i also have a nice bruise on my shin from blocking a round house, that makes it quite painful to walk. i used shin pads, my opponent did not, apparently my pad slipped during the match and left my shin exposed. i chalk it up to being part of the learning experience. he felt bad about my thumb but i told hit it was my fault for not blocking correctly. my wife was watching the testing and even our master looked and made a face when he heard the pop of my thumb! apparently everyone in the dojang heard it. it took all i had not to let a foul word out in front of the children there. Master didn't even ask if i wanted to continue, he told me i would spar south paw and use my right hand to block. i finished the match, iced it down and then sparred more while he was finalizing grades on our tests.
as i type this its been about eight hours since the incident and my thumb is twice its normal size and purple. i haven't lost any feeling so i am not concerned about tissue death or nerve damage but i am watching it closely and will go to the ER if that occurs. i think i may be badly jammed. they joys of martial arts training!
i hope its better for Hapkido on tuesday!!!