poll for black belts..

how long do you wear your black belt.

  • I keep the original and add stripes for each (rank/degree) dan i go up

  • I get a new one for each dan (rank/degree).

  • I get a new one ever month or when it gets dirty, wich ever comes first

  • I have worn out too many to count

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My original burned up in a fire many years ago. I have worn out one after that time and bought 2 more. One has no stripes on it the other has my rank strips on it. these are gettin out and worn.
I am the same rank no matter which belt i wear but sometime I just like to go places and see how I amtreated with no stripes as opposed to haveing all the stripes on the belt. Some people treat you one way with no stripes and then when they see your rank treat you completly different (sorry for going off the topic)
I will buy a new rank belt one of these years I think but I hate breaking in new belts
Colors of belts only means you reach a certain level in your own system.
Each system will have there own requirements.

ps: Like a College degree...you met the requirements...but not neccessay a knowledgeable or very skill person in your school. (many times just met the minumun requirements is all you need to get a college degree)..

Good point. Only the individual knows how much effort they put into earning the next 'belt'.

I get a new one with each stripe, only because I teach kids and they love Bling, and want to progress, and it spurs their competitive juices so is one more motivation to keep going (I'd love to get away with not wearing a belt! So confining). So yeah, I get a new one--for them.
We are awarded new belts with more stripes at each dan level. However, I regularly wore my original black belt until 5th dan. At that point, I felt more like preserving it. I still take it out and wear it for special occasions, but normally wear my 6th dan belt while teaching. When I train by myself, it's usually in shorts and tank top w/o any belt though.
I just keep my original belt, though I have several different ones, I usually just wear my oldest black belt for everything, I like it, and it fits perfectly, no stripes and what not, just black, I like it better that way, I think stripes are gaudy...
I didn't vote in the poll, because 2 of the options are equally what I do. My original plain black belt was given to another student, who is still wearing it - at least, he was wearing it yesterday when I saw him. He's had it for several years. I have a plain belt that I keep in my locker in case I forget my gym bag. I have a fancy embroidered belt that my instructor gave me that I should have worn at the tournament yesterday (it has my name on it, which helps people find you at large events) but I wore my everyday belt, which has stripes embroidered on it. I would be perfectly happy to have new stripes added as appropriate, but my instructor has given me all of my belts, and I would not dream of not wearing the ones he has given me.

Our rank stripes are color coded for those who can't see well at a distance - I through III are white, IV through VI are gold, VII through IX are red.
I JUst have one black belt which I received when I got my 1st Dan and keeping my food intake in check I hope to keep this one forever :)
I get new ones when the old ones look old or as happens more often than not I get to fat to wear the old ones. Uh, did I say that out loud?

Well, since you 'fessed up Brother, I'll own up too :lol:. But don't forget, the nicer belts are thicker, so takes more material to make the knot! Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. :cool:
My first black belt was given to me in 1989, and was a plain black belt, with a single stripe (made with medical tape) to designate my shodan ranking. It was made by Tiger Claw, and wasn't especially of good quality, but hey, it's the man inside, not the strip of cloth. I outgrew that belt (I was a late bloomer), and passed it on to one of the younger folks after I left, since he had lost his gear bag before.

My next black belt was given to me when I was taking Tae Kwon Do. A nicer belt, made by Sang Moo Sa / Pine Tree, although I had only used it for about a year, since I went back to Shotokan. It had no stripes, etc., just plain black cloth. I ended up giving that belt to another person in my current dojo, since he had outgrown his black belt, and needed a new one.

I got a nicer belt made by Shureido when I started up with Shotokan again. I kept it for a good while, but never took it out of my gear bag after I switched styles again. That belt was stolen from me, along with my entire gear bag.

When I moved to my current school, I had to take the shodan exam here (came in as an unofficial 1st kyu brown belt), and was given a very nice Tokaido belt, with the name of the system in Kanji on one side (gold colored embroidery) and my name in Katakana on the other. No stripes on it, as per the school's customs.

I've been using this belt for a good while now. However, this belt is a bit more personalized, and once it wears out, I'll simply get another one, and tuck this old one away in my box of memoirs.
I just got mine Friday night, I am guessing I will keep it for a while and just add stripes.

My instructor (7th Dan) still has his original black belt from about 25 years ago and has not aded any stripes to it. It's pretty worn out, but he still wears it every day.
I just got mine Friday night, I am guessing I will keep it for a while and just add stripes.

My instructor (7th Dan) still has his original black belt from about 25 years ago and has not aded any stripes to it. It's pretty worn out, but he still wears it every day.

Congratulations! A great accomplishment.
In our organization, Dan students (1st-3rd) are given a new belt by their Instructor every time they advance. Master Instructors are given a new belt by the head of our organization at our annual Masters Ceremony when they test. We don't use stripes, and personally I think they are gaudy and unnecessary. We use a simple black belt-name of organization on one end, your name in Hangul with rank as a simple number on the other.
I just got mine Friday night, I am guessing I will keep it for a while and just add stripes.

My instructor (7th Dan) still has his original black belt from about 25 years ago and has not aded any stripes to it. It's pretty worn out, but he still wears it every day.

congrats bro!
no stripes, no new belts and no writing on them of any kind. we just get new belts when the belts start to fall apart
I have always used the black belt first given to. I never add stripes or any other decoration. If it wears out, then I will replace it.

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