Pak mei help needed


White Belt

Any one ever heard of a form called charp sau. as I was taught
it once and told its a bak mei form, if any ones knows please let me know.

If so some footage would be really appriciated.

Many thanks
I know little about Bak Mei beyond this

Bak Mei -

Bak Mei Kung Fu - Gau Bo Tui - Video - YouTube

But my feeble understanding of things Southern; Charp Sau is not a form but part of a form

Wing Chun - Charp Sau - Piercing Hand
Southern Preying Mantis - charp sau - straight thrust

But I could be wrong, I do not currently train any southern styles and I speak no Cantonese.

Likely someone with much more knowledge on Southern Styles than I will be along soon to give you a better answer
Hey thank for reply

yeah I was told it ment drilling hands or thursting hand.

realy wanted to know if it is bak mei or not and to see how they
perform the set.

thanks again
Its a hand technique designed for piercing a defense. It is used a lot as a first technique in a combination. Really good for entering your opponent's center.

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