Master of Arts
Well here is the statement from US Soo Bahk Do / Moo Duk Kwan.
They were suing Eric Kovaleski, Robert Kovaleski and their corporations over the Goldfist And Laurals Logo, and the name Moo Duk Kwan which were granted registered trademark status to the US SBD_MDK a while back.
(Robert Kovaleski founded the International Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation)
Words in BOLD are mine.
August 17, 2015
It is with great happiness that we deliver the attached court documents rendering the decision on August 17,2015 for the Federation’s most recent defense of our trademarks and identity.
The Federal Court’s decision confirms that members of the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® are the sole heirs to Hwang Kee’s Moo Duk Kwan® legacy in the USA. This successful action also confirms that members are fulfilling the Federation’s chartered purposes and pursuing realizing the Founder’s vision in the United States.
This outcome is the culmination of the efforts of many Moo Duk Kwan® alumni and supporters going back to our founding and involving members too numerous to thank here.
We all now have the opportunity to digest the information in the attached documents and use it to further the art of our Founder!
In Moo Do,
Keith Wildonger
Board Chairman 2014-2015
During an interview a while back Robert Kovaleski had some things to say about how the MDK broke up.
GR: How many different ways were there to go?
Robert Kovaleski: Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan split into 3 different (MAIN) organizations. There was Grandmaster Hwang Kee (US. Soo Bahk Do Federation),
Jae Chul Shin (World Tang Soo Do Association) and
CS Kim (International Tang Soo Do Federation) at the time.
My teacher followed Grandmaster JC Shin, because he was very close to him at the time. Master Trojanowicz was majorly responsible for sponsoring master Shin to come to the US.
GR: Mr. Shin was from Korea?
Robert Kovaleski: Yes, he now has the World Tang Soo Do Organization.
GR: Do you want to speculate or tell me what you know about the breakup?
Robert Kovaleski: I don’t think I should get involved in that, to stir up bad things. We should just let that go because right now I’m involved in a federal court case with HC Hwang (son of Gm Hwang Kee).
[Which He just lost, to HC Hwang, on the 17th of this month]
Robert Kovaleski: HC Hwang didn’t respect his seniors- Let’s just say that!
So... my school that I earned my Dan Rank in was a Moo Duk Kwan General Federation / International Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Association outfit... we had the Gold Fist Logo... if the doors were still open at that location, we would have to lose our identity with regard to our patches, logo and name.
I want to spit, I am so mad at HC Hwang. I wish I could call him out into a duel and spank the stuffing out of the impudent brat. He totally disrepected his seniors, and his Father. He argued his father out of the decision Kee had already made.
There were too many who had superior Dan Bon numbers, and better leadership skills, teaching skills, organizational skills... and the individual who was selected was NOT HC. Hwang Kee gave his blessing to another to lead when He was to step down from the leading of the MDK.
Disobedient Son. Such dishonor. I see nothing worthy of emulation in this leader. And I wanna knock the snot out of him.
The old TSD-MDK curriculum is not taught at official MDK schools, only SBD curriculum.
Its like folks are rewriting history, and editing out the little guys.
We are Moo Duk Kwan... no amount of lawyers and judges changes that.
Like we were never of Hwang Kee's Lineage, and HIS Moo Duk Kwan. "Chuck Norris" & "Robert Cheezic". Floyd Guidry didn't learn Soo Bahk Do. At Osan Air Force Base, He learned Tang Soo Do.
The Official MDK line from Hwang HC is that TSD is not SBD. Which is also what this old photo shows.
These US G.I.s who learned the art, and came back and planted Tang Soo Do schools are now being divorced from the historical and real Tang Soo Do - Moo Duk Kwan name... and being forced to either become Soo Bahk Do schools to rejoin the MDK (and start sending money to Hwang HC's fat wallet) or remain anonymous and uprooted.
They were suing Eric Kovaleski, Robert Kovaleski and their corporations over the Goldfist And Laurals Logo, and the name Moo Duk Kwan which were granted registered trademark status to the US SBD_MDK a while back.
(Robert Kovaleski founded the International Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation)
Words in BOLD are mine.
August 17, 2015
It is with great happiness that we deliver the attached court documents rendering the decision on August 17,2015 for the Federation’s most recent defense of our trademarks and identity.
The Federal Court’s decision confirms that members of the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® are the sole heirs to Hwang Kee’s Moo Duk Kwan® legacy in the USA. This successful action also confirms that members are fulfilling the Federation’s chartered purposes and pursuing realizing the Founder’s vision in the United States.
This outcome is the culmination of the efforts of many Moo Duk Kwan® alumni and supporters going back to our founding and involving members too numerous to thank here.
We all now have the opportunity to digest the information in the attached documents and use it to further the art of our Founder!
In Moo Do,
Keith Wildonger
Board Chairman 2014-2015
During an interview a while back Robert Kovaleski had some things to say about how the MDK broke up.
GR: How many different ways were there to go?
Robert Kovaleski: Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan split into 3 different (MAIN) organizations. There was Grandmaster Hwang Kee (US. Soo Bahk Do Federation),
Jae Chul Shin (World Tang Soo Do Association) and
CS Kim (International Tang Soo Do Federation) at the time.
My teacher followed Grandmaster JC Shin, because he was very close to him at the time. Master Trojanowicz was majorly responsible for sponsoring master Shin to come to the US.
GR: Mr. Shin was from Korea?
Robert Kovaleski: Yes, he now has the World Tang Soo Do Organization.
GR: Do you want to speculate or tell me what you know about the breakup?
Robert Kovaleski: I don’t think I should get involved in that, to stir up bad things. We should just let that go because right now I’m involved in a federal court case with HC Hwang (son of Gm Hwang Kee).
[Which He just lost, to HC Hwang, on the 17th of this month]
Robert Kovaleski: HC Hwang didn’t respect his seniors- Let’s just say that!
So... my school that I earned my Dan Rank in was a Moo Duk Kwan General Federation / International Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Association outfit... we had the Gold Fist Logo... if the doors were still open at that location, we would have to lose our identity with regard to our patches, logo and name.
I want to spit, I am so mad at HC Hwang. I wish I could call him out into a duel and spank the stuffing out of the impudent brat. He totally disrepected his seniors, and his Father. He argued his father out of the decision Kee had already made.
There were too many who had superior Dan Bon numbers, and better leadership skills, teaching skills, organizational skills... and the individual who was selected was NOT HC. Hwang Kee gave his blessing to another to lead when He was to step down from the leading of the MDK.
Disobedient Son. Such dishonor. I see nothing worthy of emulation in this leader. And I wanna knock the snot out of him.
The old TSD-MDK curriculum is not taught at official MDK schools, only SBD curriculum.
Its like folks are rewriting history, and editing out the little guys.
We are Moo Duk Kwan... no amount of lawyers and judges changes that.
Like we were never of Hwang Kee's Lineage, and HIS Moo Duk Kwan. "Chuck Norris" & "Robert Cheezic". Floyd Guidry didn't learn Soo Bahk Do. At Osan Air Force Base, He learned Tang Soo Do.
The Official MDK line from Hwang HC is that TSD is not SBD. Which is also what this old photo shows.
These US G.I.s who learned the art, and came back and planted Tang Soo Do schools are now being divorced from the historical and real Tang Soo Do - Moo Duk Kwan name... and being forced to either become Soo Bahk Do schools to rejoin the MDK (and start sending money to Hwang HC's fat wallet) or remain anonymous and uprooted.
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