post a pic of yourself......

I normally use the #0 guard, but today I took it off and just clipped as close as the blade would allow.

Once in a while, I get my wife or son to clip me, as my barber's semi-retired and only keeps limited hours.

Jack Freer, a Cutting Tradition Jack Freer has been cutting hair at the corner of Woodbine and Cosburn for 57 years. He started right out of trade school and just never left. Now he works just 4 days a week, Wednesday to Saturday and his regular customers drop by for a coffee and the latest neigbourhood news. DAVID COOPER/TORONTO STAR

Date: June 27, 2008 - 05:57 PM

Video slideshow of Jack's shop:

Been with him for fifteen years, and he's been on the same corner for nearly sixty. Opened his shop when he was seventeen, and much of the neighbourhood was farms! He's a good guy and knows everything that's going on, so it's fun to sit down in his shop and chew the fat. If you view the video slideshow above, you'll see his shop is packed with antiques and mementos, and enjoy looking at them and asking him about them.

Nice cut you got, though. Like you, we're both lucky our heads are shaped nicely. A lumpy head is a sad thing when you're a baldy.

What can I say? Chicks love it. You and I have been blessed, Bill, with the virile progressive hairline and hard chiseled good looks. Combined with our martial skills, we're deadly to our enemies and irresistible to women.
I normally use the #0 guard, but today I took it off and just clipped as close as the blade would allow.
That's how I've done it for years. I don't use the guards. I used a wahl for a long time, but recently upgraded to a nice, pro brand with a ceramic blade. I figured if I'm doing this every week or two, I should have a nice tool to do it.
Thanks for the on-the-job shots, Dave. Interesting to see what the well-dressed infantryman is wearing this season :D (I know it was more properly the "2008 season" but that didn't scan as cleanly :)).

Sapper, actually, but you're welcome!

Another one, much more recent. If you're not familiar with In-n-Out burger... get familiar with it. Sooooo tasty. No, I don't work there.


  • $in-n-out.jpg
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Here is hoping I am doing this right. If not, can someone more skilled tell me how to upload photos from my gallery to this page?

tried to fix it, but it's not linking to a valid image.
Well, at least I think I'm getting closer. However, in the fourth step, the box never "magically" appeared (I guess it was blocked). I'll give it a try after church and the "family thing" tommorow with the In-Laws.

I think I've got it now. Thanks for the help guys. In a above picture, KJN Ernie Reyes and I teaching a seminar for my younger students in 2008.



I love tying people in knots.

My wife Sandy.

A recent photo kicking at age 45.

(Left to right) GM Tony B. Thompson, Sandy Hughes, David Hughes, Allen Clark, GM Ernie Reyes. KJN Tony and KJN Ernie have been my instructors for well over 30 years. This is from a seminar they did at my school in 2008.

Me, Pop, Sijo Emperado, And GM Doug Bunda

Dan Weston, Me, Akeakamai (my 2 yo), Gm Doug Bunda, Prof. John Bishop

My instructors Carlos Bunda, and Doug Bunda
:lol: I admit it, you got me there, Flea :D.
I don't have any proper martial arts ones available electronically at the moment, but here's a profile from my birthday last year. Taken in Biddeford Pool, Maine.


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