Opinion: How Far Is "Too" far?

Kirk, didn't you have to walk like 10 miles in the snow, uphill both ways, just to get to school? While ninjas and MMA fighters lurked in ambush?
...against the wind (both ways), carrying my brother on my back. We didn't have shoes either. We used barbed wire to wrap our feet and we were THANKFUL for the barbed wire!

One day I said to my wife, "no need to reinvent the wheel" and she answered, "I figured you were around then."

Peace favor your sword,
We had to grow up wearing barbed wire underpants, it was either that or stinging nettle
I used to travel 45miles 4 times a week to a Kick boxing club whilst I was living in Lincoln and because the quality of instruction was very good thought it was well worth it.

However, as I have traveled a lot with the RAF I have almost always traveled either long times or distances to train. Also when I was in France I used to drive 40mins to get to the kick boxing training there 3 times a week, and also I would start work early on night shifts as the training hall was 5 mins from the FAL (where I worked) so I didn't bother going home. Again, mainly because the training was of a very high standard.

Also, now I travel 10 minutes to where I teach (I think a reasonable time) and over 20 to the classes I train at.

I think it is really a personal choice, but if the training is good and you are enjoying it and getting a lot out of it, then any travel time is worth it. :)
I personally like the long travel time. Im by myself and can think about what I was taught I can go over things in my head with out "daddy". "Daddy". Or "honey I can't reach this or open that". So I can play out entire Kara sequences in my head to help remember them better.
Is it worth it? Only you can answer that on how important it is to you. I drove over an hour to class when I was in college because it was worth it, TO ME. I have also spoken with people who wanted to learn an art so badly that they moved to be where they could learn it. It was worth it, TO THEM.

Sometimes I think that with a little sacrifice involved it becomes more worth it to you and you appreciate it more.
I live in the boonies, so we used to travel 20 minutes to/from class. After the kids' class which my son is in was the adult class. My son would either ride home with a neighbor or my husband would come pick him up. He'd be home by 8:30, enough time to shower and be in bed by 9 (he's only 10). I'd get home around 10 and not to bed until close to 11. Since I get up at 5 for working out, it made mornings after a little tough.

Now we have to travel 50 minutes to his class and an hour to mine (have to do them on different nights now since it would be dumb to take two cars that far and no neighbors were willing to travel when the class got moved). Good thing is his new class starts earlier so he is still home by 8:30. Not so for me, but I have decided to skip the morning workouts the day after class.

So 20 minutes is certainly not too far to travel.
I just want to point out my first teaching instruction and how much I had to do per class, to compare to your (short, painless and fire-lacking) drive. Before we were graced with the honor of getting a lesson, we had to successfully defeat 5 men in H2H combat to the death (if both sides approved we could use a cold wet fish as a weapon, but we generally abstained). Only then was I allowed to cross the bridge of fire that leads to the mountain I had to climb to hear his wise words of wisdom from the top. Mind you, I was 5 when I did this..guess I knew my priorities pretty early on in life.
I found a pure Tang Soo Do Mu Du Kwan school. It is the school that both of the masters from my old school trained at and they also received their black belts from the grandmaster there.

***On a side note, I sensed that this grandmaster was "disrespected" by my former instructors. I had no idea he knew them, but when I mentioned who my former instructors were, he mentioned them by their first names and nodded and then gave a wicked grin. Then he said, "some people, think they get black belt and can run own school and forget about where they come from in order to make money. Anyone can get instructor belt and say they are a master." (The grandmaster's first language is Korean, being that he is from there. I am not making fun of him, just quoting him)***

I figured I would drop it there.

But he extended his very strong opinion how Tang Soo Do has become "commercialized". He is against tournaments because he states that Tang Soo Do is an art and a system of self defense, not a sport where you go out and win trophies.

Anyway, to the point:
His school is about 20-22minutes away from my house (8 1/2 miles). How far do you all think is too far to travel to train in an art? My previous school was less than 3 miles away and I could get there in 8 minutes.
The real "kicker" here is that this school is basically 5 minutes from where I work, but I get done work at 5pm and his classes do not start until 7pm. So I will be driving home and get home at 5:30 and then have to head back towards that area at 6:30.

What do you think?

How far is too far? I guess that depends on the person who has to travel. Some may think that 30min is too far...others may be fine with that. I used to travel a bit over 30min to train, but at the time, my work schedule didn't allow me to attend many classes, so I was going once, maybe twice a week. While I enjoyed the classes, it wasn't productive to my learning due to the reasons listed.

Right now, I'm fortunate. 2 of my main instructors are within walking distance of where I live. Driving, I can easily make it in under 10 min, if that.
His school is about 20-22minutes away from my house (8 1/2 miles). How far do you all think is too far to travel to train in an art? My previous school was less than 3 miles away and I could get there in 8 minutes.
The real "kicker" here is that this school is basically 5 minutes from where I work, but I get done work at 5pm and his classes do not start until 7pm. So I will be driving home and get home at 5:30 and then have to head back towards that area at 6:30.

What do you think?
It's your option. If you think the training is worth it, you'll make the time.

I started in TKD while on an overseas contract. When I came back, the nearest school in my style was 51 miles from my house. I made class a minimum of three days a week. YMMV.
I personally like the long travel time. Im by myself and can think about what I was taught

I'm with you. A little time lets me prepare myself beforehand and retain things afterward. I used to walk by myself to and from Judo even when offered rides for just this reason.
I'm with you. A little time lets me prepare myself beforehand and retain things afterward. I used to walk by myself to and from Judo even when offered rides for just this reason.

I get this during the 55 mile drive to and from work. I agree it's certainly a good thing.
My drive is 30 min, so I'd say 20-25 is reasonable for sure....if you like the school. 20 minutes for somewhere you don't want to be won't ever be worth the drive. That said, the turn around of heading home after work to go straight back is a bit annoying, but personally, I'm always happy to do that if it's what I need to do to get to class.
His school is about 20-22minutes away from my house (8 1/2 miles). How far do you all think is too far to travel to train in an art?
When I started with the ATA, I was overseas doing contract work in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. When the contract finished, I came back home, which at that time was in Angleton, TX. The nearest ATA school to me was 51.3 miles and I made class at least three times a week.

Funny how things change. I now own that school and am the chief instructor, and I live about three blocks from it. :)
I found a pure Tang Soo Do Mu Du Kwan school. It is the school that both of the masters from my old school trained at and they also received their black belts from the grandmaster there.

***On a side note, I sensed that this grandmaster was "disrespected" by my former instructors. I had no idea he knew them, but when I mentioned who my former instructors were, he mentioned them by their first names and nodded and then gave a wicked grin. Then he said, "some people, think they get black belt and can run own school and forget about where they come from in order to make money. Anyone can get instructor belt and say they are a master." (The grandmaster's first language is Korean, being that he is from there. I am not making fun of him, just quoting him)***

I figured I would drop it there.

But he extended his very strong opinion how Tang Soo Do has become "commercialized". He is against tournaments because he states that Tang Soo Do is an art and a system of self defense, not a sport where you go out and win trophies.

Anyway, to the point:
His school is about 20-22minutes away from my house (8 1/2 miles). How far do you all think is too far to travel to train in an art? My previous school was less than 3 miles away and I could get there in 8 minutes.
The real "kicker" here is that this school is basically 5 minutes from where I work, but I get done work at 5pm and his classes do not start until 7pm. So I will be driving home and get home at 5:30 and then have to head back towards that area at 6:30.

What do you think?

Amen, I wish I could take this class with you.
...I drive two and a half hours one way to see my teacher.

I'd be grateful if he were only an hour away.