Senior Master
Here's what likely happened. Penn DOES have a Hilo reputation for being a brawler early in his life. That's why his father was more than happy to send him to California. Penn was at the party, a huge brawl broke out. The Officer showed up, started pepper spraying Penn's friends. Penn got offended, punched the officer. Realized that he just committed felony, figured he didn't want to be around when backup showed up, and took off running. Penn got tackled, his buddies pulled the officer off of him before anything further happened, and back up arrived. They no doubt probably offered to taser Penn, and he submitted to arrest. Having been to a few hundred bar fights, and dealt with countless guys like Penn, I am almost certain this is likely what happened. Penn's version will vary, no doubt, but I would vary my story too if I were facing felony assault on law enforcement charges. He didn't run because he was afraid of the officer, he ran because he was afraid of MORE officers. UFC or no, eventually enough officers arrive to take you in to custody. Penn's not stupid, he knows that. This whole thing isn't rocketscience, Penn screwed up. He'll likely pay a HUGE fine, get a little jail time and spend a little probation time. Lets hope Penn's Probation officer lets him travel to fight.