Recently I moved to a rather isolated town in southeastern Alaska. I've been wanting to take Karate for years but due to my location in remote rural areas before this I've never had the opportunity. Anyway my question requires some predication. Now that I am in a place where there are some martial arts studios I would love to begin classes, however there are two possible Karate places in town a Shotokan and a Shito-ryu; and to be frank neither of them seem to be quite what I'm looking for.
Stylistically I've always had a strong attraction to Shotokan, though the Shito-ryu is fairly appealing as well. So now to my problem... Both schools seem pretty second-rate. Each gives the impression of a "belt-factory" type ethos and cater primarily to children. I am in my mid-twenties and as a prospective student seem slightly more serious about it than the average student at either place.
Part of the appeal of the martial arts and particularly Karate to me is the continuity with rather robust history and tradition. Neither place seems to preserve this very well, and neither seems to establish a very strong connection with any sort of traditional grounding, lineage, what-have-you.
This being said, my interest is more piqued than ever, and I would love the opportunity to study Karate. I'm wondering what your input is concerning my predicament, should I chose the best of the two? or forego the study of martial arts all together?
I appreciate your input, I thoroughly enjoy perusing this forum, and admire the knowledge and expertise of so many.
Stylistically I've always had a strong attraction to Shotokan, though the Shito-ryu is fairly appealing as well. So now to my problem... Both schools seem pretty second-rate. Each gives the impression of a "belt-factory" type ethos and cater primarily to children. I am in my mid-twenties and as a prospective student seem slightly more serious about it than the average student at either place.
Part of the appeal of the martial arts and particularly Karate to me is the continuity with rather robust history and tradition. Neither place seems to preserve this very well, and neither seems to establish a very strong connection with any sort of traditional grounding, lineage, what-have-you.
This being said, my interest is more piqued than ever, and I would love the opportunity to study Karate. I'm wondering what your input is concerning my predicament, should I chose the best of the two? or forego the study of martial arts all together?
I appreciate your input, I thoroughly enjoy perusing this forum, and admire the knowledge and expertise of so many.