What if you had worked on "fancy" kicks as much as you have worked on punches all those years? Would your opinion be different? Seriously though, I agree there are several kicks I personally would not use in a SD situation. Partly because I am older and cannot call on the as quickly and effectively as I could when I was younger. Everybody gains comfort from how they train. Kicking styles are outside fighters so that is where they are comfortable. Wrestlers want to be on the ground. So it has a lot to do with a persons style conditioning.Last night I was listening to students talk about an up coming tournament.
You have got to be kidding me!
Snap punches and back fist to the head no points.
You get more than 1 points for fancy kicks to the head.
No wonder no one practices snap punches and back fist, something I practiced for hours and hours.
No wonder people practice fancy kicks, I would never use in a real fight.
To the teachers credit I have heard them say fancy kicks are not good for a real fight.
Teachers teach hand combinations, but when students spar hand technique are not used or if used not well.
Students are more interest in tournaments than winning fights.
I hope as young people take over, the importance of hand techniques will not be lost.