Political Correctness Defined

How often do you hear the term "Undocumented Aliens"? Groups have pushed that rather than Illegal Alien, contending that Illegal Alien was "Racist". Political correctness is language designed to be "softer" or "nicer". The problem is, as with substituting "Undocumented" for "illegal", it can hide the truth of the matter.
How often do you hear the term "Undocumented Aliens"? Groups have pushed that rather than Illegal Alien, contending that Illegal Alien was "Racist". Political correctness is language designed to be "softer" or "nicer". The problem is, as with substituting "Undocumented" for "illegal", it can hide the truth of the matter.

It's not really that it's racist, it's that 'how can a person, themselves, be illegal?'
How often do you hear the term "Undocumented Aliens"? Groups have pushed that rather than Illegal Alien, contending that Illegal Alien was "Racist". Political correctness is language designed to be "softer" or "nicer". The problem is, as with substituting "Undocumented" for "illegal", it can hide the truth of the matter.
I think the Vulcans were offended, in that annoying over polite manner of theirs.....
Hush Bob - you want a Nerve Pinch or what? They might be polite but still ... :eek:!

P.S. Cuong, it might behove you to note what Fora this is in before getting too serious.
In which case, smiley's are your friend :p.
It's not really that it's racist, it's that 'how can a person, themselves, be illegal?'
By their actions and, by the way, by legal definition:illegal immigrant n. an alien (non-citizen) who has entered the United States without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa.
Illegal Immigrant

(n) Illegal Immigrant is the person not being a citizen of the country entered in to a that country without a valid sanction or continue to stay in a country after the expiry .of his valid stay in that country

Just because you don't like the real (correct) definition, doesn't change the meaning of the words
I feel the need to issue a retraction....has nothing to do with the pointy eared fellow behind me with his hand on my shoulder......

It was the Klingons. Really.

Can someone get him to let go now? He's gonna leave a mark and my girlfriend won't believe me when I say it's not a hickey.......
Crikey Bob!

Don't get the Pastie-Heads involved ... ahh ... erm ... I meant {cough}, clearly ... the honourable and strong warriors of the Klingon Empire. Fresh gagh anyone? It's still wiggling ...

Meantime, revered sir? Yes, you, monsieur le Vulcan. MENE SAKKHET UR-SEVEH {makes sign of kohane blessing}. Can I interest you in some Romulan ale? Or would you rather engage in a round of Greek Logical Fallasies? No sir, that meaning would be spelt with a "ph" at the beginning ...
Crikey Bob!

Don't get the Pastie-Heads involved ... ahh ... erm ... I meant {cough}, clearly ... the honourable and strong warriors of the Klingon Empire. Fresh gagh anyone? It's still wiggling ...

Meantime, revered sir? Yes, you, monsieur le Vulcan. MENE SAKKHET UR-SEVEH {makes sign of kohane blessing}. Can I interest you in some Romulan ale? Or would you rather engage in a round of Greek Logical Fallasies? No sir, that meaning would be spelt with a "ph" at the beginning ...

I thought that was spelled "Fallacies"! And what about the female Klingons, Romulans, Vulcans, etc.? Hmmmm?????? ;)
Female Klingons....Klingon K'leavage!....The New K'ross Your K'Heart Bra, upgrades a Bird of Prey to a Heavy Cruiser!

Now that's definately not PC! :rofl:
Ummm, well, yes, (Kacey) that was incorrect ...

{outraged pleading} Come on, please, give me a break! Klingon, Vulcan, French and English in one paragraph, I'm bound to get something wrong :faints:.

As to female Klingons and Romulans ... a bit rough at play in the former case and a bit likely to kill you in your sleep in the latter but still ... EDIT: I believe Bob has some angles (or should that more properly be curves? :D) on this matter :).

Female Vulcan's tho' ... how I can I say this nicely? There's a reason why Spock's dad went off-world for his wives :angel:.
Ummm, well, yes, (Kacey) that was incorrect ...

{outraged pleading} Come on, please, give me a break! Klingon, Vulcan, French and English in one paragraph, I'm bound to get something wrong :faints:.

As to female Klingons and Romulans ... a bit rough at play in the former case and a bit likely to kill you in your sleep in the latter but still ... EDIT: I believe Bob has some angles (or should that more properly be curves? :D) on this matter :).

Female Vulcan's tho' ... how I can I say this nicely? There's a reason why Spock's dad went off-world for his wives :angel:.

Mm-hmm.... see how you are? Prejudiced against Vulcan females, that's what you are! You're a... how to put this... Vulcanomysoginist! Or maybe that's a Vulcanomysophobe... ;)

Why have I got the strains of "Nowhere to run to, baby" going through my head at this point?

With that, I (sadly) really must go to bed - the afore-mentioned missus will not be pleased that I'm up past three in the morning for three nights in a row :(.
Sorry Tellner not being funny but I don't understand some of your references. I've put them in bold. It's a language thing as well as not knowing American legislation......

I'll give it a shot:

RNC Talking Points.. : RNC = "Republican National Committee", or the 'central command' of the more conservative of the two main US political parties. RNC Talking Points are then standard phrases repeated often to drum up emotional suport and outrage from the rank-n-file on the right-side of the political spectrum.

Limbots, Freepers and Gilded Age Let 'Em Eat Cakers. : Assorted derogatory names for anyone on the right of the US political spectrum, based on stereotypes and DNC Talking Points (see above, only turned to the left). 'Limbots' is a moniker taken from the Patron-Saint of Conservative talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, and modified to sound more like 'robot' (i.e., an insult steeped in arrogance, implying that only someone fully programmed and indoctrinated would agree with Limbaugh's positions, because, "If they could think for themselves, then they would think just like me instead.") "Let 'em eat cakers" refers to the famous quote attributed to Maria Antoinette, and is a naked emotional play to the stereotype of conservatives as cold, heartless, and not caring about the poor (as opposed to American Liberals, who believe the way to help the poor is to tax small businesses out of existence so there will be more poor people to vote for their programs). 'Freepers' refers to members of the conservative/activist Internet free-for-all forum called "Free Republic".

EEOC anti-discrimination regulations : The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is a US Government agency that works to assure equal access to job and promotion opportunities, so no one is locked out or held back from advancement based on their race, ethnicity, religion, or gender. If you suspect your employer of such practices, these are the guys you complain to. Among the many useful services the EEOC provides is to require all employers to post a notice on the wall at work that it is against the law to discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, or gender. :rolleyes:

Juneteenth : In 1865, word traveled slowly to many rural areas about the end of the US Civil War and the resulting end of slavery in all US states and territories. Usually held June 19, 'Juneteenth' is a celebration of the approximate date when the word of emancipation reached the last group of African slaves held in the US, somewhere near Galveston, Texas. It is honored as a celebration of freedom and hope (when the promise of freedom became a reality in practice), and often tied into celebrations of the African-American family. Although not an official US Government holiday, Juneteenth is currently recognized in 29 US states and the District of Columbia.
as opposed to American Liberals, who believe the way to help the poor is to tax small businesses out of existence so there will be more poor people to vote for their programs.

I cann't believe I'm syaing this again, but America has no Liberals in Federal Offices. Our Liberals are Libertarians, Greens, and Socialists. The Democratic Party is Moderate, not Liberal.
Guy's, Gals, and everyone in between and on either side, keep the political stuff and serious debates to the Study. This ain't it.

Next person to get all serious here is going to get beaten by a Moris Dancer with a rather large leek.

If I'm not being clear, then I'll be opaque.

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