post a pic of yourself......


With my buddies Rick and Amber before her Black Belt test.
I like this pic, my forearms look HUGE.
Jeez, can't be arsed to go all the way back through my thread and personally individually thank all your posts.

But just wanted to say, You all deserve it, and I'm glad you like my topic. :angel:
Great thread Blade96! It's great to be able to put a face to the screen names. (Special thanks to OnlyAnEgg for posting on how to link pictures!)

Aikido seminar January 2010


October 3rd, 2009

I know others have said it elsewhere but I hope your husband knows how fortunate a man he is, Opal. A wife that looks so beautiful and can wrist-lock him into eternity if he doesn't do the dishes {but chooses not to obviously ... I hope :)} :lol:.
I hope you guys can see these. I'm linking from my facebook. If not, let me know. :)

This is my family at DisneyWorld in February. I wasn't wearing my ears at the time...


This is Lily and I sharing a pretzel outside the Germany Pavilion at EPCOT.

And this one is my Halloween costume last year. I was a ballerina... Viking. I meant Viking! :)
I can see them.

Hakuna matata. No worries, Steve. :)

Nice looking family you have. You all seem happy. :)
I know others have said it elsewhere but I hope your husband knows how fortunate a man he is, Opal. A wife that looks so beautiful and can wrist-lock him into eternity if he doesn't do the dishes {but chooses not to obviously ... I hope :)} :lol:.

You mean this?


*Looks at the stacks of dishes in the sink* Methinks I need to remind him. :whip1:

(I really wanted a goofy Aikido-ish picture, but we were pressed for time and our photographer had no idea what we were trying to do or where to focus the shot. Brandon looks like a maniquin. lol We only had time for this one shot. Still makes me laugh though. :) I would have loved to had gotten a shot of me in my wedding dress doing a koshi nage throw with him. Maybe for our 50th wedding anniversary...)

Robyn :asian:
Sorry no MA related but,

Here is one with my stress management device:


After a ride to West Point:


Talking to the owner of the Chatterbox:

Here goes. The first is on Easter Sunday 2010 (taken by my son with his phone). The second is from several years ago at the end of Kumdo class. The third was me after my first dan taekwondo test. I sparred a bunch and blocked a lot. And since I saw Halloween pictures up on an earlier post, the last is my Otakon costume (I'll rep you if you recognize the character, though if I recently repped you, it may take a little time). Having shed the beard, Qui-Gon Jin was out.


I hope you guys can see these. I'm linking from my facebook. If not, let me know. :)

This is my family at DisneyWorld in February. I wasn't wearing my ears at the time...


This is Lily and I sharing a pretzel outside the Germany Pavilion at EPCOT.

And this one is my Halloween costume last year. I was a ballerina... Viking. I meant Viking! :)
That last picture has me asking, "What's in your wallet?"

Looks like you have a nice family!


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