P.U.R.E Progressive Uninterrupted Rapid Execution

Dark Gift Concepts

Orange Belt
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
In today's world there are unlimtited possibilities and dangerous situations that can arise. Just because your an experienced martial artist, well trained or not, this does not guarantee success in surprise situations . For this reason I have coordinated a series of immediate responsive actions that could potentially change the course of an assault.....


Progressive Uninterrupted Rapid Execution
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Would you mind going into more detail? Such as an example of one of these, I think it could open up more dialog here.

I went to the website and there wasn't much information on there either regarding this concept.
Seems to be basicly JKD with reality based training. Good but nothing new.

Looks like the same old thing but with a new name to get the general public to spend more money on the remake of the wheel.
im with punisher i would like a descripion of an event or video if possible please, any thing wich can help prepare us better for whats out there is good so its great you are moving forward in my opinion, horendus pics on your site man(shudder)
My question is the same what makes your different from everything else and please do not say reality base, because if that was true it would be with real knifes and guns. I would think it is more practical for today world which is just reinventing the wheel.
I posted this on another forum which I hold with alot of respect. I will post it here as well.

I want to go on the record as saying this is not over or above anything out there that is already functional. What I feel it ads is the approach, the mentality behind it, the moves that have not failed me to date.

There is no guarantee in any technique or situation.

I developed P.U.R.E thru actual encounters I engaged in, fights that could not be walked from, even the local club scenario as I was a bouncer served for many hours of honing in what I wanted to express.

I found myself not only using what I had learned from Paul and Tom but also doing things as I saw fit, based on spatial relation and tools at hand for my disposal. Much like R.A.T they were developed and honed based on Paul's teaching's and scenarios as he saw fit. Like almost anything in life I took what I was tought made it my own and found a few different ways to express myself and to have people view combat.

Ill take it one step further. KFM, those guys are JKD based and other art's of course but have developed something that is very impressive and functional in it's own right. Myself I tought P.U.R.E to my wife in it's birth and it actually saved her in an actual fight.

I am going to post on YouTube to explain in more detail here in the near future. My goal is to teach a different crowd in a different way. I am not Paul Vunak I am not Tom Cruise. I am teaching my experience, I am teaching the common man, not Government. Please be patient as I am still working on things and I haven't had all the resources and I am also being selective in who I take as student's as this already is bringing up controversy. You can find me on YouTube as well under DarkGiftConcepts.
I posted this on another forum which I hold with alot of respect. I will post it here as well.

I want to go on the record as saying this is not over or above anything out there that is already functional. What I feel it ads is the approach, the mentality behind it, the moves that have not failed me to date.

There is no guarantee in any technique or situation.

I developed P.U.R.E thru actual encounters I engaged in, fights that could not be walked from, even the local club scenario as I was a bouncer served for many hours of honing in what I wanted to express.

I found myself not only using what I had learned from Paul and Tom but also doing things as I saw fit, based on spatial relation and tools at hand for my disposal. Much like R.A.T they were developed and honed based on Paul's teaching's and scenarios as he saw fit. Like almost anything in life I took what I was tought made it my own and found a few different ways to express myself and to have people view combat.

Ill take it one step further. KFM, those guys are JKD based and other art's of course but have developed something that is very impressive and functional in it's own right. Myself I tought P.U.R.E to my wife in it's birth and it actually saved her in an actual fight.

I am going to post on YouTube to explain in more detail here in the near future. My goal is to teach a different crowd in a different way. I am not Paul Vunak I am not Tom Cruise. I am teaching my experience, I am teaching the common man, not Government. Please be patient as I am still working on things and I haven't had all the resources and I am also being selective in who I take as student's as this already is bringing up controversy. You can find me on YouTube as well under DarkGiftConcepts.
You've written a lot in this post, but not said much.

What makes what you've got different? I mean, there's Tony Blauer's SPEAR system, tons of "generic" LE defensive tactics programs, MCMAP, and more that are all "reality oriented." How is what you've got different or better? What sort of methodology of instruction are you using?
I will only offer this..............In law enforcement, the first rule is "expect the unexpected". Law enforcement goes into a situation with high alert and still many times gets the "unexpected". There is no way that every possible situational entanglement can be addressed, much less be prepared for, so how can the average person, even the well trained MA'ist, be totally prepared for any and all situations? They would have to walk around in a constant state of uber alertness and be totally paranoid to boot. My guess is that not many folks could or would embrace such a life style, so attempted training for such an all inclusive mindset would not be very inviting. Just my 2$ (inflation - :))
Hello, Isn't this what martial arts is all about? Progressive uninterrupted rapid excutions of our skills learn from training?

No one knows what an attacker will do and when they will become aggressive with a punch or physcial confrontations?

Yes? Many of us do not train in the real enviroment (bars,street alleys.etc) and in the adrenline mode.....

Most of train in a safe, comfortable place with partners....

Everyone knows a real fight will be fast, furious,anything goes...NO rules..

Very hard to train in the real world...because of possible injuries/death...full on anything goes type of attack...

YES? to learn to fight...one must fight to learn...Sparring is close to a real style of fighting and purpose of sparring is = progressive uninterrupted rapid execution......PURE and simple....NOT always right in all our moves...time and practice will improve us all.....Just my thoughts on this..........Aloha

PS: Nothing is really knews...just taught differently each time.....A PURE heart...HUMBLE person....will never need p.u.r.e.
I would have to agree with many opinions on this particular post. Nothing that great is being offered. These self created styles , most of them are nothing fancy. Just a hodgepodge of techniques that have limited applications and not altogether exciting. Sorry but to me it just looks liek a sales pitch and a brand spinoff of things that are already there. In other words GENERIC.
Show up to a few classes, picking apart something you don't understand is speaking and writing out of ignorance or lack of pursuing knowledge. Do your homework, show up to a class or two, because untill then Ignorance is bliss.
Show up to a few classes, picking apart something you don't understand is speaking and writing out of ignorance or lack of pursuing knowledge. Do your homework, show up to a class or two, because untill then Ignorance is bliss.

Well, even though I'm based only a state away, I probably won't have time to "show up for a class or two" in Scottsdale. So, from the depths of my ignorance, I'd just ask you to explain how your "Dark Gift" differs from Paul Vunak's JKD, or Guru Dan's, or Heather Mondee's or Burton Richardson's or Ron Balicki's....I mean, your webpage-as an "offering"-doesn't exactly offer a wealth of information-either about your past training and certifications, or what it is that you do.

I mean, this is a discussion forum........:idunno::lol:[
Yes, this is a discussion forum, so frankly, I don't see why there is a need to be evasive with anything. I'm not close enough to attend a class even if I wanted to, but I think it would be good to see the following:

1) More in-depth explaination of what this 'system' is all about.

2) How does it differ from anything that is already out there?

3) What is a typical class like?

4) What areas of fighting are covered?

In a nutshell, the website is vauge at best. Unless I'm missing it, it doesn't really give any details, and neither do any posts here. Simply saying to someone that they have to see it to believe it, when many of us a) don't live nearby or b) have an interest in leaving a system that we've invested years in, I think some background on the "Dark Gift Concepts" is important for the discussion.
The delivery, the process, the mentality.

Umm...ok...would you care to expand on this a bit?

Show up bub words are cheap

You are new here, so please allow me to caution you on a few things. I'd use caution in your wording. This is the internet, and things do get misunderstood. Posts such as what you said above, could be read as a challenge. Challenge posts are not allowed on MT, and you will find yourself removed from the forum if that is the route you're going. I suggest reading the forum rules. Taken from the General Posting Rules:

No "Challenges" - If there is a threat or physical challenge, real or perceived, issued, the person making said threat will be immediately banned from this board with no warning or recourse.
Yes, this is a discussion forum, so frankly, I don't see why there is a need to be evasive with anything. I'm not close enough to attend a class even if I wanted to, but I think it would be good to see the following:

1) More in-depth explaination of what this 'system' is all about.

2) How does it differ from anything that is already out there?

3) What is a typical class like?

4) What areas of fighting are covered?

In a nutshell, the website is vauge at best. Unless I'm missing it, it doesn't really give any details, and neither do any posts here. Simply saying to someone that they have to see it to believe it, when many of us a) don't live nearby or b) have an interest in leaving a system that we've invested years in, I think some background on the "Dark Gift Concepts" is important for the discussion.
This system is about empowering yourself in real life situations.

It differs because of the way the information is being taught an processed as well as the way the mental side is being brought up to speed and movement are incorparated.

I cover all ranges of combat, Kicking, punching, trapping, grappling, weapons, guns. etc ..

Best I can say come try, see exp for yourself. Yes this I a discussion forum but it is not a place for me to share,give away my information that I have for years been working on to a bunch of guys who I don't know from Adam.

An if this is something you all think is Generic or ******** WALK ON..
This system is about empowering yourself in real life situations.

It differs because of the way the information is being taught an processed as well as the way the mental side is being brought up to speed and movement are incorparated.

I cover all ranges of combat, Kicking, punching, trapping, grappling, weapons, guns. etc ..

Best I can say come try, see exp for yourself. Yes this I a discussion forum but it is not a place for me to share,give away my information that I have for years been working on to a bunch of guys who I don't know from Adam.

An if this is something you all think is Generic or ******** WALK ON..
Perhaps it would be best to get the feel of the forum first, do some lurking and read so you get a feel for the kind of people who post here. You might find there are a lot of people who have done exactly that - given away a bit of information for discussion.

I think many people are more "show me" now than ever, especially in the Martial Arts world.

Welcome to MT, btw.
one must try to think outside the box, I like it Eric, yea He did not invent any thing new but made you think of its possibility's. He drew you guys in. and that in it self is GOOD, you ask why is it better? well how do you train? are you T.M.A. or M.M.A. or R.B.M.A.? and YES THEY ARE ALL DIFFERENT in mind set and training. all have their place in the Martial Arts World. every one is different and everyone looks for what will work for them. A tae Kwon Do Master is not going to train in GRAPPLING, HEAVEN FORBID!!!!! Why? Hell I dont know but I have seen Instructors get Pissed off just talking about it.

"You don't grow unless you go out of the confines of your own system/style...it is from the old we get security and the new that we get growth" - Dan Inosanto.

"In the long history of HUMANITY, the instinct to follow and imitate seems to be inherent in most PEOPLE, TEACHERS, and students alike." -Bruce Lee

"When the mind is tethered to a center, naturally it is not FREE; it can move only within the LIMITS of that center." -Bruce Lee.

I *BOW* with Respect