Marginal. Ax needed more grinding I see. That's cool, completely ignore the fact that your not only way off topic, but that my posts were in response to your off-topic attacks. But, I can see from your last post that your preparing for some sort of battle that your not intellectually equipped to follow through on.
However, I guess I have to respond, as off topic as this is still.
Now, first of all, you might want to learn about logical fallacies before you start accusing me of them. A straw man argument is purposely misrepresenting someone elses argument so you can knock it down. I didnt misrepresent your argument. First of all, the mayor and the Governor of the state have both criticized morality and materialism on occasion, but that is irrelevant to my analogy between church artifacts and state museums. The thing is, I could get on here and yell about the mayor of Detroit and how he has the nerve to tell the people of Detroit that he wants to help fight poverty, or that he criticizes the moral decay, when he is such a greedy bastard for allowing himself and his employees to get paid a decent salary, and how he spends tax dollars for the upkeep of museums with millions of dollars worth of objet d'art (there, my French give you an excuse to call me a commie as well), when he could sell all of it and give it to the poor of the community. That diatribe would be equally as logical as your argument that the church should sell its objet dart to eradicate world poverty.
Another thing, where do you get off saying that the Pope knows nothing about U.S. society? You have nothing to back this claim, but you sure as well have admitted that you know nothing of the Catholic church other then your own insular perception. When you prove or even provide an argument with evidence to support the idea that the Pope knows nothing about U.S. society, then we can talk about how 2 wrongs dont make a right, and that if it is wrong for the Pope to criticize a society that he knows little about, then it is certainly wrong for you to criticize a religion that you know little about.
Now, do you want to know WHY just doling out some cash to the poor is not going to eradicate poverty? The problem with poverty isnt as shallow as, Poor people aint got no doe, The problem is structural. There are structural problems with capitalism that creates poverty, as well as there are structural problems with Global trade laws that prevent countries from getting ahead, as well as there are structural problems with other countries in their government systems that also creates poverty (especially in the third world). If we went to a country like, lets say, Indonesia, and gave everyone a million in American dollars, within a year or less the government of Indonesia would be richer, and many of its people would be impoverished all over again. The Church cant do anything about these structural problems by selling their artifacts, but they can by preaching morality and ethics. Also, the idea of give a man a fish, and hell eat for a day; teach him to fish, and hell eat for a lifetime also applies here as well. Through the work of missionaries, the church is trying to teach the people of the 3rds world how to fish, despite the oppressive regimes they are under. For some sources on understanding poverty, read, Framework for understanding Poverty By Ruby Payne, or The working Poor: Invisible America By David Shipler, or The Wealth and Poverty of Nations by David Landes to start. The one consistent thing youll find is that the answer to poverty isnt Give the poor some money, and the problems go way beyond that. But, hey, Shipler is only a Pulitzer Prize winner and Landes is only a Harvard Professor, so they must all be idiots anyways.
But, despite everything I am saying, I like your attitude of, If it dont effect me none, then it must not be important. I dont think the Catholic Church or any of its objec dart is important, or that anyone elses culture or history matters, so F-em. Sell em off and rip em down. Thats the merican F-in way, dammit! Also, dont forget, Why improve the church or the world when you can whine about the U.S. Nice. Well, says you, not me. And people wonder why other countries think Americans are arrogant. Or, perhaps, the Pope was just being unpatriotic.
But thats cool, dude. Dont worry about educating yourself, reading about history, or providing any evidence to your conjectures, or providing a logical argument to support your ideas. Just keep attacking the Catholic Church with no basis because they must be the problem.
ready to go back on topic again, on do you want to continue to criticize my faith? Maybe if you were a little bit less critical of my religion, then maybe Id be a little nicer to you.