

Black Belt
Oct 31, 2004
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Hey guys. I just thought of this. If you could have any martial arts related gift for Christmas, what would it be??? Me, I think I would like my own private dojo...oh and a personal trainer. LOL.
I wish I could order some weapons and have them be able to be delivered in California! Tried to ordre a Kubota keychain and it got denied. CA. is wack!
gmunoz said:
I wish I could order some weapons and have them be able to be delivered in California! Tried to ordre a Kubota keychain and it got denied. CA. is wack!
That sux!!!
want a cheap, easy and legal kubotan?

pick up a mini-mag great...and the light can be used to distract as well
All I want for Christmas is a Ku-bo-tan...a Ku-bo-tan...a Ku-bo-tan.
yeah...there isn't a place in the world that won't let you carry a flashlight into

as for me?

yeah...private dojo sounds nice
bignick said:
want a cheap, easy and legal kubotan?

pick up a mini-mag great...and the light can be used to distract as well
Got one! One step ahead of you buddy! :asian:
i think the "ninja kubotan"(the ones with the spikes) are illegal... has anyone tried the regular ones?

i would take a rtms bag, a new middle weight 8 oz. gi w/ rtms patch, leggings, yeah i think that would be cool...

oh...and maybe a black gi...all my arts only wear white(with the exception of the black trimming for taekwondo black belts) and i'm fine with white....

however, every once in a while I think it would neat to have a different color uniform. Let's face it...some of you kempo/kenpo people, those black gi's look pretty sweet...
Satt said:
All I want for Christmas is a Ku-bo-tan...a Ku-bo-tan...a Ku-bo-tan.
I bought mine in a mall here in Texas, go Texas :p

Um i would like a really good katana sword that is like indistrutable and could cut through EVERYTHING and never needed fixin or to be sharpened so i can like go around cutting cars in half and such
You know, I was thinking, if any of you To-Shin Do guys feel like buying my ALL the videos off feel free. I allready own "Mountains of Strenth" so don't worry about that one. Thanx!!!
AnimEdge said:
I bought mine in a mall here in Texas, go Texas :p

Um i would like a really good katana sword that is like indistrutable and could cut through EVERYTHING and never needed fixin or to be sharpened so i can like go around cutting cars in half and such
They call that a Lightsaber..... :)
I want one of those cool double sided Lightsabers, Darth Maul style.

More seriously, perhaps I could use a nice stack of roofing tiles to practice breaking. I've got just about everything else I reasonably want.
Weapons (training ones, though a real wakizashi would be cool :D) and some/many ninja training tapes (they're fun to watch). Plus, video games, yes......
My health all the way back and the abilities of my Sensei and Hanshi.