boxing and muay thai


Blue Belt
do the kicks in muay thai make it worth taking over boxing? does muay thai have the same type of evasive maneuvers as boxing or do muay thai guys just take the kicks and punches? i know that boxing teaches you to get out of the way of a punch but from what i have seen muay thai guys are always just taking the kicks to the legs over and over instead of trying to evade them.
im trying to see which of these 2 styles would be the better to take for self defense.i know that it is said that no one style is better then any other,but i have to wonder when it comes to boxing vs muay thai.
boxing has no kicks but teaches great evasive maneuvers.muay thai has kicks but seems to take punishment because they don't seem to evade kicks.boxing seems inadequate to deal with defending against kicks but muay thai does not seem to be better at this because of just taking the kicks which in the long run would really beat a persons body down.these are some of the pros and cons that i have been thinking about.
so what are your thoughts about which is the better of the 2 styles for self defense and why do you think what you? like i said,i know that everyone says that there is no style is better then the other but im just asking for you all to weigh out the positives and negatives against each other for boxing and muay thai so that i can determine which one comes out on top for self defense on the street.
also,what are the differences between how a boxer punches and how a muay thai guy punches? what are the pro's and con's of each?
do the kicks in muay thai make it worth taking over boxing? does muay thai have the same type of evasive maneuvers as boxing or do muay thai guys just take the kicks and punches? i know that boxing teaches you to get out of the way of a punch but from what i have seen muay thai guys are always just taking the kicks to the legs over and over instead of trying to evade them.
im trying to see which of these 2 styles would be the better to take for self defense.i know that it is said that no one style is better then any other,but i have to wonder when it comes to boxing vs muay thai.
boxing has no kicks but teaches great evasive maneuvers.muay thai has kicks but seems to take punishment because they don't seem to evade kicks.boxing seems inadequate to deal with defending against kicks but muay thai does not seem to be better at this because of just taking the kicks which in the long run would really beat a persons body down.these are some of the pros and cons that i have been thinking about.
so what are your thoughts about which is the better of the 2 styles for self defense and why do you think what you? like i said,i know that everyone says that there is no style is better then the other but im just asking for you all to weigh out the positives and negatives against each other for boxing and muay thai so that i can determine which one comes out on top for self defense on the street.
also,what are the differences between how a boxer punches and how a muay thai guy punches? what are the pro's and con's of each?

muay thai fighters dont just take kicks, we block them with our shins (it seems like it would hurt more but with the proper conditioning and technique it wont hurt). at my gym we are taught to slip and we do it quite often on the pads but we are encouraged to block punches and counter more than avoiding them. so the evasive menouvers are still there, we just prefer to block.

and about the punches, muay thai seems to be slowly incorpirating punching technique from boxing, but im not a boxer: twisting the waist, moving the back foot up slightly, looking down the arm as it come out/across (so our chin is right next to out shoulder), is this how you throw a cross in boxing, if so then the punches are probably the same, but all of what i have said before could be different for different camps,

hope i helped,

I had heard that the hook and uppercut punches were not native to muay thai, and their elbow equivalent would be used instead?
I believe the punches are good... but there comes a conflict in the footwork of the two. Alot of boxing footwork is centered around no attacks to the lowline. This can be a problem. :asian:
I thinkyou should take them both. They can do nothing but compliment each other.


When Bando (as taught by the ABA) hit america, the first thing the man who brought it here did was incorperate boxing into the workouts. I think Lethwei is close enough to Muay Thai that this is a valid anectdote. The master of a Muay Thai-like system immediately incorperated Boxing to compliment the training.
Hello, Why only punch? ..when you can kick too? In a real fight! ...anything goes. (boxers in a ring..need not worry about kicks).

Muay Thai fighters are very tough..they train so hard on the kicking...most of us would get knock out if hit by a kick.

I rather be punch than hit by an elbow (muay thai). Try this? ...keep your fist close when open your hands....notice the difference in the power.

When you close your fist for are using muscles to close the hand...and this will slow you down. (watch Muay Thai fights and watch there elbow strikes). Most of them will be with an open hand.

Sport judo has no striking techniques. Comparing similar Judo vs karate.....? Boxing vs Muay Thai? Each has it's advantages and disadvantages.

Reminds me of Coke vs Pepsi? ....Have you seen the coke bottles smash the pepsi cans? .....awesome technique's...........and pepsi put a choke on coke bottles? ....Can't wait till the DIETS fight?
I could be wrong, but I understood the original poster's question to be along the lines of "what is the compatibility of the two".

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