I'm sick of reading some posts and will make it a point to answer back, refute and generally make sure another side of the argument is put.
This site is full of cops. There are at least 4 FBI agents on here. 2 Air Marshals. More military than I can count. 1 CIA agent that I am aware of. 1 Secret Service agent, that I am aware of. At least 1 sitting US Senator or his staff has visited as well.

The US government, it's agents, it's offices and its enforcers are well acquainted with and its contents. I can read the server logs, and do, and can do IP lookups, trace routes and chuckle at the amount of .gov addresses in there.

I'm not worried. Not at all.
You all shouldn't be either. We're not a nutter site, we may lean a bit one way or the other, but no one here is screaming revolution, uprising or assassination.
The nutter sites, are well scouted out by the PTB and they are well aware of what is going on.

As to this thread, it's being discussed by the staff.
You guys who said muslims are dangerous and the religion tells them to kill read about mark stroman and the MUSLIM who fought for his life because he said his religion says he should forgive him.

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