P.U.R.E Progressive Uninterrupted Rapid Execution

ladies and gentlemen please we do not have to be arrogant about p.u.r.e. lets be humble about it. I have come up with systems myself I did not invent anything NEW, just a different view and take on it.
I have come up with:
A.R.S.T. Action reaction stress training or " flinch drills " "gross motor skills"
A.R.C. Action reaction continuum flinch drills plus attacking your opponent
A.C.T. Accelerated combative training basic A.R.S.T.& A.R.C. put together

are you ladies and gentlemen going to bad mouth me? I am only human like you and I learn and grow in the arts I do teach REALITY BASED MARTIAL ARTS which seems to be a bad thing. I do not know why,SO lets please keep this kind and lively but with RESPECT and HONOR please
I *Bow* with Respect.
Trust me, no one is going to 'bad mouth' yo on here but there are people on this forum who are very experienced martial artists. There are also those of us who cannot come and try your lessons due to being thousands of miles away so an explanation of your methods would be very wlcome for us.
Many of us are aware, have been taught or teach 'reality based self defence' and have very firm views on what works and what doesn't based on experiences out in the street, or in the workplace ( here I include police officers and the military) so I'm sure a healthy discussion is possible here.
Trust me, no one is going to 'bad mouth' yo on here but there are people on this forum who are very experienced martial artists. There are also those of us who cannot come and try your lessons due to being thousands of miles away so an explanation of your methods would be very wlcome for us.
Many of us are aware, have been taught or teach 'reality based self defence' and have very firm views on what works and what doesn't based on experiences out in the street, or in the workplace ( here I include police officers and the military) so I'm sure a healthy discussion is possible here.

I agree, video's of what you do would be nice.
Like I said before, what many of us were looking for, was some sort of info other than "Come and see what I have to offer!" and not telling anything more. D.G.C.F.S was kind enough to post a link to his page, and I took the time to view some of the clips that were on the page. Not sure how similar his material is to what Dark Gift Concepts has on his page or if its the exact same thing, but if it is similar, then at least we have an idea or at least a more clear idea. Perhaps these gentlemen would be kind enough to expand a bit on how different/similar the material is. :)

ladies and gentlemen please we do not have to be arrogant about p.u.r.e. lets be humble about it. I have come up with systems myself I did not invent anything NEW, just a different view and take on it.
I have come up with:
A.R.S.T. Action reaction stress training or " flinch drills " "gross motor skills"
A.R.C. Action reaction continuum flinch drills plus attacking your opponent
A.C.T. Accelerated combative training basic A.R.S.T.& A.R.C. put together

are you ladies and gentlemen going to bad mouth me? I am only human like you and I learn and grow in the arts I do teach REALITY BASED MARTIAL ARTS which seems to be a bad thing. I do not know why,SO lets please keep this kind and lively but with RESPECT and HONOR please
I *Bow* with Respect.

IMHO, the RBSD guys out there have alot of great stuff to offer. Animal, Quinn, Blauer.....alot of great stuff! While I still try to keep some foundation to the arts I train in, I have made some changes to the way I train, and I give credit where its due. :ultracool
I just don't see any difference between this and other self-preservation training programs. That is why I used the term GENERIC. Not out of ignorance but out of experience. I have training in 2 different MA's and also dabble in Stick fighting, Stick n Knife, and even medieval weaponry as well :p This forum probably has hundreds if not thousands of collective years of MA experience so the come see what we have to offer doesn't work on us. Perhaps people with no experience but not us. Not trying to flame I just don't see anything special here. Just my $.02
Can I ask why so many Acronyms?

According to the site of Dark Gift Concepts it lists Jeet Kun Do and Kali.

I don't really understand how this is different from other Reality based teachers or other martial art schools who teach students to use "Uninterrupted Rapid execution of techniques"

If you feel this is for you more power to you however be aware others may question it.
Yes this I a discussion forum but it is not a place for me to share,give away my information that I have for years been working on to a bunch of guys who I don't know from Adam.

If a few short paragraphs to tell what makes your art or approach distinctive from what others are doing would be giving away all your information then you must not have much to share.

I've wrote many paragraphs on my views on this forum and what makes the arts I study unique as well as how they are similar. Does that mean that others here have my secrets? No, the real secret of an art is in the practice of the art.

_Don Flatt
information then you must not have much to share.

I've wrote many paragraphs on my views on this forum and what makes the arts I study unique as well as how they are similar. Does that mean that others here have my secrets? No, the real secret of an art is in the practice of the art.

_Don Flatt[/QUOTE]

If you actually paid attention and maybe read the whole thread I wrote that I will be posting in Video form here in the near future. If you cannot comply to my wishes as to which direction I choose to present this. I am truley sorry and cannot please the masses. If this P.U.R.E is nothing more than gimmick, generic same ol same ol then by all means please dont wait for my formal video intro and just go apon living. Sorry to have even tried to share but a glimpse with you guys
If you actually paid attention and maybe read the whole thread I wrote that I will be posting in Video form here in the near future. If you cannot comply to my wishes as to which direction I choose to present this. I am truley sorry and cannot please the masses. If this P.U.R.E is nothing more than gimmick, generic same ol same ol then by all means please dont wait for my formal video intro and just go apon living. Sorry to have even tried to share but a glimpse with you guys

Uh... what glimpse? I'm being totally serious, and I am curious about what you're offering. All that you have really said about your system is that you think it's unique, and you're going to be posting a video at some undetermined time in the future. D.G.C.F.S. posted a link with information - general, but enough to give people an idea of what he's doing, and he's apparently connected to you and your program, so there's some information there. But simply providing an acronym (of which there are plenty out there) and saying "this is great stuff, wait til you see it" isn't really going to interest many people on this board.
None likes to have something they consider great to be greeted with less than adulation, DGC and it is understandable to be a little miffed when plaudits are not forthcoming.

However, these fora are stacked to the gunnels with dan grades in a multitude of arts, so I pray that you have it in your heart to forgive our scepticism. We are not neophytes to be impressed with a little hint of something special and a rub of 'flannel' after all.

One thing is certain. Veiled hostility and snideness will garner you nothing. MT is a very strongly moderated forum and the policies are actively enforced. By all means, have your say but it is best if such things are done as politely as possible. If people disagree with you or ask for that which you are not yet able to provide, then it is perfectly fine to demur and explain that you'll have more of substance to bring to the table later.

EDIT: Ah, Kacey nipped in whilst I was typing. Apologies for any redundant sentiments.
Uh... what glimpse? I'm being totally serious, and I am curious about what you're offering. All that you have really said about your system is that you think it's unique, and you're going to be posting a video at some undetermined time in the future. D.G.C.F.S. posted a link with information - general, but enough to give people an idea of what he's doing, and he's apparently connected to you and your program, so there's some information there. But simply providing an acronym (of which there are plenty out there) and saying "this is great stuff, wait til you see it" isn't really going to interest many people on this board.

I am offering an approach to combat that starts from a mental stand point focused there 1st. Much of what I teach is based on my own exp. I do incorporate to help my new student's, I have also found as you all know it is about daily decrease. That in mind if I get a student that is not "green" I like to see what he has to offer, what this training has done to his body mechanics, and see his overall mental state and emotional state.

I often see "green" or "exp" student's often failing to see a few avenues not taking in combat. With this in mind P.U.R.E in a sense starts off teaching you a state or awareness, a view per say on the world as you venture out in it. A way to harness that Predator Instinct as well. If provoked in a altercation or fight or God forbid a life threatening situation, I put together also a few moves, that as I served as an Independent Contractor for the Marine Corp and as a Bouncer in a Riverside club known for having a lot of the bad element around.

I thru this and the fight's that crossed my path in combination with the training I had received from Paul Vunak and Tom Cruise. I began to view things differently. Yes please do not get me wrong R.A.T and the all the goodie stuff I was privy to from Paul and Tom have ALWAYS worked for me.

But what was learned for myself was I noticed how fights would unravel wether it was 1 on 1 skilled opponent or not or mass attack 1 on 3 or more. I began changing not only the way I thought of a fight, the way my body reacted to fight, but the way I engaged it.

In a sense PURE is mental, spiritual,physical,emotinal training.

The training is something that I am working on either bringing in video format or maybe do a simple introduction to Dark Gift Concepts as P.U.R.E is but one small bit of what D.G.C has to offer.

Mr. Traylor D.G.C.F.S was a student of mine back in 97-98 I opened his view on Martial Science and J.K.D, He was a great student and good friend he made Apprentice Instructor under me when I ran under Dark Gift Martial Art's/ Dark Gift Jeet Kune Do and is currently working towards his Full Instructorship. He will also be hosting me for a seminar at a date to be set.

A lot of what he shows on his site makes me very proud to see that he has not only opened his mind but adapted very well and kept searching for arts that flowed and were useful.

What I want to show yes is being put out slowly because I am looking to run my business much differently than prior. I use to have seminars and student's and Full Instructor's under me. But I left as much of me needed to go Ronin and discover my own path and as to why?? what was being taught to me need to be modified to my own application and soul.

I am not saying that you will learn maybe any new moves or maybe you will. But I am saying that what I am putting out there not only will help you in some way but make you a better Martial Artist.
information then you must not have much to share.

I've wrote many paragraphs on my views on this forum and what makes the arts I study unique as well as how they are similar. Does that mean that others here have my secrets? No, the real secret of an art is in the practice of the art.

_Don Flatt

If you actually paid attention and maybe read the whole thread I wrote that I will be posting in Video form here in the near future. If you cannot comply to my wishes as to which direction I choose to present this. I am truley sorry and cannot please the masses. If this P.U.R.E is nothing more than gimmick, generic same ol same ol then by all means please dont wait for my formal video intro and just go apon living. Sorry to have even tried to share but a glimpse with you guys

I did see that you said you were going to put up youtube clips. I look forward to viewing them. :) In the meantime, as I have said in a few other posts, I think what people were looking for, was some sort of breakdown, such as what I had asked in this post.

Mr. Traylor gave a link to his site. I went there to check it out. I thought that it was put together very well, gave a pretty solid breakdown of what he taught, and I enjoyed watching the clips that he had. I had also asked in this post if what was shown on his site was anything remotely similar to what you teach. If it is, then its safe to say that at least we have a basic idea and will see more once you post your clips. If it is different, I asked what the differences were. As of yet, I have not received a reply.
Well put Professor Eric...We are all on he road to discovery, any one that says they have arrived and knows it all RUN THE OTHER WAY!! I have been in the Martial Arts since the age of 5 years old I am now 44 years old and I am still learning, evolving, adapting. It has taking me and my wife 6 years to perfect Dark Gift Combat Fighting System and to be honest we are Now going threw growing pains as we are adding sub systems to it and "INVENTING" sub system mostly GROSS MOTOR skills set. but also advance motor skills set.
Those of you that took the time to go to my website and see what We do "wife and I " KNOW who I am and what I do. Some agree with me some do not.
Professor Eric.. is also on this path, [FONT=&quot]There for we all see the moon but we look at it with different splendor and aw.
[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Combat definitely must not be limited to person’s personal INCLINATION, his environment conditioning, or his physical makeup – although these are parts of the totality of combat. However, it is this kind of “ PARTICULAR SECURITY ” or “ CRUTCH ” that limits and blocks the natural growth of a MARTIAL ARTIST.
A style is a classified response to one’s chosen INCLINATION.
Basically true observation begins when one is DEVOID of set patterns;
A person can not see a fight “ AS IS “ say from the point of view MARTIAL ARTIST, BOXER, WRESTLER, ect… or any one that is trained in a particular method. Because he or she will see the fight according to the limits of his particular conditioning.
FREEDOM of expression occurs when one is beyond system.When the mind is tethered to a center, naturally it is not FREE; it can move only within the LIMITS of that center.
I *BOW* with Respect
Good Conversation with GOOD friends.

[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

Just a couple of things. Sharing information via a forum should be a way to advertise your art/school. If sharing what your art is about on a forum is considered too risky then why come onto a forum and talk about it? No one is going to 'steal' your ideas and you may get some insight from some experienced martial artists.

Just a quick comment on the gun disarms that are shown on the video on your website. I personally wouldn't be actively disarming a gun while the muzzle is still pointing at me which is done a couple of times on your video. Also the gas discharge from the muzzle is also incredibly dangerous so making the muzzle point well away should be your first move. A good guide for muzzle gas discharge is to imagine (or even attach) a child's balloon to the muzzle tip. If this ballon can touch you then the gun is still pointing in an unsafe direction.

Just some thoughts

I am offering an approach to combat that starts from a mental stand point focused there 1st. Much of what I teach is based on my own exp. I do incorporate to help my new student's, I have also found as you all know it is about daily decrease. That in mind if I get a student that is not "green" I like to see what he has to offer, what this training has done to his body mechanics, and see his overall mental state and emotional state.

I often see "green" or "exp" student's often failing to see a few avenues not taking in combat. With this in mind P.U.R.E in a sense starts off teaching you a state or awareness, a view per say on the world as you venture out in it. A way to harness that Predator Instinct as well. If provoked in a altercation or fight or God forbid a life threatening situation, I put together also a few moves, that as I served as an Independent Contractor for the Marine Corp and as a Bouncer in a Riverside club known for having a lot of the bad element around.

I thru this and the fight's that crossed my path in combination with the training I had received from Paul Vunak and Tom Cruise. I began to view things differently. Yes please do not get me wrong R.A.T and the all the goodie stuff I was privy to from Paul and Tom have ALWAYS worked for me.

But what was learned for myself was I noticed how fights would unravel wether it was 1 on 1 skilled opponent or not or mass attack 1 on 3 or more. I began changing not only the way I thought of a fight, the way my body reacted to fight, but the way I engaged it.

In a sense PURE is mental, spiritual,physical,emotinal training.

The training is something that I am working on either bringing in video format or maybe do a simple introduction to Dark Gift Concepts as P.U.R.E is but one small bit of what D.G.C has to offer.

Mr. Traylor D.G.C.F.S was a student of mine back in 97-98 I opened his view on Martial Science and J.K.D, He was a great student and good friend he made Apprentice Instructor under me when I ran under Dark Gift Martial Art's/ Dark Gift Jeet Kune Do and is currently working towards his Full Instructorship. He will also be hosting me for a seminar at a date to be set.

A lot of what he shows on his site makes me very proud to see that he has not only opened his mind but adapted very well and kept searching for arts that flowed and were useful.

What I want to show yes is being put out slowly because I am looking to run my business much differently than prior. I use to have seminars and student's and Full Instructor's under me. But I left as much of me needed to go Ronin and discover my own path and as to why?? what was being taught to me need to be modified to my own application and soul.

I am not saying that you will learn maybe any new moves or maybe you will. But I am saying that what I am putting out there not only will help you in some way but make you a better Martial Artist.

Good breakdown of your history and why you have done what you have done. A few things though IMO any good art should have mental development as a center, if you aren't mentally ready for combat then you are not ready, any instructor that I have had has always made this a key point of training. I also believe that we all kinda find our own art whether or not we wish to admit it, what works for me probably wont work for every student I have though parts of what I use I am sure they can use maybe in a different combo or whatever from what I saw of the other website techniques seemed to be efficient and effective I am looking forward to your videos and good luck with your journey
Just a couple of things. Sharing information via a forum should be a way to advertise your art/school. If sharing what your art is about on a forum is considered too risky then why come onto a forum and talk about it? No one is going to 'steal' your ideas and you may get some insight from some experienced martial artists.

Just a quick comment on the gun disarms that are shown on the video on your website. I personally wouldn't be actively disarming a gun while the muzzle is still pointing at me which is done a couple of times on your video. Also the gas discharge from the muzzle is also incredibly dangerous so making the muzzle point well away should be your first move. A good guide for muzzle gas discharge is to imagine (or even attach) a child's balloon to the muzzle tip. If this ballon can touch you then the gun is still pointing in an unsafe direction.

Just some thoughts


Yes Sir Good Points BUT I rather have the gas discharge than THE BULLET. in real life you take the less of two evils " Right?" I would NOT do a GUN DISARM IF at all possible.Just give them the money But IF I was going to get shoot had no other course of action then bullet burn gas discharge is nothing compare to me being a live. Also If you saw the video I also talk about it "blowback"

Just some thoughts
Today I met a man
He walked by me and stopped! As I turned he gestured to shake my hand as I went to do so he not only shook my hand but gave me a small stick. He spoke softly , and told me "big things are in your future and you will make an impact". That was it as I stood there holding my daughters hand I went to ask why would you tell me such things and I don't know you? He looked me dead in the eyes and said "'Sometimes it takes someone you don't know to make you listen".. and walked on...
Wow does not even begin to explain how I feel.
It is a great shame that that more of the mundanes are so limited and narrow in their world view so as to not recognise great innovation when it appears. Too often it seems these narrow minds get caught up on ideas, skills and techniques that are hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of years old. The new, the different, it frightens them I think. Systems such as yours are needed, to seperate the wheat from the chaff. After all, what warrior today would wade into the heat of battle with a sword when they could have a modern computerized battle rifle running the latest in combat software from Microsoft's weapons tech division? The fact that strangers now appear to you to inform you of your future greatness, speaks loudly of the soundness of your system and mind. I look forward to reading even more from you in the future, and await the disemination of your wisdom to us unworthy ones.