Im just looking to further the thread, as it seemed to me anyways, that some people felt that the cops were not trained to deal with people with mental issues. Where I work, the cops deal with people with mental issues all the time. We have a mobil crisis unit, that we can call, if the person the cops are dealing with is already a client of mobil crisis. The cops have requested an ambulance to respond to bring the person to the ER, and a doc there does the eval. and the cop writes the paper.
As I said earlier, IMHO, I feel the cops have enough to deal with, without having to be trained as mental health doctors. If people in an area have a bad picture painted of the cops, well, that lies on the cops as well as the general public. Its kinda like judging a martial art from youtube. IMO, its better to form your own opinion, rather than go on what others say.