Power/Speed: personal attributes or dictated by technique of the art?

There is a kenpo analogy about driving a Mack Truck up to your opponent, stopping, and ripping off the bumper to hit him with; or, do you just drive him over?
Its a mix of both person and style. E.g wing chin is a style that focuses on speed, while hung gar focuses on strength, but it depends on the persons abilities to make it work. As orange lightning said, it is a mix of both the biomechanics of the art and the abilities of the person.
There is a kenpo analogy about driving a Mack Truck up to your opponent, stopping, and ripping off the bumper to hit him with; or, do you just drive him over?

A person is not a Mack truck, it is a bad analogy. That analogy would probably work for a front kick, but not for a side kick, or a back kick for that matter. I have broken ribs with my sidekick, I am quite sure that I would not have that power if I was standing with an straight upright posture.
I am talking about launching and you are talking about standing. Why doesn't the idea of throwing 200lbs around, behind these kicks, appeal to you?