overweight has afected my life

Remember, only a small % of people who diet or make a "lifestyle change," stick with it for the rest of their lives.

The same can be said for the small percentage who start a martial art making it to black belt (and beyond). I strongly believe that as a successful martial artist, Manny already possesses the tools to get this under control. It's a matter of adapting those tools to the job at hand, and having the will to see it through. The reward is well worth the cost.
I strongly agree, the reward is well worth the cost. However, many people require aid. I myself am a food addict. I have done all I can to treat my condition but just like someone who is mentally ill or paralyzed I am using a tool. The work, exercise and VERY restricted diet are worth it to me.
Yes the lap-band does have its risks, but if used properly as the tool itÂ’s supposed to be and not a crutch it can save your life. It is light years ahead of gastric, and the mortality rate is "almost" non existent(no dumping syndrome, etc.). I had it done and was home 3 hours later walking around the block. All they do is squeeze the plumbing a bit, they do not rearrange it; it is fully reversible as well. With all things there is danger, with the lap-band, the risk is SO small compared to the rewards though! I of course say try EVERYTHING before surgery, but if it doesn't work, then by all means explore this option! Remember, only a small % of people who diet or make a "lifestyle change," stick with it for the rest of their lives. I am not trying to demotivate, all I am saying is you may fall into that category of those who yo-yo or whatever like I did give the band a look!

Just wanted to mention that I work with a guy who just spent nearly a year in and out of the hospital after some kind of weight loss surgery that went far, far wrong. I don't know if it was gastric bypass or lap band, but he pretty much has lost a year of his life to it.
Just wanted to mention that I work with a guy who just spent nearly a year in and out of the hospital after some kind of weight loss surgery that went far, far wrong. I don't know if it was gastric bypass or lap band, but he pretty much has lost a year of his life to it.

Surgery can be risky, it was most likely gastric, having a lapband installed carries the same risk as having your wisdom teeth out. Of course, it is internal. The same could be said of the 370 pound guy having a heart attack while trying to "work off" all that weight, and also...destroying his joints. The lapband lets you get down to weight where joint strain is less and people can exercise more.
Manny, look at what you listed as your average daily meals. Eggs and TWO ham sandwiches before bed? Coke with breakfast. I am struggling with the food addiction too, but you've got to recognize the bad stuff you are doing to your body. I was 180lbs when I got my 2nd dan, I could hook kick you in the head no problem, flying side kick over three chairs in a row. Now I'm 235lbs (down from a max of 250), can kick waist high, my hook kick is garbage, and flying side kick? I MIGHT be able to jump my kids tricycle, but I'm not willing to chance it. I'm doing better with portion control, but mostly I am not using my gym membership. I cut out down to diet cokes, drinking more water, stretching more, eating leaner meats and salads. I have almost zero back pain now. I can keep up with my in much better shape instructors sparring (except, oddly enough, my father, who beats the hell out of all of us). I don't like many juices, but I'm starting to drink them.

What really hit home for me was this past June when my schools head instructor pasted away at age 40 from a heart attack. He left 2 very young kids behind. I have a 3 and 1 year old. His wife came to me and told me I have to change and be healthy so my wife and kids don't go through what she is.

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