President Bush to Receive Purple Heart Medal

I certainly understand your point of view but the fact of the matter is that the Purple Heart was given as a gift from a soldier to his commander in chief, not as a medal earned in combat. Were that the case, I would be in 100% support of your position. I don't see in any way how this denigrates the meaning behind the medal. The soldier earned it by being wounded in combat. He is so supportive of the President and what he's doing, that he felt it appropriate to give it to him as a gift. It's his choice, like it, or not.

What I find surprising is that some of the comments about the soldier makes him look like he doesn't understand the meaning of what's he's done. If ANYBODY understands the significance, it would be the soldier who earned the medal in the first place.

Quotes from the article:

"Thomas said he and his wife came up with the unprecedented idea to present the president with the Purple Heart over breakfast one morning a few months ago as they discussed the verbal attacks, both foreign and domestic, the commander in chief has withstood during his time in office.

'We feel like emotional wounds and scars are as hard to carry as physical wounds,' Thomas said


"Thomas said he drew up a citation and he and his wife signed it before dropping it and the medal off with Rep. John Carter, R-Round Rock, to forward to President Bush."

To me, these quotes indicate that the veteran believes Mr. Bush merits the medals as his "emotional wounds and scars are as hard to carry as physical wounds". It would be interesting to know what was written on the citation that he drew up.

It is entirely possible that this individual also does not recognize just how inappropriate the gift is, no matter how good his intentions were. I do not believe this was simply a gift from a veteran to the current commander in chief. The symbolism of the Purple Heart, and Mr. Bush's political station, take this out of that simple realm.

Just because a gift is good intentioned, doesn't mean it has to be accepted if it is inappropriate. Politicians are in a sensitive position with the public, and they need to have the tact and insight to recognize the unspoken message their actions send.
Okay you two (jdinca and Flying Crane) ... pack that in right now! :D.

I can't be agreeing with you both at the same time about the same thing ... it's ... it's ... just not right :lol:.
yes, this is sort of a silly argument to continue. I think we've all explained our postions pretty well, and we can agree to disagree like adults. I'm ready to let it lie.
yes, this is sort of a silly argument to continue. I think we've all explained our postions pretty well, and we can agree to disagree like adults. I'm ready to let it lie.

Did you just call me a liar?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Whoops, I pledged I wasn't going to post on this one anymore....
Did you just call me a liar?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Whoops, I pledged I wasn't going to post on this one anymore....

nope, i called you an adult.

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