The Republicans started a political doctrine based on, explicitly based on and dependent upon, slander and lies starting in the late 70s. Its founder, Lee Atwater recanted on his deathbed and begged the forgiveness of those whose lives he, in his own words, destroyed. The Arkansas Project, an explicit and official action group within the RNC, had as its stated aim the creation and spreading of lies about Bill Clinton and the character assassination of his wife. It's an undeniable matter of record. They were the ones who came up with and spread the lies about Vince Foster and the "mysterious deaths" of anyone who opposed then Governor Clinton, the series of rapes he was supposed to have committed while in office and so on.
documentation please. Since this is an undeniable matter of record, lets see it. I don't care to see some nutcases blog. That is not a matter of record, but possibly of conspiracy.
So they got themselves an admittedly and proudly partisan prosecutor who went on a fishing expedition. Several years. Hundreds of millions of dollars. He got everything he asked for - from a Democrat-appointed AG no less - and finally admitted that he couldn't find any basis for the original charges. None. Not a one. So he started looking for anything he could find and came up with a blowjob. At the time the Greedy Old Plutocrats were full of pious outrage (including the ones who had been banging married women). The President, they declared, had no private life. The Speaker of the House, they declared, was Constitutionally co-equal with the President.
I'm no fan of fishing for charges, but both sides are doing that. See post #34. Politics at its finest.
There was no declaration of Speaker being "co-equal". At least until Pelosi starts trying to be a diplomat w/out WH approval.
Since getting back control of Congress and the Senate the Democrats have done very, very little.
THANK GOD! That's the best state of things in DC.
There are six years of completely absent oversight. The most they will do is have hearings on some of Bush's underlings. The first thing they did was rule out impeachment of him and the VP for the good of the country. They're ignoring everything from proudly declared conflicts of interest, the use of public funds and government facilities for explicitly partisan political action, corruption on a scale that makes Teapot Dome look pale and war profiteering to the destruction of our most basic civil rights, the unprecedented politicization of public service and government offices, torture, kidnapping, Chilean style "disappearances" and mass murder.
[sarcasm]Yes, we are truly living in one of the lower levels of hell. Better get out before its too late! [/sarcasm]
I tend to like the Presidency being opposite the House/Senate. Less gets done. However, I do suppose if we were smart enough to elect democrats for Congress/Presidency, bright lights would shine down from heaven and every politician would become sparkly clean, right? They have been that way in the past, right? We all realize only Republicans are capable of corruption and general naughtiness
If our Sock Puppet in Chief accuses anyone who disagrees with him of treason - and he does as do the two puppeteers Rove and Cheney who have their hands firmly embedded in hom from fundament to forehead - let's consider this. What is the technical definition of treason? Under our basic law it is defined in part as "in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort,".
So, its ok to declare the war lost before the surge is given time to work? Let's work on discouraging our troops. That's always good. It's good for the Speaker to go politic w/ Syria w/out discussing w/ the WH? It's ok for Clinton to go bad-mouth our nation to european students? How about playing politics w/ a war spending bill while talking out of the other side of their mouths about supporting the troops? These guys are mostly the Viet Nam generation and are desperately seeking another Viet Nam. We lost just about as many troops in Clintons administration as in this war.
Let's go back a few years to when Cheney and Rumsfield were on the board of directors of a certain Swiss nuclear power concern. They raised no objections when nuclear reactors and technology were sold to North Korea. We were and are at war with North Korea. At the time it was officially recognized as an enemy of the United States. If selling the Kim family the means to make nuclear weapons isn't providing aid and comfort I can't imagine what is.
We are/were at war with NK? I thought we were negotiating w/ them. I guess I missed the memo. Didn't NK get nuclear technology from us during the Clinton administration? Couldn't he block such a sale? Isn't most of their nuclear tech given as part of our negotiations? I guess that doesn't matter, since it's is Clinton.
And while Bush may dismiss the Constitution as "that damned piece of paper" and declare that the Unitary Executive has the power to interpret and craft the law that doesn't make it true.
Check my signature. I guess we can badmouth Lincoln too.
So yes, Bill Clinton got his plugs cleaned by a zaftig intern cum cigar humidor. And after a relentless years-long effort he was indicted which is what impeachment is. George Bush has presided over the most destructive and criminal regime we've ever suffered under. His political opponents have ruled out bringing him to justice.
How are the two cases comparable? On what possible scales do they balance?
So, given a crystal ball, what would Gore have done? If 9/11 happens (which is quite likely), what would the wise choice be? Intellegence. You find out what happened, and you go after it. Afghanistan was just in many ways. The intellegence was bad in Iraq (or we think it was), and given the same intel, Gore may have done the same thing. Intellegence is not a crystal ball giving all knowledge.
Comperable? Perhaps not. Thats like comparing Lincoln to any non-war president. One living in a period of civil war, the other in relative peace. We live in a post 9/11 world, whether you choose to believe it or not. Given the same set of world events, I think Clinton/Gore/Kerry/Bush would look somewhat comperable, at least with regard to the war. Looking in hindsight is easy. I think the comparrison to Lincoln is a strong analogy. I suspect many of his decisions would have been close to Bush's.
I will give you credit, this was well thought out and written. I just disagee w/ almost all of it