P90X and Kempo

Yes...Good Luck by all means...A positive attitude is key to a speedy revovery....Visualize yourself back on the mat....kicking butt........
Be well....
I hope everything goes well with the surgery. Keep us posted.

My wife and I have been doing P90X every other day, walking on the days in between. This weekend, we are attempting a 27 mile trail walk in the mountains of Central Arkansas. We're going to try and pull it off in one day!

The best part will be the spa package...massages and soaking in the natural springs in Hot Springs.
Thanks for the words.
I look forward to getting back to training after a good rest.
then back to P90X

I'm glad to have found this thread, even though no one has posted on it in years LOL. Have any of you tried moving on to P90X2? I own it but I am in the middle of a hybrid between two other programs: P90X and P90X Plus. I LOVE the hybrid workouts because it gives you variety...fights back the number one enemy of fitness: BOREDOM!