Santa is changing the rules this year...


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Santa has decided that instead of you telling him what YOU want for Christmas you must ask for something for someone else. If this were true what would you ask for another person? Who would you give a gift to and why?

My nephew has Aspberger's Autism and is not doing well in school. There is a private school in the city he lives in, if I could I would wish that his parent's had the money to send him there where he could get a good education and it would help him to realize that he isn't alone in the world and that there are other children exactly like him.

Who's next?
Hmm.... I have several students (school, rather than TKD) with severe learning disabilities of various sorts, who want desperately to learn. I would wish for some type of educational breakthrough that would allow them to learn with no more difficulty than their non-disabled peers.

And while I was at it, I'd wish for some type of successful and easy treatment for several of my teenage TKD students who are affected by a variety of biochemical affective (emotional) disorders, and struggle with the stress of day-to-day living in a way the rest of us cannot even imagine.
I would wish that all the parents and the children, and the husbands and wives of our men oversees would have them all home by Christmas, and that there was some way that they could forget the horrors they saw and the things they had to do to survive.
Dear Santa,

This year can you please arrange the following gift....

For my parents - a nice trip away, prerably to the beach but really anywhere will do. They have been apart for so long this year due to work that i think they could do with some time together in a nice relaxed atmosphere.

For my brother - would it be possilbe to get him a new ute. He lost his this year due to financial reason when his wife-to-be up and left him a couple of weeks before the wedding. He has suffered a lot this year and i think getting a ute again would re-energies his love for life.

For my grandparents - they could all use a new camera. Their memories are starting to fail with age but a camera could be used to capture those moments forever......

And lastly, for me........all i want this year is to see my family smile as they open their gifts on Christmas day.......but i think i can take care of that one.

Thanks again Santa


PS: I'll leave a few extra biscuits out for you this year.....
I only have one wish for the entire world and that is the same it has been forever, I wish every single person could have one day of complete bliss and peace so they would know what it was like and could be like for all of mankind.
There are people I know who deserve respect and affection, but are denied those things by the people they most need them from. And there are others who deserve happier lives than they have.

My wish is that all of that changes for much the better, for all of them.
I would wish for my 14 month old daughter to receive a new kidney. She was only born with one that doesn't function at 100% and it has steadily been getting worse. She goes in today to start the paper work to get on the donor list.
That my shift partner's wife comes out of intensive care and starts recovering.
That all the allied troops come home safe and I echo the hope that they can forget the horrors of war.
That my instructor Mick has a good year and recovers financially and physically from the hardships of the last two years so we can keep the club and the shows going beyond the date he's given to shut it all down.

And finally, for everyone on this forum to get their wishes.

I'd also like to say thank you to everyone here, you have no idea what a staunch support you have all been (even thosesI argue with!) over this past year for me.
I had 2 lonely friends from different aspects of my life.... recently conspired to introduce them at one of our MA dinners at my place. From Minute 1, Mongol warriors could have broken in, driven the rest of us out into the snow - and they would not have noticed.

Merry Christmas to two formerly lonely people!
...He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Chew thought of something he hadn't before! Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!

And what happened then? Well, in MTville they say that the Chew's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Chew found the strength of ten Chews plus two.

I wish that each and every wish comes true for the people on this board. As Tez so eloquently put it, the support I get from here, especially during the time of my Dad's illness is/was unbelievable.
I would wish that my brother who is undergoing surgery this afternoon the full range of motion on his hand, and that the next few months out of work will not put him and his new wife in the poor house.
-I moved to Denver, CO recently from Rochester, NY. I certainly have holiday wishes for myself, like that company would get back to me about the position I applied for. But more than that, I wish I could be home with the family and friends I left behind in NY. That is what strikes me the most this time of year. I wish for people to skip the gift-giving and give themselves instead. Spending time with your loved ones is the way to go, especially when you don't have the time.

-Certainly agree that I wish the soldiers were home to do this. And I hope everyone can be reminded of what we cherish most about life, and to keep that feeling all year long, not just during the holidays.

-MartialTalk has been a place of refuge, a community that actually cares, and for that I am grateful to you all.
