What's New at Nephrite's Citadel - Christmas Update

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Theres alot! :D


Keep at the Edge of the Border Lands
Where do you call home? (34 posts in last 30 days)
Greetings from Tom! (20 posts in last 30 days)
Through the Event Horizon (17 posts in last 30 days)
Hello (16 posts in last 30 days)
What Be This Here Place? (15 posts in last 30 days)
Greetings! from another SOL migrant (15 posts in last 30 days)
The arrival of Martok2112!! (15 posts in last 30 days)
Greetings to All (12 posts in last 30 days)
New Avatar Poll (12 posts in last 30 days)
Never fear for repcisg is here, thanks to Rowan! (11 posts in last 30 days)
Hello (8 posts in last 30 days)
What Book are you reading? (7 posts in last 30 days)
14th Colony Is Moving In (5 posts in last 30 days)
Dubs in the house! (1 posts in last 30 days)

Citadel Meeting Hall

The Last Person (1062 posts in last 30 days)
Answer A Question / Ask A Question (159 posts in last 30 days)
Say something about the person above you (150 posts in last 30 days) Word Association (144 posts in last 30 days)
The Last Word Becomes the First Word (90 posts in last 30 days)
Two Word Story (81 posts in last 30 days)
Letter Game (74 posts in last 30 days)
Remember When..... (59 posts in last 30 days)
Smilie suggestion thread (31 posts in last 30 days)
Christmas is coming (30 posts in last 30 days)
There are those who believe... (26 posts in last 30 days)
Thank You SilentBob/Kaith! (25 posts in last 30 days)
The Random Image Thread of Boredom (23 posts in last 30 days)
Who listens to what music? (20 posts in last 30 days)
Ship of Lights Folks (19 posts in last 30 days)

The Drunken Bard Tavern

Sex is good excersise...... (10 posts in last 30 days)
Choosing a wife... (7 posts in last 30 days)
Answering Machine Message (you'll never see) (5 posts in last 30 days) Santa, an engineers perspective (4 posts in last 30 days)
Why God Made Moms.. (4 posts in last 30 days)
My New Martial Art (4 posts in last 30 days)
You want me to do what!?!? (3 posts in last 30 days)
The Best Of Mr Bean (video) (3 posts in last 30 days)
Scrat: No Time For Nuts (3 posts in last 30 days)
The Massage Chair Prank (3 posts in last 30 days)
Selecting the right turkey (3 posts in last 30 days)
Taliban Singles Online (3 posts in last 30 days)
Korean Karate humor (3 posts in last 30 days)
Ultimate Bears Fan (2 posts in last 30 days)
The Idiot Report for 2006 (2 posts in last 30 days)

Port Royal
Domain Names Available for Sale (1 posts in last 30 days)
Super Dollfie/ Mini Super Dollfie Harry Potter Scarves (1 posts in last 30 days)

Worlds of the Far East

Anime General

Merry Christmas Gifts (5 posts in last 30 days)
Alchemist (3 posts in last 30 days)

Worlds of Tomorrow

Sci Fi General

Doctor Who Season 2 (15 posts in last 30 days)
Eragon Movie (11 posts in last 30 days)
Should Star Trek continue? (9 posts in last 30 days)
Sci Fi NewsWire: Radcliffe Wants Harry's Death (8 posts in last 30 days) Haha... (7 posts in last 30 days)
Sci Fi NewsWire: Harry Potter VII Gets A Title (7 posts in last 30 days) Third Stargate Series in Development (7 posts in last 30 days) Christopher Eccleston to become a Hero (6 posts in last 30 days)
Sci Fi NewsWire: Wood Backs Jackson For Hobbit (6 posts in last 30 days) Transformers Movie Trailer (6 posts in last 30 days)
Sci Fi NewsWire: Damon: I'd Play Kirk In Trek XI (4 posts in last 30 days) Sci Fi NewsWire: Torchwood Gets Second Season (4 posts in last 30 days)
Sci Fi NewsWire: Walk The Plank For Pirates 2 DVD (3 posts in last 30 days)
Sci Fi NewsWire: Gugino Is A Hot Vamp In Rise (3 posts in last 30 days) Sci Fi NewsWire: Heroes' Fuller Pushes Daisies (3 posts in last 30 days)

BattleStar Galactica
Welcome to Ship of Lights members! (62 posts in last 30 days)
Firepower Comparison TOS vs TNG (6 posts in last 30 days)
Theory on the lower ratings, (5 posts in last 30 days)
Episode 3 x 10 The Passage (3 posts in last 30 days)
Episode 3X10 - The Eye of Jupiter (3 posts in last 30 days)
TV Guide Scans may have Spoilers (1 posts in last 30 days)
Episode 3 x 10 The Passage (1 posts in last 30 days)

[TOS] Original 1978 Galactica

Cylon Programming (2 posts in last 30 days)
Battlestar Galactica: 14th Colony (1 posts in last 30 days)
The Exodus Series - by Russell Sanders (1 posts in last 30 days)

Signals from the Void

Culture Shock, Pt. 7 (2 posts in last 30 days)
Culture Shock, Pt. 5 (1 posts in last 30 days)
[Fanfic] The Birth of a Battlestar (1 posts in last 30 days)
Culture Shock, Pt. 6 (1 posts in last 30 days) [
Fanfic] The Flying Dutchman (1 posts in last 30 days)
“There's something you need to know…” (1 posts in last 30 days)
Culture Shock, Pt. 8 (1 posts in last 30 days)
My Word as a Warrior... (1 posts in last 30 days)
"Out of the mouths of babes..." (1 posts in last 30 days)
Culture Shock Pt. 1 (1 posts in last 30 days)
Culture Shock, Pt. 2 (1 posts in last 30 days)
Culture Shock, Pt. 3 (1 posts in last 30 days)
Culture Shock, Pt. 4 (1 posts in last 30 days)

Tech Levels

[Ship] BattleStar Galactica (1 posts in last 30 days)

[TNS] Galactica Reimagined

Tricia Helfer is going to be in Playboy! (21 posts in last 30 days)
Lee & Kara, Meant to Be, or Oil and Water? (17 posts in last 30 days)
BSG Interview (8 posts in last 30 days)
Eye of Jupiter *Spoilers* Things are BAD (4 posts in last 30 days)
Should Galactica find Earth? (3 posts in last 30 days)
!!!!VCR Alert!!!! (2 posts in last 30 days)
BSG TNS Weapons Tech (2 posts in last 30 days)
BSG earns WGA nod (1 posts in last 30 days)
BSG Music Video (1 posts in last 30 days)
help with BSG commercial (1 posts in last 30 days)
Ron Moore interview...Friday's ep SPOILERS!!!! (1 posts in last 30 days)
Jamie Interview (1 posts in last 30 days)

Cast and Characters

BSG Hotties (23 posts in last 30 days)
Kandyce McClure at the Leo Awards (2 posts in last 30 days)

Season 2 Episode Guide and Reviews
Question to all the Martial Arts folks and BSG watchers here (16 posts in last 30 days)
Battlestar Galactica Unfinished Business on Youtube (1 posts in last 30 days)

Worlds of Fantasy

Fantasy General

LOTR "Blooper" (7 posts in last 30 days)
AMERICAN CHOPPER Unveils "Dragonrider" Bike (5 posts in last 30 days)
Kiefer Sutherland Headlines Dragonlance Movie (4 posts in last 30 days)
Jackson Mulls Hobbit (3 posts in last 30 days)
"Lord of the Rings" Soundtracks (2 posts in last 30 days)

Worlds of Imagination and Chance

General Gaming

GMs wanted for UBCon XVIII! (1 posts in last 30 days)

Board Games

Star Fleet Battles (1 posts in last 30 days)

Pen and Paper RPG's

Ya know what I miss? (8 posts in last 30 days)
GMs wanted for UBCon XVIII (1 posts in last 30 days)

Electronic Gaming
Martok's Videogame reviews (24 posts in last 30 days)
The Elder Scrolls Next Chapter - Oblivion (9 posts in last 30 days)
Anyone Recognize these Three? (3 posts in last 30 days)
Review--Star Trek Legacy (3 posts in last 30 days)
Computer Gaming World, No More! (2 posts in last 30 days)
Neverwinter Nights Hack - D20 Modern (2 posts in last 30 days)
NeverWinter Nights 2 (1 posts in last 30 days)
"Gears of War"..the Best Game Ever? (1 posts in last 30 days)
Assassians Greed (1 posts in last 30 days)

Miniature Gaming

GMs wanted for UBCon XVIII! (1 posts in last 30 days)

Worlds of the Nightmare
Horror General

Forever Knight. (8 posts in last 30 days)
Ghost Rider (3 posts in last 30 days)
Dark Shadows (3 posts in last 30 days)
Van Helsing Movie Due (2 posts in last 30 days)

Temple of the Arts

Comics General

Question on X-Men comics (8 posts in last 30 days)

The Meeting Hall

Con General

Twas the night before..... (4 posts in last 30 days)
A show for you Firefly fans (1 posts in last 30 days)

The ***** Panel

Whats a fair price for a con and it's extras? (1 posts in last 30 days)

Technics Guild


FTTH Now Cheaper Than Cable Broadband, Too Bad Nobody Can Get It (4 posts in last 30 days)
Barbera passes on (4 posts in last 30 days)
Paid TV online? (1 posts in last 30 days)
Mozilla Firefox assist needed... (1 posts in last 30 days)
Publish Your Books and Music Online.... (1 posts in last 30 days)
PC World Product Reviews: November Issue (1 posts in last 30 days)
10 good Unix habits (1 posts in last 30 days)
Don't Drink The water (1 posts in last 30 days)

OS General

WGA Removal Tool (2 posts in last 30 days)

Web Site Development, Hosting and Promotion

What's in a website? (1 posts in last 30 days)


Browser Wars: Bill Gates, Sir Tim, and You (1 posts in last 30 days)
Google's Hidden Features (1 posts in last 30 days)


How To Spot Insider-Attack Risks In The IT Department (1 posts in last 30 days)


Question on DSL. (18 posts in last 30 days)
Network Your Home through your electric outlets (3 posts in last 30 days)
Bomb Disposal Teams Deliver Blunt Talk on Robots (1 posts in last 30 days)
The Arena

Pro Wrestling

Heyman gone! (6 posts in last 30 days)

Realms Of Arcanea

The Desert of The Real

WrensNest: EPA: Leaded Gas May Return, Along With Lower Standards (24 posts in last 30 days)
Iraq Study Group report (17 posts in last 30 days)
WrensNest: Va. Congressman Fears Election Of 'Many More Muslims' (13 posts in last 30 days)
Murder in Kilmarnock. (10 posts in last 30 days)
WrensNest: Update: Official Recommends Keeping Potter Books On Shelves (7 posts in last 30 days)
This is werid: (7 posts in last 30 days)
WrensNest: UNICEF: Gender Bias 'Increases Poverty' (7 posts in last 30 days)
Group Seeks Probe into Evangelical Military Video (6 posts in last 30 days)
WrensNest: Happy Holidays Raises Hackles (6 posts in last 30 days)
WrensNest: Subdivision Bans Christmas Wreath With Peace Sign (5 posts in last 30 days)
WrensNest: The Mystery Of The Three Hares (4 posts in last 30 days)
WrensNest: Harry Potter And The Ministry Of Fire (4 posts in last 30 days)
Serial Killer loose in England. (4 posts in last 30 days)
Saddam's nephew escapes prison. (4 posts in last 30 days)
WrensNest: Faith Groups Urge Cuts To Aids Fund (3 posts in last 30 days)
The Never Ending Story
(Sailor Moon / Animaniacs) Sailor Toon (1 posts in last 30 days)

Photography & Modeling

General industry discussion

Studios, Open your own, or rent time at someone elses? (4 posts in last 30 days)
Studio or Outdoors? (3 posts in last 30 days)


Test- I'll try and post a few pics. (8 posts in last 30 days)
Trains.....yes, trains! (7 posts in last 30 days)
Photography Talk

What gear do you use? (3 posts in last 30 days)
I'll be sure to pop over. (I usually make it over to the Citadel a couple times a week. :))

Latest Discussions
