As a scientist, I have to say (again!) that it is simply not the place of science to prove or disprove a being who exists before, during,after and outside of the constraints of space/time.
As a religious person, I have to say (again!) that it is not the place of religion to conform to scientific law.
The two are, for the present time and foreseeable future, almost entirely exclusive.
I am neither a scientist or a religious person and I have to say that the scientific method is the best method I have uncovered at understanding truth to date.
To say that it is not the place of the scientific method to uncover the truth about a being that is omnipotent is ridiculous.
I'm sorry but who has the right to say that we don't have the right to sanely apply reason to understand anything is employing a cop out to uncovering the truth.
I'm not saying that we cannot be limited in our understanding, we clearly are.
What I am saying is that reason is what seperates us from animals and that anyone who claims we shouldn't apply reason to attempt to understand anything is threatening to bring us to the level of animals or even worse still as religion has many times proven.
Again, who has the right to say it isn't the place to apply reason to attempt to uncover the truth and understand anything?
No one should have that right lest we be thrown back to the dark ages.
Again I'm not telling you what to believe only that you have no right to say what is science's "place".
"Militant atheism?"
I've yet to see anyone kill people in the name of atheism.
How many have we seen who have killed in the name of God?
This is a very valid criticism of religion.
Religions tend to espouse tribal thinking, this wouldn't be as bad if they didn't also espouse that their tribe is the one holding a monopoly on the truth, something that is very dangerous.
Atheism has been accused of the same thing, that is believing that they hold a monopoly on the truth, the problem with this is that they are at least espousing that we reach that truth through rational means.
I will always side with reason over fanaticism which everyone knows comes from emotions and not rational thinking.
I'll leave you with two quick quotes.
I believe the first one is by Voltaire,
Voltaire said, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
Reason is nothing less than the guardian of love." - Sam Harris
I thank everyone for keeping the discussion civil and for taking part.