Passed my first belt test today


Yellow Belt
Made advanced yellow. my sons made beginner yellow! they are five and six yrs old. my five yearl old really impressed me. he was so confident and very focused. during the inspection of his dobak he was so proud to be starched and pressed amd he looked sharp. my five year old lacks that confidene but he did very well on his test. hopefully next month my daughters make yellow advanced. oh, and in my sparring match i think i got my thumb broken. i tried to low block a front kick and let my thumb hang out...stupid, painful error...
Good for you, also it is great to hear you are working out with your kids, very awesome.........
Congrats on your new rank! :)

Take care of that thumb.
Glad you and your kids had a good experience. As for the thumb...pain is a firm teacher. Hope you heal up well and keep learning.
i also have a nice bruise on my shin from blocking a round house, that makes it quite painful to walk. i used shin pads, my opponent did not, apparently my pad slipped during the match and left my shin exposed. i chalk it up to being part of the learning experience. he felt bad about my thumb but i told hit it was my fault for not blocking correctly. my wife was watching the testing and even our master looked and made a face when he heard the pop of my thumb! apparently everyone in the dojang heard it. it took all i had not to let a foul word out in front of the children there. Master didn't even ask if i wanted to continue, he told me i would spar south paw and use my right hand to block. i finished the match, iced it down and then sparred more while he was finalizing grades on our tests.

as i type this its been about eight hours since the incident and my thumb is twice its normal size and purple. i haven't lost any feeling so i am not concerned about tissue death or nerve damage but i am watching it closely and will go to the ER if that occurs. i think i may be badly jammed. they joys of martial arts training!

i hope its better for Hapkido on tuesday!!!
i also have a nice bruise on my shin from blocking a round house, that makes it quite painful to walk. i used shin pads, my opponent did not, apparently my pad slipped during the match and left my shin exposed. i chalk it up to being part of the learning experience. he felt bad about my thumb but i told hit it was my fault for not blocking correctly. my wife was watching the testing and even our master looked and made a face when he heard the pop of my thumb! apparently everyone in the dojang heard it. it took all i had not to let a foul word out in front of the children there. Master didn't even ask if i wanted to continue, he told me i would spar south paw and use my right hand to block. i finished the match, iced it down and then sparred more while he was finalizing grades on our tests.

as i type this its been about eight hours since the incident and my thumb is twice its normal size and purple. i haven't lost any feeling so i am not concerned about tissue death or nerve damage but i am watching it closely and will go to the ER if that occurs. i think i may be badly jammed. they joys of martial arts training!

i hope its better for Hapkido on tuesday!!!

If you move it around slowly, if it isnt that Painful, youve just smacked the Bone in. I did that to my Right Big Toe a few Months ago, against someones Ribs. Very, very, Hard. As in, Crack Noise Hard. It was Swollen, Reddish Purple, and Sore if moved Slowly (But not if I prodded it a bit). It healed within 2 Weeks.
I thought the Nerve might have been affected due to the Reduced Movement, but that was not the Case.
Just keep it on Ice, and dont Underuse it.

BUT, if it becomes Painful regularly, or Blackens, or anything like that, THEN see a Physician. :)

As for the Shin, it happens all the time.

Get your thumb checked out; rule out a break and make sure you don't have any significant damage, like a separated ligament.
Get that thumb looked at. You need to know the extent of the damage: joint or bone; clean break or hairline; ligament or other damage; set it and cast or just splint? Either way, elevate and ice the heck out of it to control the swelling. Recovery is an important part of training, so don't shirk on making sure you heal up right. You might want full function out of that thumb again!
here we are


and i think i am going to the doc tomorrow for a quick xray