post a pic of yourself......

Here is one of me from a seminar last weekend... good times. My training partner doesn't seem as happy tho.

Pic of me from last week

(shhh just don't tell my sensei though, i aint supposed to know this kata yet)


Sharing time. Nice. Here's one in the snow. Grand Master Cook loves the elements, perhaps that's why we trained outside all year. I'm behind the GM himself, black T over green thermals...wet feet.

Foxy lady ... oh ... er ... hi John ... didn't see you there :D
Myself and the Sandan/Senpai (his name's Bruce) I've spoken of so much on here :angel:

btw he's awesome, thanks for putting up with me all my talk about him =]

Taken just after our day's training at a shotokan karate-do seminar on June 19th, 2010.

btw Bruce also has a 1st degree black belt in Judo.

Here goes. The first is on Easter Sunday 2010 (taken by my son with his phone). The second is from several years ago at the end of Kumdo class. The third was me after my first dan taekwondo test. I sparred a bunch and blocked a lot. And since I saw Halloween pictures up on an earlier post, the last is my Otakon costume (I'll rep you if you recognize the character, though if I recently repped you, it may take a little time). Having shed the beard, Qui-Gon Jin was out.
Little late but....Tuxedo Mask.

(Did the costume back in 1999 myself
Hope I'm doing this the right way..
Taken half a year ago or so. Me with some belt graduates @ Krav Maga :D
I'm the lil' kneeling girl in the middle, black hair, which doesn't stand out against the black pants and tees, sadly enough.


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