Only God can Save Us From Obama!

I try hard not to live in the past. That's why I have an energy efficient fridge, not an ice box, use an HE washer not a washboard, and rock a iMac not a VIC20. I try not to hate. I understand how powerful hate is, and how corrosive it is.
Bob, if a TRUE CHRISTIAN is to follow both the OldTestament and the New Testament God if very clear about behavior and conduct.Slaves are to be obedient and caring for their masters and if free people areto serve and pray for their leaders because God for whatever purpose has placedeither the master or the ruling government over them for a reason. So the sameGod they were praying to save them from Obama is the same one that elected himtwice.

They forget the primary ethos of Christian prayer (NOT MY WILL BUT THY WILL BEDONE) this was the main motivation on Romney saying he and Ann would Earnestlypray for Obama to lead the country well.

So all the name calling hate saying they want to revolt against the governmentmove to Canada is sin of pride and being willful. I have more respect forpeople who put on a white sheet and burn a cross for being honest than thosewho carry their bible or check book and say inside I hate having a black manrunning this country.

Thank God he was reelected but I would have had to suck it up if Romney wouldhave won. The worst thing if he lost would have been for the racist whitesection to say well we aren't racist we elected a black man ONCE! But hecouldn't handle it we had to replace him with a white guy who really knew howto handle business?

Some people only wipe with their left hand and eat with theirright and some it just does not matter if it suits their purpose?

I heard a story a while back. It was about the late Modern Arnis GM Remy Presas who after a seminar where he showed some new material was asked why he had never shown it before. His response was "Because you were not ready".

This planet is old. Humans have been wandering it's surface for thousands of years. Christianity is about 2,000 years old. There were a lot of other religions before then, and many many more since. As times change, faith changes. It has to. We know that lightning isn't and Angry God, and that thunder really isn't angels bowling.

1,000 years ago, we didn't have the internet, computers, or Dr. Who. We weren't ready. 500 years ago we didn't have ipods, digital cameras, electric cars or LED bulbs. We weren't ready. 200 years ago we thought skin color denoted intelligence, women didn't vote, and Christmas was a pagan event we ignored. We weren't ready.

Maybe we are now though. When I see not 1, not 2, but several supposedly God Fearing people, claiming to know what God wants, go out and tell everyone what they think God wants, then lose an election, lose a job, get hit by a bus, or hit by a rabid squirrels flaming nuts.... I start to have serious doubts that they have any clue what God currently wants.

We mock ren-faire and SCA folks for wanting to live in the past, back before anti-biotics, soap and literacy. So why do we then turn around and insist that we comply with a 2,000+ year old Jewish hygiene code? Why would we think that a God, who has shown an obvious hacker bent, who loves diversity, loves tinkering with things, loves variety and variation, would keep the same rule book forever?

Maybe, just maybe, the answer IS blowing in the wind, and we're too stubborn, too afraid, to pay attention.

Maybe there isn't any god either, and it is just hot wind.

But I sure don't wash my back with a metal scraper and olive oil any more, why would I ever hate based on yesterdays ideas?

Ok, pass the Captain around, there's enough for everyone!

To be honest I can't see why some non Jews actually want to copy us in anything. Can't they find their own thing to do as millions of others do? The 'Jewish' stuff is meant for, deisgned for and practise dby Jews why do people insist on nicking then distorting it? Can't they pick on someone else like the Hindus perhaps, or the Zorastrians they both have very nice religions. I'd say pagans but they've nicked stuff off them as well. Imitation is far from the sincerest form of flattery in this case, Judaism despite what some may think isn't stuck in the past it's very much in the present with laws etc being discussed and made to suit modern life. We, the Jews, keep our side of a contract we made with G-d ( some hard bargaining on boths sides btw) we keep it because it is a contract and we keep it out of choice, those that don't want to keep it don't. I don't know why others jump on a bandwagon that is not playing any tune for them.
Rant over for today. Bob don't give up on the olive oil btw the Romans did know a thing or two and that's it's good for you in so many ways is one of them!

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