I had offered MA online course before. Each month a set of video and text information will be given. The 1st month includes 5 video instructions. Student has to record their video and send back to me. I then comment through E-mail.
This is 1 of the 5 video that student will receive for their 1st month course.
These videos are what student sent to me for comment.
Beside 5 videos, the following are the 1st month text material.
Combat Shuai-Chiao Warm Up
1) Kick Leg Back
Try to kick your leg backwards from the knee joint, so the heel of your foot will extend and touch your hip. The purpose of this kick is to develop a natural bending of the leg to escape a leg sweep or low round house kick.
2) Kick Leg Sideways
Try to kick your leg up sideways toward the groin, so the bottom of your foot touches your outstretched hand. The purpose of this movement is to develop a natural bending of the leg inward to escape a leg sweep, front cut, outer hook ...etc.
3) Bow-Arrow Stance
Turn you front foot 45 degree outward. Maintaining the back leg straight, your back foot turns 45 degrees inward. While keeping your body in a straight line, try to touch your shoulder to the opposite knee. The purpose of this movement is to stretch your leg muscles, build up correct body structure, and to achieve maximum twist.
Equipment Training
1. Brick Training
While holding the training bricks, repeat any of the martial arts movements in slow motion. Always keep the elbows and knees bent slightly to avoid overextension.
2. Tree kicking
1) Find a tree about your leg size, or sink a PVC pipe in the ground.
2) Move your back leg behind your front leg.
3) Shift your weight to your back leg and use the ball of your front foot to kick on the tree.
This may be the most important training in the Chinese martial art. You will get the most reward for the investment of your training. Both of your offense and defense ability will heavily depend on this.
3. Pole Hanging
1) Find a round metal pole, for instance such as those used for some street signs, or sink a metal fence pole in the ground but allow it to be taller than your head. The best pole for this exercise is actually a small pine tree with soft bark.
2) Wrap your leg around the pole.
3) Try to make the back of your knee wrap as close to the pole as possible.
4) Wrap your arm around the pole in a head lock position.
5) Hold the other hand on your wrist.
6) Raise your standing foot off the ground, allowing your arm and leg to carry your body weight.
When you train this exercise, you start with 10 breath count (inhale and exhale). You then progress to 20, 30, 40, 50… Take your time and try to enjoy the training. After a period of time, work toward releasing the wrist holding arm, transferring the weight to the twisting leg. The next step after being able to hang comfortably on one leg and one arm, try to hope on the pole rapidly. The goal is to be able to reach the pole hanging position in an instant with a burst of energy rather than slowly positioning yourself.
13 Posture training
1. 李奎磨斧 (Li Kui Mo Fu) Li Kui sharpens the axe
1) Stand in a bow-arrow stance.
2) Put both of your palms in front of your chest and facing up.
3) Push both palms out with finger-tips touching and palms facing downward, and ending at 45 degrees.
4) Turn the hands palm upward with Tiger Mouth (curved space between thumb and index finger) open; pull back both arms to touch your chest.
Repeat this exercise with training bricks held in both hands.
2. 三平 (San Ping) Three plains
1) With both feet in close stance and knees bent, lower your upper body until your upper legs is parallel to the ground.
2) Extend arms forward also parallel to the ground, curving hands into hooks with five fingers in Plum Flower pattern and facing downward.
Repeat this exercise with training bricks held in each hand. While holding the bricks, rotate your hands clock-wise and counter clock-wise.
24 Solo drill Training
1. 踢Forward kick (TI)
Both X and Y have right side forward (Uniform Stance).
1) X moves left leg behind the right leg and uses the ball of the right foot to kick at Y’s right front knee.
2) X lands right leg in front of Y’s right leg, and uses right back fist toward Y’s head to force Y to block.
3) X uses left hand to control Y’s right elbow as Y is blocking. X then uses the right hand to control Y’s right wrist. At the same time, X steps in left leg 45 degree in front of Y’s right leg.
4) X pulls Y’s right arm to force Y to put more weight on his leading leg, X then sweeps Y’s right ankle, using the front part of his left ankle with the foot pointing the same direction as Y’s right foot. When Y’s right foot is moved on the ground, X uses left hand to pull Y’s right shoulder to throw Y downward.
This is a combination of “Foot Landing Kick” and “Shoulder Pulling Kick”. The concept is to sweep your opponent’s foot when his weight shifts. If you can move his foot forward faster than the rest part of his body, his upper body will lean back. If you add a shoulder pull at that moment, you can throw him.
Key points
1) Keep knee bending slightly before kick.
2) Shoulder pulling should be done a bit later than the kick.
3) Don’t let your kick to affect your upper body balance.
2. čą©Block (BIE)
Both X and Y have right side forward (Uniform Stance).
1) X moves left leg behind the right leg and use the ball of the right foot to kick at Y’s right front knee.
2) X lands right leg in front of Y’s right leg, and moves both arms upward to separate Y’s arms from inside out.
3) X uses left arm to wrap on Y’s right arm and grip the elbow, and uses right arm to hook punch behind Y’s head. X then uses right arm to lock Y’s neck while dropping into a low horse stance leaning body slightly forward.
4) X moves the right leg outside of Y’s right leg and trapping that leg with his calf by raising the heel of the foot off the ground and keeps the right knee bending.
5) X straights the right leg to spring Y’s right leg while twisting Y’s head downward in front of X’s chest.
6) X sacrifices his own balance and uses gravity to pull Y and throw him. X then regains his balance.
Key Points
1) Put your opponent’s head in front of your chest with your elbow pointing to the ground.