Pope Worries About 'Soulless' American Life

Marginal said:
Yep. Begs the question, why is the Pope looking outwards if inwards is so important? Why improve the church or the world at large when you can whine about the US?

Wow. A ding on my rep months later. "Ignorant." How enlightening. I now recant. Please Pope, tell me what to think. :rolleyes:

Honestly though, the single most offensive aspect of the initial quote is the whole "evils of materialism" angle. It just fails on so many levels. Is there a quantifiable materalism index that actually shows that people want more stuff now vs 10 years ago? 50? 100? Were people somehow less materialistic back in the 1500's, where 90% of most populations were oppressed so that a select few could live in splendor? Or were there just a lot more happy campers back then?

It's always going to be dissapointing to me to see people, (regardless of ther station) claiming that society's going to heck in a handcart, NOW. Things just aren't that bad, and I have a hard time seeing in light of the social strides forward we've made as a race, that we're all doomed because H2's are in vogue for the moment.

On the other hand, is there any particular reason I absolutely must see a golden cherub made by men as a sacred object? You can hold it sacred if you like, but there's no reason I have to also pretend that your sacred object is any more special than a golden ox or what have you. I dont' beleive as you do. Get over it.
Hi all,

I think the topic did get off the subject, but I think it was a little diffucult to stay on track right out of the gate.

But I enjoyed it, reading it reminded me of the feelings that all of us have and we are sometimes afraid to say.

I want to thank the admins and the moderators for letting it go and allowing it to wind itself down.

It is like the Donkey and the Elephant group. How did they get so narrow at one end and wide at the other?

Thanks to all for the comparisons. I watched it squirm like a serpent and it still was interesting.

I am suprised it did not go more toward the trend that has happened in the last few years(about the problems that have plagued the church since time immemorial) and yet we seem to let it go and then it raise's its ugly side time and again.

I think the whole idea of the Pope to reach out to America's Priest population and say we need to rewind the minds of the youth is very interesting to say the least.

Considering that the Priesthood in the Church is about as far from what a family related life style in America is, and for them to want to dominate that lifestyle is very interesting to say the least.

Thanks for the reading material for the last 30 minutes.

Regards, Gary
I think that the pope should look at the at his own soulless clergy who covered up the abuse of children. They excommunicate those that use birth control, divorce and remarry. But for decades they transferred known pedophile priests from parish to parish. Why were they not excommunicated?

They still forbid the use of condoms even if one of the married partners is HIV positive. Hopefully the church will come into the 21st century and pay less attention to the words of man and more attention to the words of God.

Right here in Palm Beach County, the last two bishops left in disgrace, they were pedophiles. They replaced one bum with another.

This was not meant to be offensive or an attack on the church. If it comes across like that, I sincerely apologize.

If you can read betwen the lines you will know where I'm coming from.
I find it interesting that about once a month now since this thread originally died, it seems that someone revives this thread for the sole purpose of taking shots at the Pope or the Catholic Church. So, are we having fun yet, or could we just let this one die?

Tulisan said:
I find it interesting that about once a month now since this thread originally died, it seems that someone revives this thread for the sole purpose of taking shots at the Pope or the Catholic Church. So, are we having fun yet, or could we just let this one die?


Would you rather a new thread be started each month, when someone "feels the itch"? :idunno:

I hope that your post was not a reply to my comments, as I was not taking a shot at the pope or the Catholic Church. Everything I stated is absolutely true. If truth is offensive that's pretty sad. I respect the papecy very much. But the truth is what it is.

I have the absolute right to be critical and truthful. I earned that right when at the age of eleven, my innocence was taken from me by one of them.

Since I am not going to engage in a battle of the words, this will be my last words on this matter. Blessings upon you!

Tulisan said:
I find it interesting that about once a month now since this thread originally died, it seems that someone revives this thread for the sole purpose of taking shots at the Pope or the Catholic Church. So, are we having fun yet, or could we just let this one die?


I am sorry that you innocence was taken by one of "them;" but you do realize that "them" could have been a teacher, a relative, a Karate instructor, as well as a clergy member?

Child abuse and sexual abuse is a very evil thing that plagues many areas of our communities, not just clergy, would you not agree?

You started your post with "I think the pope should look at his own soulless clergy...". When people say things like this, they are expressing the assumption that the Pope has not criticized his own clergy, but only criticizes American materialism. Well, the Pope had criticized his own clergy on the issue. Therefore, this is not a "true" implication, even if the statement of what you think the Pope should do in itself may be true.

Most sane people who are Catholic clergy and laymen are horrified by the church scandle, and extremely pissed and equally horrified about the coverups by the Bishops involved. And, while things have been done about the issue, many Catholics want more to be done. But because there are problems, this does not mean that one cannot critically look at the issue of a culture materialism.

So, now you know why your post triggered my response; yet, my response wasn't directed specifically AT you, Prof. It was meant for everyone.

The original poster posted this thread to discuss a philisophical issue brought up by the Pope. Since then, people have utilized this thread to take the opportunity to slam the Pope, Slam a religion (Catholicism), and/or slam a relgious organization (Catholic Church). Well, I got news for everyone: the intent of this thread was not so people could ventalate their biased and often misconstrued fustrations on a particular religion. The intent of this thread was to discuss a philisophical issue; plain and simple.

Yet, since this thread died in June, almost monthly someone uses it to take a snip at Catholism. Well, I am just wondering if we are done yet?

It could have, but it wasn't.

Tulisan said:

I am sorry that you innocence was taken by one of "them;" but you do realize that "them" could have been a teacher, a relative, a Karate instructor, as well as a clergy member?

Child abuse and sexual abuse is a very evil thing that plagues many areas of our communities, not just clergy, would you not agree?

You started your post with "I think the pope should look at his own soulless clergy...". When people say things like this, they are expressing the assumption that the Pope has not criticized his own clergy, but only criticizes American materialism. Well, the Pope had criticized his own clergy on the issue. Therefore, this is not a "true" implication, even if the statement of what you think the Pope should do in itself may be true.

Most sane people who are Catholic clergy and laymen are horrified by the church scandle, and extremely pissed and equally horrified about the coverups by the Bishops involved. And, while things have been done about the issue, many Catholics want more to be done. But because there are problems, this does not mean that one cannot critically look at the issue of a culture materialism.

So, now you know why your post triggered my response; yet, my response wasn't directed specifically AT you, Prof. It was meant for everyone.

The original poster posted this thread to discuss a philisophical issue brought up by the Pope. Since then, people have utilized this thread to take the opportunity to slam the Pope, Slam a religion (Catholicism), and/or slam a relgious organization (Catholic Church). Well, I got news for everyone: the intent of this thread was not so people could ventalate their biased and often misconstrued fustrations on a particular religion. The intent of this thread was to discuss a philisophical issue; plain and simple.

Yet, since this thread died in June, almost monthly someone uses it to take a snip at Catholism. Well, I am just wondering if we are done yet?

Tulisan said:
The original poster posted this thread to discuss a philisophical issue brought up by the Pope. Since then, people have utilized this thread to take the opportunity to slam the Pope, Slam a religion (Catholicism), and/or slam a relgious organization (Catholic Church). Well, I got news for everyone: the intent of this thread was not so people could ventalate their biased and often misconstrued fustrations on a particular religion. The intent of this thread was to discuss a philisophical issue; plain and simple.
There's a really easy response to this post...

Then there's the minor fact that not everyone is obligated to like the CC. Somehow Rome has yet to crumble despite this.
Marginal said:
There's a really easy response to this post...

Then there's the minor fact that not everyone is obligated to like the CC. Somehow Rome has yet to crumble despite this.

I am not saying that anyone has to like anything; and certianly nobody has to like the Pope or the "CC." But the main thing I am saying is that slamming on a particular religion or organization or church leader has nothing to do with the original topic.
Regardless, hypersensitivity and rep dings don't seem to be accomplishing much. (Does anyone actually go away when hit with an anon rep ding? Ot otherwise?) Get the thread closed if it upsets you this much. It's apprently relentlessly off topic, or anything that's said on topic is wittily covered by a dead horse emoticon, which also stultifies any potential OT discussion.
Personally I'm an iconoclast that loves to speak ill of the dead and say "I told you so". Just because no one else will.

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