Political Correctness Defined

That was pretty much my reaction too - too many politicians think they can convince their constituencies that their **** don't stink, as long as they spin the reporting the right way.

:soapbox:Kacey....the really SAD thing is that they CAN, and the constituents gobble it up. I know some people that come hell or high water will believe anything that the person they are listening to says. Sometimes, I wonder with all the educational policies like 'no child left behind' if we aren't doing a dis-service to our youth by teaching the test to them and not allowing them to think and have their own opinion.

Enough about that...perhaps it isn't too late and this will turn around.
I've always liked the definition of politics that says it's fom two Greek words Poly meaning many and tics meaning blood sucking insects
I know that humour has a serious core and that a good joke can spark a good discussion but I just wonder if this one is gaining enough momentum to split off from it's host and grow in the Study?

I for one do not want Bob to follow through with his vegetable related threats if we don't lighten up :eek:.

So, bring on the juggling act ... or the dancing girls ... or the juggling dancing girls :D.
Don't think that that wasn't what was in my mind too :o. I may be English but I'm not fully Vulcan yet :lol:.

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