Interesting. We have 'wellness' where I work as well, and have been toying with something similar. The overarching purpose of the class is what you have to fit the Goju into. Sanchin is perfect, and you should make a case for it...breathing, alignment, meditation. Sanchin doesn't have to be performed hard to have benefit. Pick one or two katas with nice 'self-defense' bunkai that can be done by aging kneesto plant the seeds, and if you also have solid kobudo, teach a bo kata. Kobudo is great for wellness (cardio).
The sponsor of my program opposes sanchin. His reasoning is that the audible breathing would make some (most?) of the students self-conscious and they might not stick with the class as a result. Any shime testing would also be a no-no, given the need for me to touch the students, many of which would be women.
This may or may not be a deal-breaker. I haven't really argued the point forcefully yet.