Photography of old England

Thank goodness things have changed! Of course air raids in the First and Second World Wars changed a lot of towns and cities especially the industrial ones. The Birmingham Small Arms company still makes firearms but is also known for the BSA motorbikes which are absolute treasures.
Wow, hadn't thought about BSA bikes in a very long time. I always heard them well praised.
Thank goodness things have changed! Of course air raids in the First and Second World Wars changed a lot of towns and cities especially the industrial ones. The Birmingham Small Arms company still makes firearms but is also known for the BSA motorbikes which are absolute treasures.

Yep, things change. Another RFF member related he grew up on the street where Cellular Clothing was, and provided this link: Cellular Clothing - Rodbourne Community History Group .
I like seeing old photos of areas I know just to note the changes, however I do not know those areas and I am sure the changes were much more drastic, due to war, than the areas I am use to seeing. But even though I have never been there, I still like seeing old historic photos