This is an interesting thread. In my Dojang, we learn all 8 Palgwes between 1st & 2nd Dan. I really like the Palgwes. I like the deep stances. *but* my first MA was Shutokan Karate back in the 90’s. We had a lot of deep stances there as well so that may be why I like the Palgwes so much.

I don’t know that I’d claim one is better than the other, it depends on what you want to emphasize (but I will say that I hate walking stances

The first gym I studied at (starting in 2017), had recently transitioned from Palgwe to Taeguek poomse as the BB weire often commenting on it when trying to teach us the Taeguek poomse. My current gym (we moved a few years ago) has been solidly on Taeguek for quite some time by the time I got here. I don’t know how long but all the BB seemed like they came up on Taeguek or at least had been doing them for quite some time. I didn’t even know they did Palgwes at all until I was preparing for my 2nd dan and had to learn all 8 of them (plus Koryeo & Kumgon).