P90X and Kempo


3rd Black Belt
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
Well I picked up the P90X work out system with a buddy of mine.
I started it last night. it is a 90 day program to get you into shape.
I have starting numbers and will post them all start and end after the 90 days to see what truly has happend. I am going at this with 100% mind and body.

Well I picked up the P90X work out system with a buddy of mine.
I started it last night. it is a 90 day program to get you into shape.
I have starting numbers and will post them all start and end after the 90 days to see what truly has happend. I am going at this with 100% mind and body.


what about the soul, :idunno: sorry Steve just seem like the right thing to say:D
My mind and body is what needs the work and saving. My soul is good and safe. Thats why I left it out... But you knew that anyways.

Well I picked up the P90X work out system with a buddy of mine.
I started it last night. it is a 90 day program to get you into shape.
I have starting numbers and will post them all start and end after the 90 days to see what truly has happend. I am going at this with 100% mind and body.


If you started last night (Wednesday), then on Monday you will likely discover that, unfortunately, the kenpo workout is the weakest on the set. My wife and I have been doing the workouts for about a year, and after the 3rd week, I designed a kenpo workout that was more intense and made use of heavy bags (granted, not everyone owns a studio).

Anyway, we just bought the 2nd set of upgraded workouts and have put them into our routine. We love it, and are up at 4 am at least 5 days a week.

If we could just stick with the diet!

If you read this before today's workout, DON'T eat for at least an hour prior to it! It takes a week or two to have been through the program to start to remember some of the tips. We have them memorized, so I get to annoy my wife by saying the lines before he says them on the tape.

If you are really serious, even without following the diet, you will notice structural changes rather quickly. It is an awesome program. Good luck with it! Do your best and...
BTW, I'll be interested to find out what your favorite workout in the first series is.

Mine is Yoga X.
Thanks for the comments. I plan on giving it 100% of what I got for the 90 days. only 89 more to go. I will keep you posted on what is going on.

I started the program a while ago and then fell off it during the holidays. I keep meaning to start again but I've been having a hard time figuring out the right time of day to hurt myself all over again. It is a great program and I liked doing it, it's just starting over that is hard.
Day 2 out of the way. WOW that's really a great burn. my calf is on fire. water is just running off of me. Some of the moves I was like ok this is easy. THEN what hit me a truck. pretty sore right now.
but a good one. 88 more days to go.

Day 2 out of the way. WOW that's really a great burn. my calf is on fire. water is just running off of me. Some of the moves I was like ok this is easy. THEN what hit me a truck. pretty sore right now.
but a good one. 88 more days to go.


Yes, the hot foot would be so much easier if we could do it first!

"Calves are gonna be purty!"
Day 3
Well dave this was hard on my left should.

(thats the one I had 2 surgerys on) But I just used a lower weight on it.
Ab Ripper X again was NICE I now find myself looking forward to the work out time. I know it is day 3 But years ago I was a GYM rat and worked out a lot. I was hoping this would maybe kick in and it has. Just makes me what to push myself harder. Looking forward to the next one.

Day 4 gone... 86 more to go...

Day 5 gone.
Dave, The Yogo was good. I did not realize how hard yoga is and what inner power you need to get some of the spots. It was good.

Today was legs and back and again ab ripper X Good sweat today. the time seems to go by faster every time. Thats good. I have been really good with the diet and hope to keep that going also. The wife still is eating what ever she wants. But I am still having fun and next week a buddy of mine is joining in so that will also help push my self.

85 more to go. I have the Kenpo X work out tommorrow. will do it and see what that brings. You said it was ok. so I plan on trying it and If the kenpo work out is just ok then i will add and what not with my shaolin kempo stuff.

Day 6 was a hard day for me as my back is killing me today. I have a L5S1 disk issue. So I did a slow walk threw in kenpo x part. It was ok even if i felt great I still would think it was ok. so 84 more to go.
tommorrow is rest or flex the body.

What the input on trying this program 5-6 days a week .... My buddy has been trying to get me to commit but I can't...I currently started training in Silat and at this point this is more important to me than looking good....Health wise..I already do my own kenpo a couple of days a week as well as 2 days a week at Silat (only my second week and I am very impressed with it)...As such there is no way I do 90 days straight...which led the question.....thoughts from those that have completed it???
I train in Shaolin Kempo and Kosho Ryu Kempo and GJJ. After amount of time the body gets used to the trtainings and what not. I myself needed a kick to get myself back into shape. This 90 day program is just what I needed. I will post what has helped me over the 90 days when I get done with it.

Day 6 was a hard day for me as my back is killing me today. I have a L5S1 disk issue. So I did a slow walk threw in kenpo x part. It was ok even if i felt great I still would think it was ok. so 84 more to go.
tommorrow is rest or flex the body.


Hey Sensei do u remember what i said about the back problem as you know i to have l5si problem, please watch what u r doing ,because you just might come out of it like a crayfish:duh: and i know that does not feel good:asian: