Overweight here???


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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Are here any gorditos (fat boys)? I'm in TKD classes to get in shape, gain healt and because I love TKD.

I'm 6' tall and 260 pounds, I have lost with a diet almost 20 punds but need to work out about 40 punds or so more.

It seems all the practiciones of MA are always in shape but don't know if I'm an isolate case.

No manny I'm overwieght myself 5'9" 229 lbs. and I have lost over thirty pounds looking to loose atleast 45 more it is a slow but rewarding process, keep up the fine attitude and everything will be alright.
Hey Manny glad to have you here. Good luck with your training and if you keep at it and eat healthy then I am sure you will lose some weight and probably get pretty fit in the process. Good luck!
Yeah, mainly I'm eatin fruit,vegies and meats and fish, lots of salads and very few carbohidrates and sugar.

I must admit I live to eat (not reverse) cause my job is a very stressing one and I eat to ease my stress, plus I like too cook too and do lot of tasty meals.

So I've been on diet since mid january but afther these months and afther droping 20 punds the scale it's not going down so work out is mandatory too.


You're right, most martial artists are in pretty good shape.

And once you've trained for a few months, you will be too.

Many of my students start out with a few extra pounds, but the training will help you lose weight fast. Especially Tae Kwon Do.
I lost about thirty pounds after my last serious relationship. I wasn't doing anything different except that I was no longer eating pizza three nights a week. So, my anecdotal advice is to stop with the pizza. :)
Working on it Manny.
Somehow, I found myself at almost 260 a few years ago. Since then I've cut out soda, added tons of water and more exercise etc. It's helped immensely.
Weighed in this morning at 218, 6'2.5" (yeah, I like accuracy on those silly percentage calculator programs heh).

I've been using www.calorie-count.com to track what I eat, and that's helped quite a bit simply to be aware of it. (Also tracks activity). In the last week of actively just observing what I take in, I went from 223 to 218. My goal is a 32-34" waist, and 8-10% body fat, whatever that ends up being on the scale we'll see heh. Right now it's 40" waist and 19.8%, so I have a ways to go.
Nope, you're not alone. I could lose some poundage (about 35 of them to be truthful) and have also decided that in addition to training, I need to get back to the gym and start to watch what I eat.
I'm not overweigh but I want to help so here it goes. I've been working out for 3 years (gaining and loosing weight until I got to a desired weight) and what I found out is 2 things. 1. Work out hard every time (I'm sure you porbably do). 2. Still eat whatever you want but limit your portions. It's not really what you eat, it's more how much of what you eat. Try eating a lot of fruits and also don't cut down on the carbs too much because they are your main source of energy. This might be nothing new to you but I hope it helped and if not...well I tried my best =)
When I first started training in 7th grade...I was a chubby little kid. Tang Soo Do is what helped me lose that weight, so I owe a lot to Martial arts, because it was my first real exercise. That is also why I keep coming back. Right now, I'm a few pounds over, but regular training has helped me lose a lot when I need to.

My biggest problem is the eating....I train regularly, but with the high calorie intake (I love korean food), it doesn't help. So when I need to lose, I just stop eating as much.

I am trying to lose another 10 in the next few months.
I did kenpo for years at around 300 pounds. I've been overweight most of my life. It was hard, but over time I developed an extremely powerful cardiovascular system, and was able to outlast many of my peers in fights. I still couldn't run though, I'd get winded almost immediately.

I started the power 90 program and went on a drastically reduced diet. I also stopped drinking soda and started pushing water heavily. I got all the way down to 190. At the time I was also teaching kenpo 5 days a week full time.

In my experience, and from what I've read, the only real way to lose weight is the one nobody wants. Diet and exercise. Turns out they were right all along. If you control your diet, push fluids, and exercise at least an hour a day, six days a week, you will definately lose the weight. Unless you have a glandular problem, losing weight is possible for everyone, they just have to do the hard work, which is kinda like martial arts in that sense.

I'm not attacking you, I don't want to come across that way. I'm saying that if you really want to lose weight, the good news is you can! It's not easy or fun, but you'll end up looking sexy, and that's really what we all want right?

Oh, and you'll be able to run and do jump kicks, and if you can fight when you're heavy, you'll fly when you're thin.

Thank you, as long as I remeber when I was practicieng TKD I was in shape, sadly afther almost 13 years of a wonderful marriage, a sedentary job and a great apetite (I must admit it) I pass from 210 to 280 pounds!!!! I was 38 waits size and turn to 46 almost 48!!

Yes you are right about the key to loose weigth, diet plus exercice, both together, so that's why afther loosing 20 punds I decide to returne TKD to help me with my diet to achieve a good weigth.

Today I eat a little sugar and carbohidrates, I eat vegies and meat mostly, also I've reduce my food intake too, and every 15 days I go with my dietician for check ups.

I hope with my diet and the 3 times per week work out (TKD) I could reach the 200-210 punds mark in the scale, and maybe my waist again will be 36 or 38 inches jejejeje, and yes being an italian/spaniel mix up look sexier jejejeje.

I quit smoking for 2 years and picked up 60 lbs..I attended a police defensive tactics class and knocked a number of excellent physical specimens on their butts because they misjudged my girth for lack of talent...
I love eating. In fact I am eating right now, just step up your training and avoid pop and salt(but don't cut it out all together, thats just prudent). Thats good enough for me.

We have a couple people that are a bit soft around the edges, and one that just started.. Well she is a pretty big target anyways.. Where was I going with that.. I dono. Training is good, your not the only one, hope too see you at a tournament some time :).
It seems all the practiciones of MA are always in shape but don't know if I'm an isolate case.


Manny, I've found that there are many practioners out there that may appear to be out of shape, but the fact of the matter is that if you are healthy then the weight is not the biggest concern. Being "healthy" is. I am about 30lbs. over my "feel best" weight and am trying to lose the weight, but I feel very healthy. In the past I used to lose weight the wrong ways and paid for it in my later years. I smartened up and am doing it slowly and eating smaller portions. It will come off slower, but it will most likely stay off in the long run and my health won't suffer. Good luck in you endeavor and if you ever need someone to talk with, I'm here for ya.
Thank you TKDmel, in fact I'm over weight and trying to gain health jejeje, I know that will never feel and looks and be as when I was 18-20 years old, in those days my weight was right, my body was right and my health was right. However I would like to drop pounds and see me healthy and yess as some one here said sexier why not? and look like a 39 years old healthy man, not the potatoes bag I look like right now.

For me the looks is important for me job for example, so maybe if I can get around 210 punds it will allright!!! in fact that's my goal, I know it's not gona be easy task the bacon I got was an acumulation of almost 17 years, so as you say, one step at time.

I hope 3 times per week in TKD can help me to reach my goal, offcourse it will terrific to do those spining/jumping head hook kicks but one thing at time.


I'm a little bit overweight, myself- and TKD is helping quite a bit. I'm in great shape, have a lot of confidence, and am losing weight through exercise. Best wishes in your journey, Manny. We're here for you!
Manny, this is just something to add to your toolkit. The fastest way to lose weight is to keep your daily calorie intake fairly constant and rational, and to do interval training. Intervals are aerobic exercise in which you spend maybe 10%–15% of the exercise doing what would be sprints, if the aerobic exercise you do is running. So say, you run 50 seconds of every minute at a moderate jog, and 10 seconds at an all-out sprint. 50/10, or even 55/5, out of every minute—for no more than twenty minutes. Two or at most three days a week.

This kind of exercise will boil body fat off you. The reason is that those few seconds of all-out sprint ramp your heartrate and metabolism up to the point where you're in effect going all out, or almost, even during the slow/steady part of each minute. And a number of research studies suggest that interval training leaves your metabolism in an elevated state for up to 72 hours after your training session. Best of all, since a typical MA session is sort of the same idea—bursts of intense energy interspersed with long periods of low-level or moderal-level exercise—doing intervals trains your body to adapt to exactly the kind of rhythm that you encounter in your MA classes.

This isn't a crank idea, or a fad. It's been around since the 1930s and is widely practiced by European athletes (under the rubric fartlek `fast play' in Swedish); Covert Bailey, the aerobic guru of the 80s par excellance, seems to have been the main publicist for it in N. America. It's not a gimmick at all, but a tried and true staple of experienced coaches' toolkits. The downside is, it's not very pleasant. After three or four sprinting phases, the fifth one looks like the gates of Hell just over the horizon, and a few more down the road and you're ready to have someone put you out of your misery. But 20 minutes a couple of times a week is more than enough, if you do a few `normal' exercise sessions a week as well, and the return on the investment in time is phenomenal. That's what the physical discomfort of interval training is buying you, really—fast, physically legitimate results (i.e., it's real fat loss, not water loss from sweating etc.)

Just don't do it till you've seen your doctor and gotten a green light for it, OK?
I did kenpo for years at around 300 pounds. I've been overweight most of my life. It was hard, but over time I developed an extremely powerful cardiovascular system, and was able to outlast many of my peers in fights. I still couldn't run though, I'd get winded almost immediately.

I started the power 90 program and went on a drastically reduced diet. I also stopped drinking soda and started pushing water heavily. I got all the way down to 190. At the time I was also teaching kenpo 5 days a week full time.

In my experience, and from what I've read, the only real way to lose weight is the one nobody wants. Diet and exercise. Turns out they were right all along. If you control your diet, push fluids, and exercise at least an hour a day, six days a week, you will definately lose the weight. Unless you have a glandular problem, losing weight is possible for everyone, they just have to do the hard work, which is kinda like martial arts in that sense.

I'm not attacking you, I don't want to come across that way. I'm saying that if you really want to lose weight, the good news is you can! It's not easy or fun, but you'll end up looking sexy, and that's really what we all want right?

Oh, and you'll be able to run and do jump kicks, and if you can fight when you're heavy, you'll fly when you're thin.

Hey Rob, congrats on the weight loss. That's some serious disipline to go from 300 to 190. How tall are you?