If it gets to this stage I can see 'professional' combat competitors being specifically engineered for the purpose. Anyone looking to get involved through genetic retrofitting will be serious disadvantaged. There might very well end up being a number of competition series determined by the genetic makeup of the competitors.
Its gonna get crazy might be putting it quite mildly.
I think we are all getting a wee bit other excited.
The nevada state are very strict on drugs, not all fighters are on them.
I think ST's speculations are probably only a decade or so from becoming realized, based on what I've read about the way that genetic fine-tuning is being ramped up to larger and larger organisms. So far as I know, there has never been any kind of structure that humans beings, once they understood, have not devised effective ways of altering to suit their specifications. It's not a matter of if, but when, as they say. And it will happen, simply because spectator sports are driven, ultimately, by the gate receipts, and people will pay to see more spectacular performances. How those performances came about, and the price that was paid, is of no concern to either the audience or the industry promoters, by and large.
In response to Odin's post that we're getting to upset about this, I have to say that I don't think anyone is getting distraught over this. The reason the issue is troubling is not just a matter of sport performance, however, but the whole vast ethical territory that wiring people for specific purposes raises, along the lines of ST's post. Anyone who's read James Blish's
The Seedling Stars has had a preview (from an astonishingly prescient writer) of what could lie up the line—there's a very good summary and overview of the book at
—but the moral questions, and the impact on our own society, have only begun to open up...
Having been around athletes most of my life I can honestly say that in competition they are always generally looking for a way to improve and to win. Inevitably now a days and even back in the day this has led to the decision of should I do steriods to improve my chances. Do not fool yourself into thinking that any athlete has not considered or participated in such activity. Personally out of the large majority of athletes that I know I can count on roughly two hands the number of athletes who did not take some type of performance enhancing steroid. Add in the potential for massive amounts of money and the temptation is even greater.
Personally I wish Royce would not have succombed. Having rolled with him and talked with him he is a really nice guy.
Always, it seems, our heroic figures let us down in the end. The world of professional athletic competition becomes an increasingly bitter one as once-dominant athletes approach the end of their reign. And for those who don't have that status but still have to make a living in their sport, there may be little choice, practically speaking.
Ah, c'mon, Exile!! You just told me that Santa Claus died!
Am I surprised at this development? NO.
Am I saddened by it? Yes.
That pretty much summarizes it, NJMM....